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17 thoughts on “2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Dog Pack Kills 74-Year Old Man in Jefferson County, Alabama

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    • Well Neighbor, when you consider shooting the dogs, plural, it’s messy. Some of them are going to run. Some of those may be hit but not killed, now you have wounded dogs suffering needlessly. I have euthanized hundreds, possibly thousands of animals. Humane euthanasia is quiet, calm, and orderly. Easier on the animal and the people responsible for euthanizing them. All around a better solution than shooting.

      • @ Unsolicited Opinion: Well, big shot, how about you shake a leg and euth all those mutts that are terrorizing those neighborhoods? They’re not going to euth themselves.

        PS. Stop worshiping dogs. That way lies ruin.

        PPS. You are a liar.

        • Animal Uncontrol,
          I am many things but a liar is not one of them. I am or was a certified euthanasia technician. The shelter I worked at for 27+ years initially had a county wide prohibition against adopting out Pitbulls or Pitbull mixes. If their owners didn’t claim them they were euthanized. When I began my career as an Animal Control officer my first duty of the day was euthanizing the animals on the list for that morning. I started at 0600 hrs by euthanizing the cats on the list. There were usually around twenty to forty or so. My partner came at 0630 and together we would euthanize the dogs which would often be in the double digits. I did this for YEARS. Hence my claim to have “put down “ hundreds, maybe thousands of animals. Before I worked at that shelter I worked at the local Humane Society where I first received my certificate for humane euthanasia. I euthanized many animals there also.
          I am an outspoken Pitbull critic. DESPISE the breed. There is no place for them in our society. But that is not a reason to make them unnecessarily suffer during the euthanasia process. We, people, created them. Why should the individual animal suffer for our stupidity. I agree they should ALL be put down for our safety and the safety of our pets and livestock. I live in fear that one or more of those things will attack me, my pets, or my livestock. I have filed numerous complaints with local animal control.
          So, Animal Uncontrol, I respectfully invite you to rethink your comment.

          • Unsolicited Opinion, thank you for your professional reply to an unprofessional attack.

            I would have preferred that the pitbulls be shot on sight at the site. Sometimes even killer dogs escape capture and death due to no-kill policies at shelters. I appreciate your comment. I can see why you despise pitbulls.

          • Wow. It’s interesting to hear from behind the scenes. Thank you for doing so. 20-40 cats is heartbreaking.

  1. The dogs have been euthanized according to the report I read. Let’s hope their bodies have been preserved so local authorities can determine if this pack did, in fact, kill this victim.
    Whoever made the decision to euthanize these dogs and whoever authorized it are to be congratulated.

  2. What are thoughts on the animal behavior aspect on why so few rez deaths? I am wondering about jealousy created within the human family with new babies, which creates tension in the pack structure. So less tension if the dogs ramble about and are not close to human owners?

    Or perhaps over-protectiveness by the dogs of owners so lessens the drive to maul on the free-range rez? Again, reduced closeness to humans.

    • I’m thinking that it boils down to inhibition: more contact with humans means less inhibition about interacting with humans (be the interactions positive or negative for the human).

    • I can’t prove but I can suggest.

      Dogs, like wolves, aren’t inherently (in general) dangerous to people. There’s an old saw that if you want a genetically healthy and intelligent dog, get a rez puppy to raise.

      Loose Rez dogs are not pampered, chained, locked up during work hours, frustrated with owners who understand little about dog behaviour and send mixed signals about what’s acceptable social behaviour. They live with other dogs who show them the way to survive and live around people who see dogs as *dogs*–not as their babies. They aren’t bred with traits that humans desire that weaken their genetics.

      The strong and intelligent, mate. The weak, socially inept and stupid, die.

      This is why most street dogs are not generally dangerous, either.

      Does it happen? Yes, particularly when dog fighters and city folks dump their unwanted canine behavioural disasters, there. It used to be, cruel as it sounds, a yearly dog shooting ritual on some rez’s to get rid of them but I expect that’s no longer the norm due to animal rights activists.

      The above comments are based on what I’ve heard and who I know. There’s been no scientific research to prove this so I am just surmising.

  3. I wonder if those dogs were socialized. Were they fearful of people? Were they pitbull mixes? It’s such a shame to see a man lose his life merely going for a walk.

    • Who cares whether they were socialized or not? Ditto for being fearful of people. That matters not at all.

      They killed a man.

      That’s what matters most. Nothing else comes close.

  4. Most ‘ownerless’ dogs are only ownerless in the sense that their owners don’t accept any responsibility for their animals.

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