Owners of the Pit Bulls File Lawsuit to Get Dogs Returned to Them
Jayden Henderson died and her mother was injured while caring for a neighbor's pit bulls.
Judge Rules in Favor of Town
UPDATE 09/10/21: On Friday, Wake County Superior Court Judge Vince Rozier ruled that the Town of Garner can determine the fate of two pit bulls that killed a 7-year old girl in April. "This has gone farther than it should have," Judge Rozier said. "To the parents, I'm sorry you've had to endure this." Just minutes after the judge's ruling, Garner Chief of Police Joe Binns said the dogs will be euthanized Monday. The dogs' owner, Joseph White, declined to speak to WRAL News.
Judge Rozier also stated, "It's not appropriate probably as a judge to call someone selfish, but after 15 years of being a judge, this is the most self-focused case I have ever seen in my life," referring to the owners of the dogs. "And I don't understand it," he said, "because this case is about Jayden Henderson when it comes down to it." Judge Rozier reiterated that there has always been a "common sense solution" to this case, and that "I based my decision on the rule of law."

Wake County Superior Court Judge Vince Rozier ruled in favor of the Town of Garner.

Jayden's Parents, Heather Trevaskis and Dave Henderson seen after judge issued his ruling.
09/08/21: Upcoming Hearing
On September 10, a hearing will be held in front of Wake County Superior Court Judge Vince Rozier to determine the fate of two pit bulls that killed a 7-year old girl and severely injured her mother back in April. As predicted, the two sides did not come to an agreement during the 60 day period Judge Rozier granted the two parties in July. Joseph and Amanda White want their two dangerous dogs back. The Town of Garner believes the dogs are too dangerous to be returned.
In preparation for Friday's hearing, the Whites launched a PR campaign to "save" Blitzen and Athena, including the creation of an Instagram page, a website and a petition. None are persuasive, given that the dogs brutally killed a child "without warning or provocation," according to Garner Police Chief Joe Binns. The website, however, did provide one document that interested us. On May 10, Joseph submitted a letter to the Town regarding the Dangerous Dog Appeal.
Previously, we had questioned the "22 days of obedience school" training that Blitzen, the 8-year old male dog, had attended. That school was Sit Means Sit Dog Training, which is a franchise that has an operation in Apex, North Carolina. The primary training methodology is shock collar, and they sell their own branded e-collar. Presumably, Blitzen attended the 21-day board and train program, of which, "Dogs with severe aggression and anxiety issues may benefit the most."
Based on photographs from Blitzen's original Instagram page, which has since been removed, and the recent "save them" campaign, we believe Blitzen attended the school (where the owners were not present) during the summer of 2019, when the canine was about 6-years old. From August 2019 forward, whenever Blitzen is seen wearing a PTSD service dog vest in a public environment, he is typically wearing a shock collar, which is an ethical mockery for a trained service animal.
Shock collars disqualify any dog from being a peaceable emotional support animal or functional service animal.
According to the White's own screenshots, Blitzen, at about 6-years old, did not know the Come and Sit commands, had difficulty "approaching people/dogs," had high distractions with little to no public obedience and by day 16 of training with a shock collar, still lacked impulse control. Remember Blue, the "rehabbed" pit bull? Blue also lacked impulse control. As soon as Blue's new owner removed the shock collar, the dog immediately attacked and killed the owner's mother.
Let's continue reading Joseph's letter. Despite the dogs being alleged ESA, service animals, the Whites did not take the dogs to a family gathering in San Diego. The fatal attack occurred during that trip. Moreover, Joseph spent $3,000 for a "sturdy new wooden fence" prior to leaving to San Diego so that so that his "in-laws wouldn't have to leash and walk the dogs." Do these dogs sound like peaceable dogs? No, especially if Blitzen routinely wore a shock collar while in public.
Shock collars can suppress aggression and poor impulse control, but the device cannot remove these traits.
The fact that the Whites are oblivious to the behavioral and ethical issues of shock collars, especially for a service animal, and fail to grasp "lack of impulse control," provides even more ammunition to the police chief's assessment, "Allowing the dogs to be released would create a substantial and unnecessary danger to the public." We add to his statement, "Allowing the dogs to be released to the Whites would create a substantial and unnecessary danger to the public."

Blitzen seen behaving calmly as an alleged service animal while wearing a shock collar.
Logic of an Adolescent
In the Dangerous Dog Appeal letter, Joseph swears up and down, the way an adolescent would to an adult, that if the Town returned the two pit bulls to him and removed the dangerous animal declaration, the "dogs would not travel outside of our new residence" and the dogs "would never be allowed to interact with people or children again." Anywhere the dogs would have to travel, Joseph claimed, "we would make sure to muzzle them and take exetreme precautions" [sic].
These dogs killed a little girl and nearly killed her mother. Her mother is only alive because Blake Dicello, an experienced off-duty Raleigh police officer who lives next door, intervened. "That day will change me forever," he told Garner council members after the attack. "I did not see two dogs defending their property. That’s not what I saw. I saw two dogs viciously attacking and mauling two unconscious people," Dicello said. "Nobody should ever have to see what I saw," Dicello said.
Joseph can't be "everywhere at once" and he can't foresee unforeseeable events that life will deliver, such as a tree falling on his fence and his dogs escaping. Human beings are imperfect, and they rarely have control over unpredictable events. Only an adolescent would hold such a fantasy belief. Joseph also lacks awareness of criminal liability. In nearly all 50 states, he would face serious criminal charges if either of these dogs seriously injured or killed a person again.
Management Always Fails
Resuming with the falling tree scenario (page 38), animal trainer Angela Schmorrow presented a slide show in 2020 about "Behavior Assessment and Modification: What is Possible and What Isn't?" The first rule of "management" of a dog with aggression is that "management always fails" because "things happen," she states. Trees fall on fences, gates and doors blow open, leash clips fail, collars slip off, owners trip and fall, miscommunication happens, states the presentation.
This also circles back to the Canine Behavior Review with Sue Sternberg and Gia Savocchi, where Sternberg talks about the "paradox." Level 1 dog owners, the lowest level, like the Whites, have no qualifications to manage a dog with human killing aggression. Any experienced trainer or animal behaviorist (Level 3 dog owners) would say "No way on earth" to owning any dog with human killing aggression. A level 6 biter, which is death, cannot be managed or rehabbed.
07/14/21: Franklin County Responds
On July 14, the Franklin County Board of Commissioners foiled the plans of the owners of two pit bulls that killed a 7-year old girl and injured her mother in late April. Joseph and Amanda White, who are currently suing the Town of Garner to have their dangerous dogs returned to them, had hoped to move to Franklin County with their dogs after the litigation. The ordinance passed by the commissioners states that any dog that has killed a person will be confiscated and put down.
"Notwithstanding other sections of this ordinance, any dog that kills or has killed a human being shall, at the owner’s expense, immediately be taken into the custody of Franklin County Animal Services and housed for up to thirty days and shall at the end of this time be humanely destroyed. Nothing herein shall prevent said dog’s owner from voluntarily agreeing to have the dog humanely destroyed."
The ordinance is effective immediately and applies to any dog that has previously killed a person. The Whites will now have to choose a different county -- or state -- to relocate to after the litigation, assuming the Whites succeed in getting their two dangerous pit bulls returned to them. Garner should pass the same type of safety ordinance to prevent any future attempts by owners of fatally attacking dogs from turning the tragic mauling death of a child into a narcissistic spectacle.
