2023 Dog Bite Fatality: 63-Year Old Man Dies 2 Months After Pit Bull Attack in West Philadelphia

West Philadelphia pit bull attack - Antonio Shaw
Antonio Shaw, 63, died two months after being attacked by pit bulls in West Philadelphia.

Man Dies of Injuries
Philadelphia, PA - A 63-year old man that was attacked by pit bulls in October has died of his injuries. Antonio Shaw died on December 4 while hospitalized at Lankenau Hospital. The attack occurred on October 4 when Shaw mistakenly went into the wrong yard in the 1500 block of North 62nd Street where five pit bulls were kept. Two of the pit bulls attacked him, police said. Shaw couldn't scream for help because he was nonverbal due to a series of strokes. A neighbor saw the attack and called 911.

Police shot both attacking pit bulls at the scene, killing one. Shaw was transported to Lankenau Hospital in critical condition. Antonio's sister, Michelle Shaw, said that doctors had to amputate one of his legs. "He had a surgery done. He had to get his leg amputated because of the dog bites and the infections in his body from the dog bites." Shaw was also battling other health conditions. His other sister, Sharese Jackson, said that "he was hanging in there, but it just turned for the worse."

NBC Philadelphia reported in October that the attack started just before 1:30 pm on North 62nd Street, but ended one street over on Robinson Street. The row homes on both streets are connected by backyards behind. Apparently, Shaw was disoriented at the time. He walked through an alleyway and opened the gate to the wrong backyard. The dogs attacked him on site, as soon as he opened the gate. The homeowner and owner of the pit bulls was not present when the dogs attacked.

In a fundraiser organized by Jackson, she states: "My Brother was in the hospital since October the 4th 2023 he was attacked by 5 pit Bulls that caused him to have serious surgery with one leg being Amputated my brother had 2 strokes before his attack by 5 pit bull dogs. He tried to hang in there but his body was too weak so God called him home on Monday 12/4/2023." The family is asking for help to pay for his funeral service on December 15, "so we can have a proper home going for my brother."

West Philadelphia pit bull attack - Antonio Shaw

Row houses with connected backyards where the pit bull attack occurred in West Philadelphia.

map iconView the DogsBite.org Google State Map: Pennsylvania Fatal Pit Bull Attacks.

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11/24/17: Man Dies in North Philadelphia After Being Attacked by Four Pit Bulls on Thanksgiving Day

Baseline reporting requirements:
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.

2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Elderly Woman, 89, Killed by Family Pit Bull in Cass County, Indiana

Cass County pit bull kills elderly owner
Beverly Hayden, 89, was killed by a family pit bull in Cass County, Indiana.

Sheriff's Press Release
Cass County, IN - An 89-year old woman is dead after being mauled by her own pit bull, according to the Cass County Sheriff's Office. Deputies were dispatched to the south 200 block of County Road 400 West at about 5:49 am for a report of a woman attacked by her own dog. Arriving responders found the woman in the living room of her residence. She was pronounced dead at the scene by Cass County Coroner George Franklin. She was identified as 89-year old Beverly Hayden of Logansport.

A family member was present at the time but could not stop the attack. Her 100 pound pit bull fled the residence after the attack. "The dog is described as a one-hundred-pound black pit bull with a white chest," states the Cass County Sheriff's Office press release. "The dog was not wearing a collar. A large-scale search, which include a Logansport Police Drone was conducted around the area to locate the dog to no avail." Authorities remind the public to "not approach the animal on your own."

Death Under Investigation by Cass County Authorities

First responders were called to the south 200 block of County Road 400 West in Cass County at approximately 5:49 am on December 6 for an elderly female that had been attacked by her dog. Arriving units located an 89-year-old female in the living room of her residence. The female was pronounced deceased at the scene by Cass County Coroner George Franklin.

