San Francisco Man Scales Tall Fence to Escape Violent Pit Bulls Captured on Video; Dog Owners Lived in RV Under Overpass

 San Francisco man scales tall fence to escape violent pit bulls in SoMa neighborhood. Dramatic Survelliance Video San Francisco, CA - On May 25, a man survived a vicious attack by two pit bulls by scaling a tall fence. Pablo Rocha, who stands at 6'6", told KTVU, "I just remember the noise of my bicep muscle being stretched." In that moment, "I thought I would die," he said. The attack occurred just after 6:00 pm near Alameda and Vermont Streets as Rocha walked home from his gym in S… [Read full blog post]

Ring Camera Video of Pit Bull Attacking Pomeranian in San Francisco Used in Vicious and Dangerous Dog Hearing

Video of pit bull attacking pomeranian is shown during the Vicious and Dangerous Dog Hearing. Statement of Decision San Francisco, CA - On April 25, 2023, a Vicious and Dangerous Dog Hearing was held to determine if a pit bull met the definition of "vicious and dangerous" set forth in the San Francisco Health Code. On February 28, 2023, the pit bull, "Chyna," flew out of an open garage door, grabbed a small dog by the neck, and "shook the dog for approximately five minutes," state… [Read full blog post]

2021 Dog Bite Fatality: 31-Year Old Woman Fatally Bitten in the Neck by Pet Pit Bull in Toledo, Ohio

Emily Kahl, 31, was fatally bitten in the neck by a family pit bull in Toledo, Ohio. Pit Bull Kills Woman Toledo, OH - A fourth person in the United States was killed by a dog on Sunday, July 18. Earlier today, the Lucas County Coroner's Office confirmed the death of Emily Kahl, 31-years old. She died due to "bite trauma to the neck, caused by a dog." The manner of death was ruled an accident. Lucas County Canine Care & Control did not respond to the incident. However, director Kel… [Read full blog post]

What Are Pit Bulls Good At?

By Boni A guest writer for the Blog. I’m sure dear readers you thought I was going to say {insert vicious pit bull joke, here}. Nope, not today. What we’re going to try and figure out, is what can pit bulls do, that another dog cannot do better? Pit bulls, since their inception, have been bred to fight. A pit bull that doesn’t fight, is a failed pit bull. Now, before all our pit bull aficionado friends get their Black Sabbath or White Claw t-shirts in a wad, let me clarify.… [Read full blog post]