07/08/21: Judge Delays Euthanasia
During the July 8 hearing, Wake County Superior Court Judge Vince Rozier granted a preliminary injunction that would prohibit the Town of Garner from putting down a pair of pit bulls that killed a 7-year-old girl and critically injured her mother in late April. Judge Rozier also ruled that Jayden's parents could have limited intervention during the preliminary injunction hearing, given the narrow nature of the hearing, and allowed their attorney to make a victim impact statement on their behalf.
Judge Rozier granted a 60 day delay in the Town euthanizing the dogs, and he hopes that the two parties can reach an agreement during the period. Our nonprofit does not believe there will be an agreement, so we expect to see them all back in court in 60 days. This is only the beginning too. These proceeding could last for months or even years, depending upon appeals, much like the case of Onion and the ongoing case regarding Dexter, currently at 1.5 years along in process.
Attorneys from New York-based Lexus Project participated in both cases. William Plyler, the attorney for Jayden's parents, may not grasp the "circus" nature and the "twisting of facts" involved in these court cases ("saving" a death row dog after it has severely injured or killed a person). A circus is the norm not the exception. Despite this, we encourage Plyler and the parents of Jayden to keep going and to adjust their calendars out to at least two years in consideration of appeals.
Judge Allows Victim Impact Statement"The cold hearted nature of our proceeding today"… I recognize there are reasons people come to support and I don't want to seem coldhearted and like we ignored them. A double disgrace [regarding the witnesses that came to speak, but will not be allowed to speak at this particular hearing].
As I previously mentioned, the intervener's request to be a part of this. A motion to intervene will be granted in inclusion of today's hearing.
As Mr. Plyler pointed out, there are victims in the case and although our victim impact statute probably more or less relates to criminal matters, I think it is still appropriate to make sure that is recognized. So if you want to make a statement -- not calling any witnesses -- if you want to make a statement you can.
Attorney for Heather and Dave (1:13)Plaintiff has not addressed anything about this unclean hands. That gets to the facts. Because they've got blatantly and intentionally false allegations in their Complaint that they were seeking to use at this injunction. My clients have a right to point those out. You said that you would allow us to do that. In our motion and in the record, and in their Complaint, they allege that Heather and Jayden did not have authority to be on the property. You have seen in our motion the text message two days before, where Heather sent the Whites a photograph of Jayden playing with the dogs in their yard, and we have a text message to the Plaintiff back to Heather thanking them for playing with the dogs in the yard. You don't have to rely on the affidavits of Heather and Dave …
"We just want to talk about words" [referring to Plaintiffs], I don't blame them. If I was in their position, I would not want to be talking about the lies they put before this court. They are seeking equitable relief. That is what they are seeking, "equitable relief." The courts have long recognized that a party seeking equitable relief, such as injunctive relief, must come before the court with clean hands. The doctrine of unclean hands exists to protect the integrity of the court, not only to benefit the opposing party.
Now, I understand in other fields --- politics, sports or whatever -- maybe society has gotten to the point where they shrug their shoulders when somebody tells a blatant, bald-faced untruth in a verified Complaint. I submit the courts should be the last refuge of truth. And in this case, they're coming in here asking for equitable relief -- extraordinary relief -- extraordinary. And they're doing it on one basis. They are saying its irreparable harm. There's no other basis. They are not going to succeed. I submit it's highly unlikely they're going to succeed on the merits…
Now, one of the key points that the court has to do when deciding whether to grant extraordinary relief, is to balance the interests of my clients, the Town and the Plaintiffs, in deciding whether to a grant injunctive relief. In balancing the interests…I think it's important that allow me to at least make a victim statement on behalf of the victims in this case. Everybody in this county, in this state, in this country and probably in the world knows that these dogs should be put down. That's not an issue. These dogs should be put down. They killed in an unprovoked attack, a seven year old girl. You've seen that affidavit from the officer Cello, who came to the rescue and rescued Heather from being killed. What he saw in that affidavit, he saw that one dog with Jayden shaking her with only her hands and her knees touching the ground by the neck, unconscious. And he saw Heather being dragged across the yard with her unconscious with another dog. That's what these dogs did. They're coming into court, having made up these fabrications, saying, "Hey we got clean hands, we want to get these dogs back."
07/01/21: Upcoming Court Hearing
On June 29, the owners of two pit bulls that attacked and killed 7-year old Jayden Henderson and critically injured her mother filed a lawsuit against the Town of Garner to stop the euthanasia of the involved dogs, which was set for July 3. Today, Wake County Superior Court Judge Becky Holt placed the euthanasia date on hold until July 8, allowing the dogs' owners, Joseph and Amanda White, to have a preliminary injunction hearing to contest the Town's euthanasia order.
This hearing is set for July 8. The attorneys for the parents of Jayden, Heather Trevaskis and Dave Henderson, filed a "motion to intervene" in the case between the Whites and the Town. This recent update in the case also supplied affidavits filed by Heather and Dave. Both parents state in the affidavits, "After the attack on April 27, 2021, I learned that the dogs had a history of aggressive, dangerous, and hostile behavior. We were not aware of this history before the attack."
This is new information. The Whites of course, fiercely deny this and state in their Complaint: "Prior to this incident neither Blitzen or Athena had ever exhibited any aggressive, dangerous, or hostile behavior, nor had either of them attacked or threatened or assaulted any persons or dogs."
Athena was adopted out by the Wake County Animal Center in 2019. Since the multi-victim attack that killed Jayden in late April, both dogs have been in the custody of the Wake County Animal Center, a grim irony. The Whites have since moved to Franklin County. Fighting the euthanasia order is only part of their battle. The Whites also face Franklin County officials who are "not going to be cooperating" with having these dogs designated as "dangerous" living in their jurisdiction.
Both parents also stated, "These dogs are killers. The untrue things that the Whites have asserted about us when communicating with the Town and in the lawsuit filed on Tuesday has been very difficult to understand. The possibility that the dogs could be released/freed and returned to the Whites, through litigation or a decision from the Town, is deeply upsetting." Both parents strongly feel that they are the true "victims in this case," whose daughter was killed by these dogs.
I feel strongly that Dave and I (Heather and I), as the parents of our daughter who was killed by these dogs, are victims in this case.
As the victims immediately affected by the dog attack, Dave and I (Heather and I) feel a moral obligation to people everywhere to oppose the release of these dogs to the Whites or to anyone else. We believe very strongly that regardless of the precautions the Whites might take to prevent the dogs from ever being exposed to any other person again, there is no guarantee that the dogs might not escape. - Heather & Dave
Alleged Service Animals
In their lawsuit against the Town, the Whites allege, "Athena is an emotional service animal to Plaintiff Joseph White, who is a United States marine Core combat veteran and sustained PTSD as a result of military service" (sic). First, the lawsuit misstates an ESA, it is an "emotional support animal." The word "service" is not present in ESA. Second, despite one of the largest Marine Corps bases being located in North Carolina (Camp Lejeune), the lawsuit misspells "Corps."
