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7 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Elderly Pastor Dies After Violent Dog Attack in East Indianapolis

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  1. It should be legal to shoot loose pits on sight, period. Anyone who cares about their dog doesn’t let it run loose.
    I hope they find the owner and they get manslaughter at least.

    • I don’t get it. Really, I don’t.

      States there are expanding their “Stand Your Ground” gun laws (which up here, we find completely bonkers but nevertheless) so you can shoot a *human* that approaches you when you’re scared but…

      …you can’t legally shoot a charging pitbull.

      Colour me confused.

      • Sadly Florida has ruled that “Stand Your Ground” doesn’t apply to animals. It may be different in other states.

        The media intentionally misrepresents what SYG is and isn’t. The law says if you are someplace you legally are allowed to be and someone makes a credible threat of death or great bodily harm, you have the right to defend yourself and no duty to retreat.

        You can’t just shoot a random person while shouting “I fear for my life!” and get away with murder like the media seems to think.

        In spite of the media talking about how allegedly racist the law is, black males have been the group that have successfully used the SYG defense the most.

        SYG should be modified to include animals since pits and other dogs are capable of death and great bodily harm. Sadly if you shoot a pit before it latches on you run the risk of being charged with animal abuse.

        Pit owners in comments of “Police shoot pit bull” videos will say the police should ” just take the bite because they will heal but a gunshot will kill the pit.” Even though as in this case many times one gun shot wont kill a pit.

  2. Another man who lives in Detroit is about to be taken off life support after being attacked by pit bulls. This is a father of six children. He had bought himself some clothes for his new job and was just walking home. The interviews with his little children are heartbreaking. They just want their daddy to come home. The damage these monsters do is beyond belief and nothing is being done to stop the carnage.

  3. Media just can’t bring themselves to report the words, “pit bulls”

    All together now, YOU CAN DO IT REPORTERS. Courage, now.

    Say it slowly…”Pit…bulls. Pit-bulls. PITBULLS”

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