Ohio's Weak Dangerous Dog Laws: 4-Part Investigation by Collaboration of News Organizations

New Legislation is Already Being Crafted A stunning and powerful 4-part investigation into Ohio's weak dangerous dog laws. Part 1: Dog Laws Fail Victims Columbus, OH - In early March, a 4-part investigation was published by a collaboration of news agencies after a 9-month investigation of Ohio's dangerous dog attacks and weak state laws. The Cincinnati Enquirer, Columbus Dispatch, Akron Beacon Journal and Canton Repository all participated: "We interviewed nearly 60… [Read full blog post]

The "Vicious Dog Owner Loop" – Explained Simply

Dogbitelaw.com - Most laws do not count multiple dog bites from different dogs in the same home as a serious problem. This creates a loophole that lets irresponsible owners keep getting new dogs after each attack. Here’s how it works: Vicious Dog Owner Loop If one owner has three dogs, and each dog bites a different person, the law sees this as: ✅ One bite per dog (Not a repeat offense). ❌ Not one owner responsible for three bites. ❌ Not one dangerous dog with multiple attacks. Each… [Read full blog post]

Report: Countries Worldwide that Restrict Dangerous Dog Breeds

Report Shows a "Universal Set of Dangerous Dog Breeds." The most frequent dangerous dog breeds restricted by countries. View Worldwide Report DogsBite.org - Starting in 2011, we began maintaining an estimate of breed restriction laws in the United States, including dangerous dog policies governing military housing and policies on Indian reservations. Currently, we maintain model and noted breed restriction laws to provide guidance to jurisdictions who are researc… [Read full blog post]

United States Senate Bill to Provide Public Health Veterinary Services in Rural and Tribal Communities

Bill would authorize public health veterinary services for tribal communities. Bill Reintroduced Washington DC - Last week, U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs (SCIA), along with multiple other senators, reintroduced Senate Bill 620, the Veterinary Services to Improve Public Health in Rural Communities Act. The bill authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service (IHS) to provid… [Read full blog post]