The lawsuit alleges, "Blitzen is a service animal for Plaintiff Amanda White" and "Blitzen received PTSD training and attended 22 days of obedience school" -- a 3-week time period that evokes a "charlatan" dog trainer. Both Whites "went on a trip to San Diego" without their alleged PTSD dogs when the dogs killed Jayden and injured her mother. Persons with disabilities who have trained service dogs are virtually tied to their dogs; the dogs always travel with them wherever they go.

A portion from Whites v. Town of Garner, concerning the two pit bulls that killed Jayden.
05/17/21: Pit Bull Owners Identified
In a disturbing, but not unsurprising update, the owners of the two pit bulls that killed 7-year old Jayden and critically injured her mother on April 27 are trying to get their dogs returned to them. On Monday, Joseph and Amanda White submitted an application for a permit to the Garner Police Department to declare the dogs dangerous and to allow the dogs to be returned to them. In the application the Whites stated, "This is out of nature for either dog to have hurt a human being."
One person commented on social media, "So you're telling me that they haven't put that dog down for killing a human being...a child at that. What kind of society are we living in?" Another person said, "Anybody who wants to get dogs like that back are truly sick!!! Seriously, mentally ill."
Notably, prior to the multi-victim attack, the Whites previously displayed these dogs on social media wearing fake "Emotional Support Animal" and "Service Dog" vests. Each dog also had its own Instagram page for its fan-base. Neither dog, however, had many fans. Athena, the fight bust dog, was following 109 people, but only 102 people followed back. Blitzen was following 128 and had a whopping 160 follow back -- this is after deliberate promotional efforts by the Whites.
In addition to Heather Trevaskis losing her precious daughter, she also continues to recover from severe bite injuries. "I have numbness and lack of function in some of my right hand and some of my left hand," she told WRAL News. Her longterm prognosis is uncertain. The news that the Whites are seeking to have their dogs returned to them, once again turned her world upside down. "I couldn’t live with myself if something else happened to somebody else," Trevaskis said.
Neighbors Petition Council
After WRAL published that Joseph and Amanda White are seeking to have their two pit bulls returned to them, residents in their neighborhood mobilized and spoke at a town council meeting to oppose this. Patrice Johnson, a Vandora Pines HOA board member, spoke on behalf of the Vandora Pines community. "It will cause undue stress (for the children in the neighborhood) to have these dogs brought back to the neighborhood, which is the current request of the owners."
We are asking that you reject this permit request, given the nature of the incident and the fact that we have lost one of our children. - Patrice Johnson
Blake Dicello, a longtime Raleigh police officer also spoke. Dicello lives across the street from the home where the dogs resided on Roan Drive. Dicello intervened during the attack and likely saved Heather Trevaskis' life. “That day will change me forever," he said. "I did not see two dogs defending their property. That’s not what I saw. I saw two dogs viciously attacking and mauling two unconscious people," Dicello said. The little girl and her mother were completely incapacitated.
"Those dogs were not defending their property. They were viciously attacking and mauling two defenseless people," Dicello said. "Nobody should ever have to see what I saw," he said. "I stand unequivocally with this community. I've been told several times that if it wasn't for me arriving on scene when I did, the first one to come through the gate, that Heather would not be here…In fifteen years, I have never seen anything like what I saw on that afternoon," Dicello said.
Town Attorney Terri Jones explained that the decision to grant the permit ultimately comes down the town's animal control officer, who is currently seen on the town's website hugging a pit bull. So that should make Garner citizens confident that he will be "unbiased" and put the duty of his job, which is protecting public safety, before his pit bull advocacy? "Ultimately," Jones restated, "the decision on the permit will rest with the Garner police department and the Garner police chief."
The Garner News reports there is now a "For Sale By Owner" sign outside of the owner's home.
On May 18, residents of Vandora Pines Community in Garner spoke against these dogs being returned to the neighborhood. This is a powerful hearing and we urge you to watch it.

Joseph and Amanda White are seeking to get their pit bulls back after their dogs killed a child.
04/28/21: Victims Part of WRAL Family
The child has been identified as 7-year old Jayden Henderson. Jayden and her mother were members of the Capitol Broadcasting Company. Her mother, Heather Trevaskis, who remains hospitalized, has been the master control operator for eight years at WRAL-TV, reports the Raleigh-based news outlet. Jayden would often visit her mother during her work breaks. At WRAL, she was known for playing hide-and-seek among the desks in the newsroom during those visits.
Jayden died of the injuries she sustained while being attacked by two pit bulls. Trevaskis suffered multiple bites and severe hand injuries. The pair had been caring for the pit bulls while their owner was out of town. The attack happened in the owner's backyard. Garner police said they have never had complaints about the dogs in the past. Neighbors told WRAL-TV the same thing. Jayden was a first grader at Vandora Springs Elementary. She leaves behind a younger sister.
The Pit Bulls
Late Wednesday afternoon we were able to confirm the two pit bulls on Instagram -- each dog has its own Instagram account.1 The family adopted Athena in December 2019, according to posts, and she appears to be a fight bust dog. Athena is seen wearing an "Emotional Support Animal" vest, and Blitzen, a neutered male, is seen wearing a "Service Dog" vest. Most of the posts have hashtags like: #pitbullsofinstagram, #dontbullymybreed, #servicedog, #furchild, and #pittienation.
One photo showed Athena still in her shelter kennel, characterized by blue, cream and sage green cement wall striping, an "exact match" to the Wake County Animal Center (WCAC), which had a "Pit Bull Adoption Special" in October 2019. WCAC now joins a growing number of taxpayer-funded shelters, in whole or part, since 2014 that have adopted out or transferred a dog to a rescue that killed a person. Our list does not include dogs placed by "fosters" or "rehomings."
Furthermore, the agency that adopted this dog out is now holding it in bite quarantine. Ironic, isn't it? WRAL-TV interviewed Dr. Jennifer Federico, the Wake County Animal Services Director. Federico falsely claimed that 70% of fatal dog attack victims are children. The actual percentage is less than 50%.2 To obfuscate dogs that inflict "human killing aggression" and dogs that inflict "garden-variety dog bites," Federico also stated that all dogs "have teeth" and "they can all bite."
Shelter Dog-Inflicted Deaths
- 2021 - Wake County Animal Center (NC) - Jayden Henderson, 7-years old
- 2020 - Miami-Dade Animal Services (FL) - Carolyn Varanese, 84-years old
- 2019 - Humane Society of St. Lucie County (FL) - Christine Liquori, 52-years old
- 2018 - Pinellas County Animal Services (FL) - Infant Khloe Williams
- 2018 - The Animal Foundation (NV) - Susan Sweeney, 58-years old
- 2018 - Logan County Pound (WV) - Robin Conway, 64-years old
- 2018 - Henderson Animal Shelter (NV) - Bradley Cline, 62-years old
- 2017 - El Paso Animal Services (TX) - Jacob Brooks, 4-years old
- 2017 - New York City Animal Care Centers (NY) - Margaret Colvin, 91-years old
- 2017 - Kent County Animal Shelter (MI) - Infant Susannah Murray
- 2016 - San Diego Humane Society (CA) - Infant Sebastian Caban
- 2015 - Jackson-Madison County Pound (TN) - Anthony Riggs, 57-years old
- 2015 - Asheville Humane Society (NC) - Joshua Strother, 6-years old
- 2015 - Rochester Animal Services (NY) - Anthony Wind, 26-years old
- 2014 - Branford Animal Shelter (CT) - Rita Pepe, 93-years old

The pair of pit bulls that live in the 100 block of Roan Drive where the fatal attack occurred.
