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6 thoughts on “2024 Suspected Dog Bite Fatality: Elderly Woman Killed by Multiple Dogs in Milam County, Texas; Few Details Released

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  1. These hazardous dogs don’t come with warning labels, and taxpayer-funded organizations are pushing them into our neighborhoods. I wish we could put a stop to this. There’s no good reason for these dogs to exist – they waste resources and cause terrible problems. I’ve heard of at least 4 deaths in the US in the first few weeks of 2025.

    • Well, it’s the same old, same old, Rebecca. And like most major political problems (because at the core, public safety is a political problem) it’s about following the money. It comes down to “who benefits”?

      Because the general public isn’t benefiting by the laws that allow pitbulls to be legally owned animals in communities.

      Dunno how many people here have followed the RedNote Awakening but you can bet your Made-In-China-gadget-stickers that sooner or later, this *will* come up–along with a great many other topics around “who benefits from the present system”?

      Pitbull Cultery is a for-profit enterprise. It’s a tax stash for the wealthy along with endlessly paid, often in high figures, those who are riding this train. ED’s, managers, paid shills, rescues, GoFundMes etc etc and lifting money out of the pockets of the general public being conned that could be putting their precious dollars to better use.

      The general public *wants* to be kind and they’re being blinded by propaganda that pitbulls are somehow a “targeted group” like they’re people suffering discrimination. This is what happens when we don’t look at discrimination through an economic and statistical lens–rather than an emotional one.

      Meanwhile, the elderly, children, the disabled and mainly the poor are being murdered by the rampant proliferation of pitbulls.

      Nobody wants to face mounds of dead pitbulls. Yet that mound will keep growing every year until ownership of them is banned. That’s the cruel reality the Pitbull Lobby is refusing to face.

      If there was ever a topic that proved your government doesn’t care about the disenfranchised and would rather collect lobbyists’ dollars–it’s this one.

  2. Police, ambulance medics first on scene, emergency room personnel, pediatricians, and all forms of critical health services who’ve witnessed first hand the brutal mutilation pit bulls and pit bull-mix dogs commit.

    Listen to the first responders as they describe in detail the savagery of what this breed of dog is notorious. These lethal attacks are unprovoked. Victims can be their loving owner, family member or friend. Local officials who are oblivious need be tutored on this topic. State legislators must consider the serious danger their constituents remain should only superficial discussion replace the implementation of legal action required to protect neighborhoods from being prey to pit bulls.Nescience is no longer an excuse.

    The time is long overdue to listen to experts who’ve warned city officials the peril this breed presents to all communities, including the owners who’ve been killed by their pit bull without warning or reason.

    In many states homeowners of pit bull dogs are mandated an additional fee to their home insurance premium.
    The insurance companies have a responsibility to inform local, state and federal governments the reason an additional fee is added if a pit bull resides in the home.Cite statistics of fatalities, severity of injuries complete with photos of pit bull victims. Inform the uniformed with factual documented cases for why pit bulls are classified a liability,

  3. A lot of insurance companies completely exclude pitbulls.
    When a pitbull owner is ordered to get $100,000 in insurance because of an aggressive pitbull, I don’t think the odds are good that they can find it. If they can, I’d think the insurance could be cost prohibitive.

    I had some nice feedback from a pitbuller on Facebook the other day. She’s upset by the number of nice pitbulls in shelters that are being euthanized. I think it is sad too, but the uncontrolled breeding of them has to stop. If the uncontrolled breeding stopped, the shelters wouldn’t be overloaded with them. I certainly wouldn’t take one home.

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