Investigators found Beverly Hayden had been attacked in her living room by her one-hundred-pound pit bull dog. A family member was present but unable to prohibit the attack. After the attack, the dog escaped the residence and is still loose in the area. The dog is described as a one-hundred-pound black pit bull with a white chest. The dog was not wearing a collar. A large-scale search which include a Logansport Police Drone was conducted around the area to locate the dog to no avail.

Agencies assisting the Cass County Sheriff's Office were the Logansport Police Department, Cass County Animal Control, Cass County EMS and the Cass County Coroner's Office.

The next of kin have been notified.

This is an on-going investigation and no foul play is suspected. If anyone locates the dog, they are asked to immediately call 911 to report the animal so that animal control can respond to capture the dog. Please do not approach the animal on your own. - Sheriff Ed Schroder, December 6, 2023

WRTV initially published a photograph of the dog, "Oden," then removed it. The photo was originally shared by Kylie Hayden. Several hours ago, she updated the post to say, "DOG FOUND! Thank you to everyone for the prayers and help! Update: comments are turned off due to one-sided opinions. Please respect our family as we mourn and try to take care of our family." Thus, after a family pit bull killed her relative, family members are not interested in hearing about the pros or cons of pit bulls as pets.

Cass County pit bull kills elderly owner, press release

The Cass County Sheriff's Office issued a press release after a pit bull killed a family member.

Cass County pit bull kills elderly owner

Typical responses after a family pit bulls kills a family member. Ron Hayden - "Too all the people who dont know their ass from a hole in the ground This is the killer dog they dont know and shouldnt run their pie hole about." Travis Hayden - "he was a lover not a killer if you don’t know the story of what happened then mind your own business they loved each other dearly."

map iconView the DogsBite.org Google State Map: Indiana Fatal Pit Bull Attacks.

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11/19/21: 2021 Dog Bite Fatality: Grandmother Killed by Family Pit Bull in Matthews, Indiana
07/01/20: 2020 Dog Bite Fatality: Pit Bull Attacks, Kills Owner in Jeffersonville, Indiana

Baseline reporting requirements:
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.

2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Woman, 67, Killed by Pack of American Bulldog-Mixes in Suwannee County, Florida

Suwannee county dog attack
A woman was killed by four American bulldog-mixes in Suwannee County in July.

Paywall Article
Live Oak, FL - In July, the Lake City Reporter published a paywall article about a 67-year old woman, who was killed by four dogs while looking for her grandson. The attack occurred in the 12000 block of 233rd Road in Live Oak, according to the Suwannee County Sheriff's Office. The victim, whose identity was not released, was unfamiliar with the dogs. "She got out looking for him and the dogs just attacked her for whatever reason, other than her being a stranger," Sheriff Sam St. John said.

The victim's body was discovered at approximately 4:30 pm, according to records we obtained from the Suwannee County Sheriff's Office in November. The site had several campers on it that people lived in. Her grandson stayed there from "time to time," St. John said. When the victim arrived at the site, her grandson was not present, nor was anyone who could control the dogs, described as American bulldog-mixes. No previous complaints about the dogs had been received, St. John said.

Investigators, one wearing an Axon body-worn camera, walked the suspected path the victim had taken after exiting her vehicle at the site. They observed "a pink ripped-up shirt with blood on the ground", a "pair of flip-flops on the ground," the keys to the car, and more. It is believed the victim went to the residence to find her grandson or someone who knew where he was. "It is suspected that as she exited the car, the dogs came out and attacked" the victim, states the incident report.

A Beware of Dogs sign was observed on the front gate of the site. Suwannee County Animal Control arrived and took custody of the four dogs. "Gypsy, Cane, Bo boy and Elzie" were surrendered by their owners, according to animal control records, and euthanized at the animal shelter on July 20. The 67-year old woman's cause of death is "exsanguination due to multiple dog bites and the manner of death is accident," according to an incident report from the Suwannee County Sheriff's Office.