04/27/21: Pit Bulls Kill Child
Garner, NC - Garner police issued a statement late Tuesday confirming that a 7-year old girl died from injuries she sustained by her neighbor's two pit bulls. Her mother remains hospitalized in stable condition. Police believe the mother and daughter were caring for a neighbor's two pit bulls while the owner was out of town. The multi-victim attack occurred after 6:00 pm in the dogs' backyard in the 100 block of Roan Drive. Wake County Animal Control seized both dogs.
The seven year old female injured in the dog attack earlier this evening has died as a result of her injuries. Her mother remains hospitalized and in stable condition.
Reports indicate the pair are neighbors who were helping care for the dogs, 2 pit bulls, while the owners were out of town. The incident occurred in the dogs' back yard, and the cause of the attack is not known. "This is a horrible tragedy for all involved. Our thoughts and prayers go out to both families and all those who responded,” said Lt. McIver, CID Commander.
We will update this case as more information becomes available.
Garner Police are investigating a dog attack on Roan Dr. Two individuals sustained serious injuries and were transported to Wake Med for treatment. Both dogs were seized by Wake County Animal Control and transported to the Wake County Animal Shelter. There is no threat to the public. This incident is under investigation. - Garner Police Department
This deadly attack occurred as we are preparing 2020 dog bite fatality statistics, specifically, while we analyze household and time factors. "In 2020, 15% (7) of dog bite fatalities involved a babysitter or relative watching a child or the dog being 'watched' by a person other than its owner when the dog fatally attacked. When breed was known (6 of 7), pit bulls accounted for 100% of these deaths." This attack also marks another multi-victim and multi-dog attack involving pit bulls.
Back in March, in a very different scenario, a 3-year old boy was killed and his mother seriously injured after two roaming pit bulls belonging to a neighbor breached their fence-line and attacked them. Those dogs routinely ran loose. No criminal charges were filed after this egregious crime because the state of New Jersey does not have a felony dog attack statute. No charges are likely in this case either; the pair likely knew the neighbor's dogs and were on the dogs' property.
Nearly every year, one or two deaths are added to our "dog sitting" pit bulls archives. We cannot stress how dangerous this endeavor is. Pit bulls are already responsible for 67% of all fatalities since 2005. Yet, they always weigh in more heavily than 67% in the temporary time factors (babysitting, dog sitting, 0-2 months new to the home, and temporarily visiting the dog owner's home). Caring for not just one, but a pair of pit bulls while the owner is away, is a high-risk activity.

Police and EMS vehicles were seen on Roan Drive after the violent pit bull attack Tuesday.

A GoFundMe was started today for 7-year old Jayden Henderson, who died in the dog attack.
2The "rate" of children killed by dogs (per 100,000) is higher than of adults, but "rate" is a different number than a percentage of total fatal dog mauling victims.
Related articles:
03/17/21: 2021 Dog Bite Fatality: Boy Killed, Mother Severely Injured in Violent Pit Bull Attack
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
The police report states that the cause of the attack is not known. Why can’t they just admit the obvious: the cause of the attack is that one or more human beings were in proximity to one or more dangerous breed canines. The reason why they can’t admit the obvious is because in our society, it is legal to own dangerous breed canines as pets. There is nothing unknown or illogical or mysterious or out of place when dangerous breed canines suddenly, without any provocation of any kind, lash out and tragically end life. The cause of the attack is because dangerous breed canines sometimes do what they can be reasonably expected to do at any time, suddenly, without any warning or triggering event other than there was a human being in proximity to them. This is not a question of insanity or ignorance or disinformation. The single, sole factor in the perpetuation of this public health crisis is lack of love for oneself and lack of love for one’s neighbor.
Right? I become enraged when I read “the cause of the attack is not known.” YES IT IS KNOWN!
It wasn’t always legal. The pit bull lobby and Best Friends need to be shut down.
The mother explained “why” the dog attacked Jayden. The child fell and then the dogs attacked her for falling. It is part of nature and how animals keep the herd strong. Pit bulls often exhibit that very natural behavior. You fall accidentally and then they try to finish you off. That among other reasons is why they are not suitable as pets. The fall triggered the attack. The owners make me sick blaming the child and her mother. All that child did “wrong” was to fall in front of a pit bull.
“Yet, they always weigh in more heavily than 67% in the temporary time factors (babysitting, dog sitting, 0-2 months new to the home, and temporarily visiting the dog owner’s home).”
Makes me wonder how many fostering attacks are happening. When the most common dog type in rescue is also the most common dog type in severe attacks and also the most common dog type in severe attacks occurring during transitional ownership – that’s got to be a big number.
North Carolina has been having quite a year with yuppie pit bulls attacking. First, there was that awful attack on the carriage horse, Queen Charlotte, and now this in a 300K housing development. I just don’t understand how and why this mother would put her daughter in this situation. Clearly, they knew the beasts and like the breed, otherwise, how can anyone sign up for this? I wonder if the dog owner was going to pay them for their services and if so, will they still? (“I know we agreed on $50 but I’m going to double it for your troubles…I don’t know what happened?”)
This speaks to my concerns about non dog-men people, owning pitbulls.
The “Pibbles is Wuv” culty nuts on Facebook spread dangerous delusions and now another child is dead over it.
The only people who have ever been able to “handle” (and I use that term loosely) pitbulls due to their inherent dangerousness are those who engage in pitbull fighting or are trained to handle dangerous dogs.
They aren’t pets and the sooner these sob-sister soccer moms get over themselves in their delusional belief that enough love will make everything better–the sooner people will stop being slaughtered.
Too right! The reason elected officials and members of the public can’t draw a straight line between pitbull and killer potential is a) lack of science and b) dogfighting lobby. It’s always an « accident » when it happens and no one calls it gross negligence. So sorry for the little girl.
Too right! Reasons elected officials and members of the public can’t draw a straight line between pitbull and killer potential is a) lack of science and b) dogfighting lobby. It’s always an « accident » when things like this happen, but it’s no « accident » when breeders deliberately select for killing traits. It sounds as if the owners were breeding the pits. So sorry for the little girl who suffered the consequences of acts committed by fools.
The remarkable thing is how many veterinarians, vet techs, vet support staff buy into the lies that these monsters make suitable and loving pets. The vets do understand DNA, yet they are often part of the cult. Vets that speak out and tell the truth and are honest with owners are harassed by pit owners and other card carrying cult members.
It is far time the AVMA and veterinarians speak up against the breed.
NC State CVM is in Raleigh. Any comments from them? Crickets.
Veterinarians believe whatever vet schools teach them. Whoever funds the vet schools can make up fake science if they want. Best Friends has a program in which they will send people to a vet school in Canada. They likely fund some vet tech programs as well.
They rant their own schools back when they were a satanic occult group where, one member (Nathan Jared Garret) says the teacher just ranted constantly about how much America sucks. They had a cat named Waffen, he said, which means weapon in German.
As a church they were avoiding taxes, but they brought in more cash when they added animal grifting They don’t care about people and specifically not Americans. They don’t even seem to care that much about animals except as a gift tool.
vets need to put their money where their advocacy is. I have long said this to vet and vet techs who support pit bulls.
