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7 thoughts on “2023 Unreported Dog Bite Fatality: Family Files Federal Lawsuit After Woman Killed by Son's Known Vicious Dogs

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  1. The family publicly accused the son of intentionally killing his mother, in the funeral fundraiser. Yet he continues to reside in her house with a pack of dogs. Evil people will perpetrate and get away with any brutality if no authority can or will be asserted over them.

  2. I think they’re blaming the wrong person here.they should solely blame her son Alex .he they know he have dangerous dogs but they still let her lived with why won’t they let her lived with her daughter or granddaughter or assisted living .why did they choose him over any other family members.

  3. If he really cared about his Chihuahua he wouldn’t have a pack of large, vicious dogs around to kill it.
    This exemplifies the price of NOT putting vicious dogs down and giving them endless opportunities to kill.
    The real answer is pits should not be pets anymore so than alligators, tigers or bears; and people who insist on having them should have to meet the same containment and insurance standards.

  4. Does anyone looking at the pictures believe those dogs are German shepherd dogs or any variety of shepherd?
    Certainly I hope they don’t go into statistics as shepherd dogs. I can accept them calling pitbulls terriers, as the breed is American pitbull terrier. However, personally I think terriers are cute little hairy dogs.

    I assume the elderly woman felt like she had no place to go so she could have a safe place to live. I don’t think criminal charges have been levied against the dogs’ owner

    • Yes. We are disturbed by this. It could be geographical, something about Mexico/Texas “border dogs.” There is a “default” shepherd-mix, as opposed to a default mixed-breed. A “shepherd mix” isn’t a German shepherd mix, just like a “terrier mix” isn’t a cute toy terrier breed (in the case of a fatal mauling).

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