The kennel cards for each dog were supplied in our records request, but each lacked an identification photograph. We were able to locate one of the dogs, "Gypsy," an adult female on the owner's Facebook page. The other three dogs were listed as "juveniles," which is between 6-months to 1 year old, according to researchers. Gypsy has a history of producing litters, according to social media posts by her owners. An October 2019 litter, apparently, paired Gypsy with a relative's blue pit bull.

Suwannee County dog attack

Gypsy, an American bulldog-mix, is one of the four dogs involved in the fatal dog mauling.

Related articles:
05/01/23: 2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Man Killed by Three Pit Bulls in Escambia County, Florida
08/23/22: 2022 Dog Bite Fatality: Holmes County Woman, 69, Killed by Dogs, Over 100 Bites Inflicted

Baseline reporting requirements:
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.

2023 Dog Bite Fatality: 6-Year Old Boy Killed, Adult Injured by Pair of Dogs in Northeast Portland, Oregon

Dog Owner Charged with Multiple Felonies After Fatal Attack

Northeast Portland dog attack - Loyalty Charles Scott
Loyalty Scott, 6, was killed by a pair of mastiff-type dogs in northeast Portland.

Dog Owner Charged
UPDATE 07/24/24: A Multnomah County grand jury has indicted the owner of two mastiff-mixes that killed a 6-year old boy inside a garage last December. Koko Moe Miller, 56, is facing multiple felony charges, including: criminally negligent homicide, maintaining a dangerous dog, and two counts of first-degree criminal mistreatment. The Portland Police Bureau's Child Abuse Team conducted the investigation. The case was then presented to the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office.

On December 5, 2023, Loyalty Scott was at Miller's home prior to attending school. Miller told police she took the boy to school every morning after his grandmother dropped him off. Miller kept two large dogs in her garage attached to the home. Loyalty opened the door to the garage, and one of the dogs attacked him. The second dog also joined in, but wasn’t “the primary aggressor,” according to police. Miller was injured while trying to pull the dogs off the boy. A warrant has been issued for her arrest.

KATU News published an image of a sign posted outside of Miller's home. It reads, "No Trespassing Property Patrolled by a Crazy Woman with Dogs and Automatic Weapons. Anyone found here at night will be found here in the morning. HAVE A NICE DAY." Last year, we called out Miller's Facebook page, who identified herself as the "owner and operator of K9 Protection." Her cover photo showed Miller pointing a gun at your face while wearing a bikini top. At some point, Miller changed the cover photo.

Arraignment Hearing

At the arraignment hearing, the judge allowed Miller to maintain ownership of a new dog -- a Labrador puppy that will grow into a sizable dog -- despite her other two large violent dogs killing a child in December, her now facing four felony counts due to the fatal attack, and her having a prior conviction for owning an aggressive animal. Miller told the judge, "My counselor told me to get one," in regards to the new dog. Prosecutors had asked that Miller not possess, own, or have in her control any dog.

The only requirement the judge made is that Miller cannot possess any other dog except, the Lab, "Koda May," and that she enroll in the "Puppy Manners" class at the Oregon Humane Society. Please don't forget that Miller advertises herself as a "crazy woman with dogs and automatic weapons," and for many years, had an image of a violent pit bull as her Facebook cover page, while she stood next to the pit bull pointing a gun at your face. Miller only should have been allowed to own a 5 pound dog!

12/08/23: Mauling Victim Identified
A 6-year old child killed by two mastiff-mixes on December 5 in Portland has been identified as Loyalty Charles Scott. The boy was in the first grade. Officials say that Loyalty was often taken to a family friend's home on 112th Avenue on his way to school. But on that morning, when the woman entered her garage to tend to the large dogs, Loyalty opened the door behind her and the dogs attacked him. The woman -- whose identity has not been released -- tried to stop the attack, but it was too late.

Loyalty's family started a GoFundMe and described their lives as being "turned upside down" since his mauling death. "On December 5th we received a phone call that is going to forever change my family. We were told that Mookie (Loyalty) was attacked by a dog. When we showed up to the scene, we were told that he did not make it. My wife, my brother and I had to tell my mother that her baby didn’t make it. Our family is completely turned upside down and trying to figure out how to keep going."