“Here is what veterinary professionals can do if they want to speak out against BSL and for pit bulls as pets – they can share their records because they are sitting on a goldmine of data that would show whether keeping pit bulls is humane to other pet animals or not. They can share how many victims of dog attacks they have either sewn up or put down each month. They can share what percentage of those victims were mauled by pit bulls. They can share how much money they rake in sewing up and putting down dog attack victims & share the percentage of that income that results from pit bull attacks. They can share how many sobbing people with bloody dog attack victims clutched in their arms they turn away because those people can’t pay up front for the cost of those attacks and they can share the percentage of those victims that were attacked by pit bulls. And then they can share how many pro bono hours they donate each year to save victims of pit bulls whose owners could not otherwise pay.
That would be a valuable study that would instantly clear up whether pit bulls just have “a bad reputation of being aggressive” or if they really are destroying our pets in obscene numbers; whether or not they’re acceptable as pets and whether it is humane to allow them in our communities. It would also clear up the nagging question of how much money to veterinarians make off of pit bull attacks, and how much are they willing to donate to the victims of the pit bulls they advocate for. Otherwise, without all that information, animal hospital workers advocating for pit bulls has an unhealthy whiff of pandering and monetary self-interest.”
Does anyone know how the mother got away from the dogs?
I guess she could have gotten away on her own if the pit bulls were playing with her precious daughter’s body. Why didn’t the police end the pit bulls’ lives? Why draw this out? Dexter is still probably the only living American pit bull that hasn’t been destroyed for killing a person. Look at court expenses for just trying to save him. Thankfully, CT has been smart enough to prevent Dexter’s owners from sneaking him out of the area. That’s just contempt of court.
In the article it states that “the cause of the attack is not known”…of course it is. The dogs were pit bulls. Literally anything can “trigger” them….or nothing. After all, this breed was originally bred to fight in the pit…
I’m going to venture out on a limb and say that these dogs were “rescued” from some shelter, and that the owners bragged nonstop about it.
Then, when the owners went away, their well-meaning neighbors stepped in to care for these poor wibble pibbles. Which were rescues and therefore needed lots of lo-o-o-ove.
I’d like to know when the people rescue starts.
This is killing me. I keep thinking, if they were almost any other kind of dog, Jayden would be having a ball and pestering her mom right now “when can we get a dog.” At worst, if a beagle bit her she’d be in the emergency room getting a couple stitches saying, ‘mom, I don’t like dogs.” That would be it.
With the supposed “experts” lying constantly, this educated woman believed she could tell by past behavior that these pits are OK. some might be dangerous, but these are loved little wiggle butts. So they won’t attack. And the BS experts are now saying, well maybe the child squealed or stepped on a doggie toe, to lay blame on a sweet little girl and her mother. As if either of those excuses are supposed to be a death sentence.
Oddly, I have accidently stepped on a toe of my current Goldens, even a tail, and in the past of a lab mix and Shepherd and none of them turned to instantly kill my child or myself.
Colleen, I need to wash my eyes. I just followed the links and ended up on Joseph Warner White’s and Mandi Balwin’s Instas. Um, yeah. I feel a little dirty. These two aging narcists take pleasure in taking bathroom selfies and underwear selfies. Especially him…these look like images that would be good for catfishing on Grindr. What I don’t see is anyone who appears to have a disability.
So the pit owners Joseph and Mani suddenly made all of these Instas private. Hmmm….I wonder why? I thought they were soooo proud of their pits and themselves. Hey you too, you forgot to remove “ESA” and “service dog” from their accounts.
Disgusting, it’s only been a few weeks since the little three year old boy was killed by pits on NJ. Unbelievable that some people are stupid enough to allow pits around their children. Total parenting fail. Poor little girl, rest in peace. 😢
I am so glad these ‘bully’ breeds are not common in my small city… I can tell a bull breed in an instant, I don’t care if it’s a pure bred APBT or not, if it’s a heavy jawed brute, I’m weary because of the damage one of these mutts can cause, there is no need for them…why would you want a dog fighting breed?
People pick pits because of defects in their own psychology or mental issues. They feel they were bullied or misunderstood, so they gravitate to a breed that they perceive as ‘misunderstood’.
So true. I was a pet sitter in the Atlanta area just starting out. I remember the meet and greet with a pit nutter and her 2 enormous pit bulls. I fed them once, but never again. I was too frightened not just of them, but the owner. She wrote a bad review in our website, saying how I was prejudiced against the breed. Indeed, against all political correctness, I am.
“PTSD Service dog” and “Emotional Support animal”.
Smh!!! In a just world, these two killer dog owners would be prosecuted for fraud and murder.
Victims of dog attacks need to start consistently suing vicious/killer dog owners and animal organizations, thereby costing them legal fees and tying them up in court for YEARS. Yes, I know that most vicious dog owners don’t have a pot to piss in and you can’t get blood from a turnip, but at least it would bring more attention to the victim’s plight and put fear of being sued in ALL dog owners and animal organizations. So then maybe dog owners would start choosing less risky breeds and these animal shelters/rescues would feel the pain of liability when the push pits and pimp out dangerous dogs. If my child or loved one was killed by a dog, I’d spend my last dime suing everyone involved.
RIP to this precious child, Jayden. Sorry sweetheart! You didn’t deserve to die! Your poor mom obviously loved you, but she was duped into putting you at risk of death from high risk dogs like pit bulls because she unfortunately bought in to the non-stop pro-pit bull propaganda being spread by pro pit bull fanatics and you paid for it via your painful death. Mom, if you ever read these words, don’t lash out at the message, lash out at those who killed your baby girl! I’m talking about the dog owners who choose to own high risk dogs (mainly pit bull type dogs and Rottweilers), the animal organizations that push these risky dogs out into the community and the pro-pit bull organizations. SUE THEM and make them pay for your pain and suffering! This has been going on for 30 years now and the only way it’s gonna stop is if the high risk dog owners, animal organizations and pro -pit bull organizations start to fear being taken to court by the victims.
The problem with expecting victims to sue is that they’re already suffering, they often have huge medical bills, they lose their jobs from being injured, they’re grieving the loss of a child etc etc.
We don’t expect the victims of violent acts to be forced to sue their attackers to get justice. We expect the justice system to do that.
If we criminalise the *selling* of pitbulls including the rescues then the profit motive goes right out the window and it’s profit that keeps pitbull breeders in business. Then highly regulate the ones that are left so that in twenty years–there will be very few pitbulls left to bite anyone.
Why do my comments disappear?
Shocking! These particular animals are not to be trusted due solely to their nature. (Or insidious breeding techniques.) These dogs need to be put down. The owners need to be sued within an inch of their total savings, housing, and investments. Then do impactful jail time. Also, what kind of idiot mother brings her 7 year old to a pitbull care event? The level of stupidity is amazing as “pits” are not to be trusted.
I googled dog fight bust and was stunned at the number of pits « rescued » recently. 168 fight-bred dogs are being prepped to be foisted on an unsuspecting public. Those dogs won’t stay local, either, with all the pit transports running between states. Where is the humane society in all this? Oh, right, all these dogs represent fundraising opportunities. More money, more humanity?
These dimbulb pit cultists will claim every one of them is a “bait” dog because most of them are too stupid to know that bait dogs are gentle breeds stolen/rescued/acquired by dog fighters to give their killer pits practise without endangering their money-making dogs.
