Four adults were arrested after a dog pack killed one man and injured another in Bienville Parish.
Human Remains Discovered
Ringgold, LA - Four adults were arrested in connection to the death of one man and another man who sustained severe injuries. On September 27, Davyta Gray, 30, was bitten over 130 times by a dog pack on Pine Street. He underwent five surgeries and nearly died. In late October, Bienville Parish Sheriff’s investigators found human remains on Pine Street. Police later announced that one of two separate dog attacks one day apart resulted in the death of the first victim, Donovan Brooks, 40.
On October 31, police arrested four adults who live at the 2747 Pine Street property. Police believe the body of Brooks had been in a wooded area since September 26 after being moved from where he was killed by the dogs on Pine Street. Charlotte Hubbard, 77; Shawn Hubbard, 32; Gerald Miller, 51, were arrested on charges of negligent homicide and obstruction of justice. Cameron Kelly, 21, was arrested on a charge of accessory after the fact. All four people were booked into the Bienville Parish Jail.
26 dogs -- nine large dogs and 17 small, including four puppies -- were on the property when police arrived. Bienville Parish Sheriff John Ballance said deputies also found a black garbage bag in the woods containing the remains of a large dog. Brooks was last seen by his family on September 26. Brooks told a witness that day he had been bitten by the dogs a day earlier. He told the witness he was headed back to the house on Pine Street to, "'Take care of the dogs,' in his words, Ballance said.
A witness told deputies Brooks was seen that day at a store in Ringgold buying medication for wounds he said he suffered the day before from dog bites. He told the witness he was headed back to the house on Pine Street to, “’Take care of the dogs,’ in his words,” Ballance said.
Another witness said Brooks was seen on his bicycle going to Pine Street. He was dressed in clothing found with the human remains. Also recovered was a billfold with Brooks’ information in it. - KTBS, October 31, 2023
One day later, the dogs brutally attacked Gray. Bienville Parish does not have an animal control department or a facility to house stray animals. The Louisiana Radio Network reports that Ballance confirmed the large dogs involved were part pit bull. “But there were I believe nine that were part Pit and larger dogs that could easily take a human being down,” Ballance said. The social media pages of Hubbard and Miller show a lineage of past and existing pit bulls living and breeding in their home.
Multiple Double Fatalities
Two people killed by the same dogs in separate attacks is rare, but when it occurs, a dog pack is often to blame. In 2022, a pack of seven dogs attacked one day apart near Red Bay, Alabama. The first victim, Michele Sheeks, 44, died of complications weeks later. The second victim, an Alabama Public Health employee, who went to the dog owner's home to follow up, was killed during the attack. In 2014, the same pack of six pit bulls killed two men a few months apart in Lamar, Mississippi.
In 2021, the same dog pack is believed to have killed Tony Ahrens, 52, and Amber Miller, 29, a few months apart in Cocke County, Tennessee.
In 2016, a pack of five dogs killed Valente Aguirre, 58, in a dry canal in near Biola, California. After DNA testing on the five dogs proved inconclusive, the pack was returned to its owner. Three weeks later, the same pack was involved in the death of Robert Simonian, 74, who was found dead with dog bite injuries in the same canal -- at that time the canal was not dry. The cause of Simonian's death was drowning. In 2009, a pack of 16 dogs killed a senior couple hours apart in Lexington, Georgia.
In the most recent death, authorities did not learn about the first attack until after the second one (same as Mississippi case). Even if the parish did have animal control resources, the dogs could not have been seized prior to the second attack, which was not fatal. Most of the double fatality attacks that involve two separate attacks occur in the south in areas with an average population of 2,000. The inability to seize a vicious dog pack after the first fatal attack can lead to another human fatality.

Gerald Miller's Facebook page shows multiple pit bulls and the breeding of pit bulls.
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Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
The pitbull strike the guy was feeding the dogs and he got attacked bought medicine and thought it was a smart idea to go back to feed the attacked and died is he a family friend .26 dogs would drive me can they lived in a house not with one or four dogs but freaking 26 dogs I bet not one them get any peaceful sleep with 27 dogs barking through the night.imagine the work it take to care for all those dogs feed walk clean bathe heck I wonder the cost alone.
I’ll bet the neighbors couldn’t get peaceful sleep either. Not with 27 dogs next door.
If I’m understanding this right, Donovan Brooks was killed by the dogs, then the owners moved his body to hide it? I’m not even sure what I came here to comment. I’m just trying to wrap my head around this and understand the thought process involved. I really hope that all of the dogs seized from these monsters are euthanized, and that all individuals involved serve some kind of prison sentence. Dream on, right?
Atlanta about the all of them being euthanized
At least not Atlanta stupid auto correct I guess
Sounds like the only reason these horrible people are in any REAL trouble is because they moved the body, not because they had a pack of vicious dog running loose killing people.
That is the crazy thing.
If they had called the cops and said “We found a dead trespasser. The dogs got him.” They would have faced no legal problems.
Thousands of dog owners would have congratulated their “heckin’ good puperinos” for “doing their job”.
The only possible complication could have been a civil suit and that’s unlikely.
By moving the body they really stepped in it.
You can’t help but wonder did they murder him and feed his body to the dogs?
What if Donovan who said he was going back to “take care of the dogs” meant “Exact revenge upon and make sure they can’t hurt anyone else”?
A understandable response after getting attacked by them.
Let’s say the pit owners head he was coming to “take care of the dogs” and “took care of him” first
Sadly I suspect the body will be too far gone to provide any evidence unless these mental midgets left a bullet in the body.
Still, moving a body and concealing a death is serious business.
Hopefully they are all out of the dog breeding game for many years.
This is all the plot of a horror movie.
To KaD’s point above, American society at large does in fact seem to be perfectly okay with owning murderous dogs. “Pets,” “beloved companions,” “fur babies” — these benign labels are sufficient to trump that bloody corpse in the front yard.
As I say, the plot of a horror movie.
I’m with you all, I had to read this story twice before I realized what all was going on. Hiding the body is probably the only thing that will get those sickos any time. I could not imagine living near that crazy house.
Exactly! The hiding of the body is the part that crossed the line in most law enforcement departments eyes
This is just disgusting.
I saw the FB page of this man and he lived in his own foggy world of ” Vietnam” war still going on, probably… It was on some photo – addressing to the dog – GO GET THEM !!! He meant that laterally.
In every case of death by dog so far – there was a single body ,but not hidden.
So, what is the difference?
Gruesome or causing repulsion or horror,
“the most gruesome murder” ? Just in words for the court ?
I am not sure – what is more gruesome – to die as a baby by your own parents beast, or to die in pain at your front door in your 90’s …
I looked up Dexter, the dog which killed a 95 year old woman in Connecticut. His owners still want him saved. It’s been four years since the fatal bites. They only had him for 4-6 months before the killing. They don’t even know the dog.
Who is paying to keep that [blankety-blank] dog alive? And why?
The taxpayers, because the Hornishes stopped paying.
All three of those Facebook pages contain disturbing images of criminals striking threatening poses.
Clearly, when these types of dirtbags own pitbulls they intend to look intimidating.