Someone from the boy's school commented on the fund. Miss Marissa, who donated to the fund, states: "Loyalty was and will always be the funniest, sweetest, most special and charismatic boy. I am so sorry for your heartbreak, grandma, sisters, auntie, and everyone who loved and continues to love him. Big love from school, Miss Marissa." It's unclear why the boy's school has not issued a statement to the media yet. Usually this is done right away after a fatal dog mauling involving a child student.

12/05/23: Child Killed by Dogs
Portland, OR - A 6-year old boy is dead and a woman injured after being attacked by a pair of large dogs. Firefighters were dispatched to a home in the 1800 block of Northeast 112th Avenue in the Parkrose Heights neighborhood just after 7:30 am Tuesday for a report of an animal attack. Audio dispatch log files from Portland Area Fire and Rescue on Broadcastify.com indicate the use of a firearm at the scene prior to the arrival of first responders. A police press conference is expected later today.

Portland Police Bureau

On December 5, 2023, at 7:38 a.m., officers were dispatched to reports of a dog attack at a home in the 1800 block of Northeast 112th Avenue in the Parkrose Heights Neighborhood. Officers determined that a pair of dogs mauled a six-year-old boy and an adult female who tried to stop the attack. The boy was pronounced dead at the scene. The woman was transported to a local hospital with minor injuries. Upon further investigation, officers determined the woman injured is the owner of the dogs and the little boy killed is her friend’s grandson. The dogs, believed to be Great Dane-Mastiff mixes, are in the custody of Multnomah County Animal Services.

PPB’s Child Abuse Team and Homicide Unit are investigating. Anyone with information about the case is urged to contact Det. Jennifer Musser.

Police learned the boy's grandmother dropped him off with her friend who takes him to school. The friend, who owns the dogs, went into the garage where the dogs were when the boy opened the door to the garage and one of the dogs attacked him. The second dog then joined in. Both dogs were described as large and heavy great dane-mastiff mixes. Public Information Officer Mike Benner said the owner tried to save the boy, "at some point even grabbing a gun," but it never got that far.

The Oregonian reports the garage, where the two large dogs are kept, is attached to the home. According to the woman, "the boy knew not to approach the dogs." The woman had gone into the garage to tend to the dogs while the boy was inside her house. The 6-year old boy opened the garage door to follow her and one of the dogs attacked him. The woman grabbed a gun, but did not shoot, Benner said. Her hands were injured while intervening. She was transported to a local hospital.

No information was provided about the boy's mother or father or why his grandmother dropped the boy off at this dog owner's home, who's apparently the boy's caretaker, to take him to school each morning. The Portland Police Bureau Child Abuse Team is leading the investigation, with assistance from the Homicide Division, Benner said. It's too soon to say if the dogs' owner will face criminal charges. Multnomah County Animal Services responded to the scene to take custody of the dogs.

Homeowner & K9 Trainer

A woman who lives at the home where the attack occurred calls herself the "owner and operator of K9 Protection" on her Facebook page. Her cover photo shows her pointing a gun at your face while wearing a bikini top. There is no "K9 Protection" business listed on the Oregon Secretary of State's website. One dog on her Facebook page appears to be a cane corso depicted outside the home in February 2023. It's unclear who came up with the "great dane-mastiff mix" breed designation.

The other dog, whose photo was posted in January 2019, has an appearance even more like a cane corso. Property records indicate she has had ownership in the home since June 2021. If one searches for the term "dog" on her profile, a number of posts in the search results criticize police officers for shooting vicious dogs. She nearly had to shoot her own two vicious dogs while they attacked and killed a boy on December 5, 2023. How does she feel about those anti-cop shooting posts now?

northeast portland dog attack

Two large mastiff-type dogs seen on the female property owner's Facebook page.

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Baseline reporting requirements:
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.