The idiocy of these people is astonishing.
Every pitbull from that raid should be humanely euthanized. Period. The bloodlines are tainted. They’re a risk to everyone else’s pets and people.
That happens to me when 1. I comment too much. and 2. if something ends up in the website line such as “Website.” Occasionally, I think something in the system flags my comment as too nasty and that blocks it. Usually, I will use a different email to get through.
This is for KaD.
Maybe because WRAL’s lawyers warned them if they featured pitbulls and those pitbulls attacked the people that bought them after watching the show–they could share liability.
Of course with pitbull cultists they never think about anyone else’s responsibilities to the public because it’s all about them and their “right to bear pibbles”
Oh wow. That is beyond tragic irony. The mother’s broadcaster employer had taken a stand against presenting pit bulls as suitable pets. Did she know this? Will WRAL-TV become more vocal about protecting the public from this dangerous breed? A little awareness on everybody’s part could have prevented this horribly cruel death. And that’s quite maddening.
I suppose that’s the benefit of hiring shelter directors from the marketing and PR worlds, or, in this case, a restless vet who didn’t like private practice. Sheltering experience, who needs it.
Gotta love this: “Federico’s personal goal is promoting adoption of pit bulls. Her perfect day, she says, would be seeing people come to the shelter to fight over adopting one pit bull. “That’s really a sad state when you walk through here and people say, “Well, you have a lot of pit bulls.’ I say, ‘Yes, we do. Now take one home.’”
Also, this is interesting – early in her time at the shelter, she worked with a shelter consulting firm. Did not know this existed as an industry, and would be very interested in knowing if they’re connected to any other shelters who have killer alumni.
The money train rocketing along for pitbulls.
How much housing could we build for *people* with all that money?
Too bad unhoused moms and their children aren’t shilling themselves on facebook wearing flower crowns.
Too bad this overpaid PR shills aren’t paid to house *people*.
Those accounts have been removed
This is the sad legacy of Michael Vick. Other than him using beagles as blood donors, I really don’t care that he let pits do what they are designed to do. Sadly somehow pit pushers were able to pivot over night from “It is all how they are raised!” to “Fight bust dogs make perfect pets!” Not only did no one in the media call them on it, they helped them double down on the new lie. Sports Illustrated was one of the first national magazines to cover the pit bull problem. Yet they were front and center pushing the “stunning and brave” story of the Vick bust dogs.
Once again the innocent pay the price. More blood shed upon the altar of Moloch. Somehow saying “all dogs have teeth and can bite” is supposed to cover up the fact that one type of dog kills more people than all others put together.
Beagles, gentle souls they are, wind up as everything from medical research dogs to blood donors to bait dogs.
Saved beagles didn’t make the headlines in the Vick bust. They barely got a footnote.
Maybe if half these pit culties put their money into saving beagles that *are* family friendly dogs instead of into murder machines the mauling rates of other animals and people would drop.
Nobody talks about all the dogs from Vick they were forced to euthanize due to viciousness or the numerous “rehabbed” pitbulls that attacked their owners, other dogs and people.
Strange amount of silence on that front.
Years ago my two beagles took off. I was desperately trying to find them, as I was afraid they’d be hurt by cars. I had absolutely no concern they’d hurt anyone.
Later that day a man returned them. I asked him where they were. He told me at the school’s tennis courts. I asked him if the students were giving them food and water. Of course.
Essentially two beagles took off to have some fun. Can you imagine what could have happened if the beagles had been pit bulls?
Yes, I can. Scary.
Nobody can 100% guarantee their dog won’t ever get off leash. What they should be sure of–is that regardless, the dog is sociable to people and other animals.
When I was young, I had (of all things weirdly) a Bouvier I found as a pup who used to run away to visit kids at school. The school would call and tell my mom, “Your dog is here playing with the kids again”. In our small town, we weren’t the only people getting these calls about friendly dogs who liked to wander for company.
Later I learned more about dog training.
This is the whole point I keep trying to make.
Pitbulls aren’t safe in society. Most people aren’t dedicated dog trainers and shouldn’t need more than the basics and some consistency to have a sociable dog. Honest dog handlers will tell you in the back room that pitbulls are a crappy choice not just for viciousness but because they’re vicious and *stupid*.
Nothing wrong with a dog that’s friendly and dumb. That’s a pretty good choice for kids, really.
Combining gameness, viciousness and stupidity is a recipe for mauling. That can’t be fixed by training or kindness.
Nobody is a good enough psychologist to cure Jeffrey Dahmer’s impulses, either–and nobody is arrogant enough to claim they can.
True, other dogs bite. But they don’t also crunch your bones and rip out chunks of muscles and tendons and eat them.
True, other dogs bite. But they don’t also crunch your bones and rip out chunks of muscles and tendons and eat them.
Words fail in a report like this. There are simply no sufficient words to describe what has happened to this child. North Carolina is the dog fighting capital of the US. Some say NC is the dog fighting Capital of the world. One can only surmise that the shelter population and the population at large of pit bull dogs genes can be traced back to dogfighting pit bulls. North Carolina’s State Government bears responsibility for this.Governor Roy Cooper would be a good target for a packet full of information from DogsBite.org. The Speaker of the House would be another good target. Kristin Cooper, the First Lady of Nothr Carolina would also benefit from some truth mail. Elected officials cannot be allowed to, “ Not Know.”
They only just outlawed bear baiting there in the past decade.
We lost a potential Nobel Peace Price winner to a pitbull.
Pitbulls target children, the disabled and the elderly with increasing frequency.
I fail to understand how the elderly, disabled and children are considered less important to pitbull cultists than their “pweshus pibbles”.
That’s the definition of failed morality.
I am sure we will hear at some point how “good” the 2 murder beast were and how in spite of one being a fight bust dog they had never, ever been aggressive towards a person ever.
Most of the time those type of claims are lies. Even if they are true it changes nothing. I am remined of a a safety poster I saw once. It was a cartoon we see 2 men with halos setting on a cloud. One man tells the other “I worked 40 years and only had 1 accident..” What is implied is that one accident killed him. All those other years of being careful didn’t stop him from dying during his only accident in 40 years.
It doesn’t mater that your pits went 2 or 3 years without biting anyone once they eviscerate someone. You owned an animal that wasn’t just capable of tearing out the throat of a person, breaking bones, tearing chunks of muscle an d flesh away but that does this frequently. When somthing happens multiple times a month you don’t get to shrug your shoulders and say “Gosh, how was I to know? It was just a freak accident.”
Reading about today’s attack and today’s dead little girl I was pleased the police spokes person called it a “tragic incident” rather than an accident. If you turn a bull loose in a China shop, things will get broken. No one would call that an accident. We need to stop acting surprised when a pit bull kills people when it was allowed in a neighborhood. It isn’t an accident as much as it is a certainty. It isn’t an accidental death anymore than dying while playing Russian roulette is. Given enough time, they have the potential to end the same way.
Due to media coverage and common sense, people know that the following pets with teeth are incredibly dangerous: rattlesnakes and other poisonous snakes, chimps and monkeys, tigers and lions. As a result, very few individuals own these pets and in many places ownership is outlawed. Even if it was not, public outcry would be high if someone brought their tiger to the playground. If that tiger mauled a child, imagine an expert shrugging it off with “all cats have claws.” And imagine most people accepting that statement and thinking: “That’s true. My 6 pound house cat has claws. And tigers are endangered species after all. Tigers deserve a home too! They have a bad rap as predators. Just because they were born and designed to hunt doesn’t mean they’ll stalk and kill prey, including humans. It’s all how they’re raised! My neighbor has a tiger and it sits on her lap like a big baby.” And imagine that most people ignore the weekly tiger maulings and even consider adopting a nice liger mix of their own.
Ugh, I hate, hate, hate when these attacks happen! It’s like I can see it all in my head. Neighbor probably told the mother they were going out of town and to watch the pits while gone. Mom took Jayden over to help out; maybe prepare the food, maybe play with them in the yard. And while outside they attacked and killed her. Jayden probably thought she was doing good, caring for the neighbors dogs, unaware of the beasts they really were. Very, very sad when kids get caught up in these types of situations.
Watching other people’s fighting dogs should be one of those things that people just say NO to! If it was a giant snake, most people would probably say no immediately. But the pit lobby has brainwashed people into thinking these mutants are “just like other dogs”. They have more and more blood on their hands.
The “don’t bully my breed” hashtag makes me want to 🤢🤢🤢
I wonder how they feel about tagging that now that their dogs have killed a little girl. Privatizing their instagram accounts because they knew people would be calling out their hellhounds in comments.
Only one or two of those rescue shelters on the list are not Network Parters with Best Friends Animal Society. Being NP’s with them means they get grants to be No-Kill and follow BF’s idiotic, irresponsible rules. Rochester got a 25,000.00 grant from BF, unless it was a typo or I read it wrong.
All the more reason to stop donating to Best Friends. Give your money to DBO instead. There’s a donation link on every page of this site.
Recall that Pixar created a cartoon short in which a scarred-up pit bull escapes a fighting ring, befriends a kitten, and is then adopted. The cartoon was seen by countless children and families and was nominated for an Oscar.
That cartoon made me so mad.
Pits are trained using live cats as bait.
At least one pit food company will even give you plans to build a “cat mill” https://bullymax.com/blog/jenny-mill-blueprints/
Yet Pixar would have us believe if a trained fighting pit got out of the pit he would immediately befriend a kitten.
The real movie would be an even shorter short subject.
Maybe if the audience had gotten to know and sympathize with the kitten and then got to see it eviscerated in HD on the big screen, hear its cries in Dolby surround sound and THX, maybe then they would have some idea what these beasts are like.
You are so right, Dr. Duke. PIt bulls do not typically befriend kittens. They crush their throats and tear them limb from limb, much like they would do to a child. But Pit bull advocates would have us believe pits are sweet cuddle bugs who befriend kittens, children, little old ladies.. My pit is so sweet, they say. He or she would not hurt a fly. And unfortunately, many people fall for this lie. They see the pit bull romping and playing and acting goofy, and think, maybe I was wrong. Not ALL pits are bad. Jayden’s Mother, I am sure, probably had some reservations about these pits in the beginning. But they were just so darn sweet and well behaved. And then. . .
Absolutely not surprised. What infuriates me is the effort that will go into fighting to get them back. Look at the effort the HSUS woman is putting forth to get her dog back. My prayers are with that poor mother.
If this were anywhere near a normal, pro-social, loving society, no one would want the two evil creatures to be in the neighborhood. Nor the two deadly dogs, either.
These people are murderers.
In the old days, a group of local men would visit their house at night and drag them out in the yard, and beat them half to death. Then tell them to GET OUT OF TOWN and don’t come back.
The fact that the dogs weren’t immediately destroyed after killing Jayden was bad enough. But now the crap owners want the killers back?! Why would anyone even want a dog that killed a child in their house?
The logic of the owners’ argument seems to defeat itself. If this killing was “out of nature” (which I assume means “out of character” since they absolutely were acting according to the natural genetic nature of pit bulls) for these pits, then their character has now been updated by viciously destroying a human child and mauling a human adult. Any claims as to their previously sweet, predictable nature are now cancelled. The record is sullied. No one in their right mind would say “they are the sweetest dogs. They are so loving and so predictable. I mean, they did kill one human and maul another human, but it was out of character. Besides that one incidence they have such a good nature.” Truly the owners must be either clinically insane or profoundly degenerate, because keeping pets that kill humans is far beyond just delusional, faulty thinking. I hope that the court will quickly declare these dogs dangerous and put them down.
This is very powerful.
This article is interesting. These creeps are trying to claim that the victims did not have permission to be in their yard but a text message shows otherwise.
Can someone interpret “1 bite”?
hello everyone I started a petition Sign the petition to have these dogs put down and give the victims justice and the public a peace of mind.
Please contact the Garner police:
Binns, Joseph
Chief of Police
(919) 772-8810 ext. 6074
Email: [email protected]
And also governor https://governor.nc.gov/contact/contact-governor-cooper?fbclid=IwAR3LeBgR0xctr9Fq7IvxE4DudFq-iMxJP6OwXDfOKbGC32VnQ7S93bkp2sc
To donate to Jayden’s funeral costs please go to
That’s wonderful news. At least the neighborhood can rest in peace now.
It must be of some comfort to that neighborhood that those two unpredictably deadly creatures may soon be of zero threat to anyone else, anywhere else. When I scroll up and see the photos of the seven year old child, and the photo of the two devils, I am very distraught that those two are ok with one less seven year old child, and are strongly in favor of maintaining the two creatures that murdered the child. The local authorities indicate willingness to proceed in the direction of reason, only when the local population can’t ignore a bloody mass of 20-20 hindsight that recently was a happy seven year old child. The proverbial ounce of prevention would have been nice in this case. Too bad the all powerful forces of Evil are against that. I hope that the judge answers to the same source of Good that the police chief answers to. Maybe, one day, on earth, all governments will provide the people with that ounce of prevention. It sure is much better than the cure.
The owners want to move with their dogs to a neighboring county:
The couple that owns the child-killing dogs has moved to Franklin County.
They have filed a lawsuit against the Town of Garner seeking to allow their dogs to move with them to Franklin County.
A jury trial is sought by the dog owners.
Narcists and liars. That is the only way to describe the Whites. I would like to know more about each of their claims to PTSD and mental health disability. For instance, did someone see gruesome war injuries of death and dismemberment? Maybe see someone with their scalp, face, and neck blasted off? Mangled hands? Hmmm…I wonder how someone who may have experienced the atrocities of war could tolerate even looking at dogs that did what these two did and not have flashbacks, especially when Jayden’s autopsy report becomes public. Heather and Dave should make sure all of the awful details of this report are read in court in front of Mandy and Joe. I also hope Heather and Dave demand access to the “Core” military records including the medical records. With the narcissistic dishonesty, I have a feeling we will see a discharge that is something other than honorable.
The Whites allege in 24. “Upon information and belief, Athena became engaged with Heather Henderson after Heather Henderson approached Blitzen, and Athena was acting so as to protect Blitzen.”
Are the Whites alleging that the seven year old girl approached the first canine in a manner that the second canine perceived as approaching in a threatening manner, and so the second canine was forced by the child to use lethal force to protect the first canine from great body harm that the seven year old girl was threatening to inflict upon the first canine?
If yes, then where did the Whites get this information from?
is there not a data base that u can look up service and know if they for sure r a servie or ’emotional support’ dog? i tried googling it and i did find 4 or 5 web sites that u could look up by handlers first and last name and dogs name and several that u could look up dogs by their registration # with that particular organization which seemed to be several so what’s the true legitamate association ? also those service dog vest should have a clear sleeve on the top of the back and real service dogs should have a certificate with something scannable on it so retail businesses and restarants can either scan them or atleast get a visual of some sort of proof instead of having to decide between getting sued for denying entrance of a real service animal or let them all in and risk getting sued if an attack happens at their business-that would be a good idea-but i guess enough ppl arent concerned anough till it happens to them
also the data base i found that u could search by handler and dogs name i did search for amanda white blitzen and joseph white and athena and no records were found of either but i guess that doesnt prove much if theres several or many databases that they can be registered with -is that how it is? if that’s the way it works then that is stupid and useless-it should be like that it is sloppy all the way around-if that system ever gets cleaned up and changed it will prob be most lobbied by disable ppl and the ppl with actual true undisputable use for service dogs
wow, just wow! – and thank yuo for the expaination
ADA law on [genuine] service dogs does not require any kind of certification or registration. Service dogs, like all others can be denied access if they display unacceptable behaviors. An Emotional Support animal is a PET, and NOT a service dog. Only dogs and mini horses can be ADA service animals.
I am of the opinion that a certification or registration would benefit the disabled community because they dogs would have bona fides that faux ‘support’ animals do not. There is some antagonism towards true service dogs due to the masquerading of such by animals that are really just pets and do not truly service a disability.
Video of 7-8-2021 hearing:
WRAL report on the 7-8-2021 hearing:
The judge allowed a Victim Impact Statement. That is a good sign. Maybe the dangerous canines will get credit for good behavior during their 60 day stay at the Wake County Animal Center, if they do not attack any one or anything for sixty days. That could possibly happen, if they are held in solitary confinement, which could be appropriate for deadly violent offenders. If not, they probably will, but that’s ok, it just won’t be reported.
Disgusting. How is this not automatic that a viscous animal that kills a human is not automatically “put to sleep”….a far more serene way to die, then the victim had. I love dogs, I love all animals, but how can any judicial system not put human beings first and foremost?
Potential future home for the death-row dogs, DENIED:
A petition to change North Carolina law prompted by this attack/death:
An Instagram page has been made in an effort to get the dogs back. They are promising to go public with their information Monday. I’ve seen it already, it’s just more idiotic takes and more attempts to blame the child. Absolutely vile.
WOW. After some digging, there is another Instagram that looks to be started as of today that is basically calling out all of these points the whites are making. And people in the comments are being just absolutely disgusting. They definitely have a deluded mentality about this whole thing. Such a circus. This needs to end for this poor family.
I would also say these comments are all from Pit bull pictured profiles. Looks like they’ve shared the page with all of their pals. Some are even saying the mother and child broke into the house. This is absurd
This whole spectacle confirms the sad truth.
How ever bad the purpose bred murder beasts are, their owners are worse.
Pits don’t understand why they are what they are. They didn’t choose to be like that. They just are.
Humans that purposefully choose pits, choose to abuse service dog laws, choose to cheapen their service in the Marnie Corps by using the “I’m an American hero, a wounded warrior and I need my service dogs back” ploy to try to get back dogs that killed a little girl and mauled her mother.
People who choose to attack the same mother and dead little girl who did them a favor looking after their fight bust “esa”, these people choose to be like this.
That to me makes them even worse than the pits.
The Whites are two of the biggest idiots ever,. They are digging a hole and don’t know enough to stop.
I hope Jayden’s family has a “Pit Bull” of an attorney. I will contribute to legal fees.
The dog owner’s convoluted reasoning:
“We are good people and we deserve to have our dogs back because we did not make the decisions that happened that day and these are not vicious dogs that cause any sort of safety issue to the public.”
These people should not be allowed to own dogs, in my opinion.
So glad they won’t get those dogs back but sure they will soon get another pit bull or two because they are too stupid to understand the dangers and don’t care about the safety of others. And not sure why they are waiting until Monday to put the dogs down. So wish the owners had to pay for the months of boarding and the cost to put them down.
Yes, I expect they will be getting two new mauler-type dogs, though I hope they will prove me wrong. I feel sorry for their new neighbors – not sure what the status of their supposed move is.
Are these White’s related to this White?
The behavior is a match.
The 2 dogs have been euthanized:
The link name is misleading but the content at the link is clear. This was also on the WRAL TV Noon News.
Now, we only have to worry about the owners’ next pets.
The content was updated three days after the original article was posted. It would be unusual to change the URL.
The additional text is “A pair of dogs responsible for the death of a Garner child were euthanized Monday, a representative of the child’s family told WRAL News.”
Those dogs should have been put down the day they took Jayden’s life, but it’s good to know they can’t harm anyone else anymore.
The judge called this lousy pair what they are: selfish. I said it before, these two are narcists and liars. No matter how they spin the 22 days of training and service dog status, the truth comes out. The pit was not so smart that it only needed 22 days of training when a real service dog is trained for 1-2 years. If failed so heavy in public that it needed a shock collar to control it. I am relieved that these pits are dead.
Just saw a Reddit post with a picture of the owners lounging on their sofa with their brand new foster pitbull. Big one.
Here it is. No one is surprised by this. It did not take them long to get another one.
I just read the original 1989 act/bill providing for designation of ‘dangerous dog’ https://www.ncleg.net/EnactedLegislation/SessionLaws/PDF/1989-1990/SL1989-1023.pdf
which is still in the current NC general statutes
Though there are provisions for a Board to designate and animal as ‘potentially dangerous’ with repeat offenses escalating it to ‘dangerous’, the dangerous designation is AUTOMATICALLY applied in the case of a fatality. To wit:
‘Dangerous dog’ means
a. A dog that:
1. Without provocation has killed or inflicted severe injury
on a person;
It is not designation by an action or decision of the Board and, as such, COULD NOT be removed by the Board just because the dogs’ owners requested it. The appeals process mentioned in the statute applies to a Board decision to label.
Although the dog owners tried, I don’t see any avenue in the statutes to un-designate a ‘dangerous dog’ who has killed a person.
Thankfully they lost their case in court and the dogs were euthanized.
Thes statements are actually an indictment and not a defense. and it is used over and over again as if it somehow mitigates the tragedy: “Prior to this incident neither Blitzen or Athena had ever exhibited any aggressive, dangerous, or hostile behavior, nor had either of them attacked or threatened or assaulted any persons or dogs.”
Even if we entertain the possibility that this is true, isn’t it obvious then, that the behavior can’t be predicted or prevented as it essentially occurs out of the blue. Thus, the dogs can never be trusted not to do it again. Regardless, the dogs CAN never be trusted not to do it again. Why must there be a trial to determine if the dogs can be euthanized? Shoot them on the spot.
A dog with protection tendencies who “knows” you when the owner is present, even if the dog has “known” you for months or years, likely no longer “knows” you when you enter the property when the owner is not present. I have formulated an hypothesis that entering the dog’s property or having the dog on your own for pet sitting is a more dangerous and riskier environment than being in a park or on the street. Just an idea based on some similar details in the many incidents.