2020 Dog Bite Fatality: 32-Year Old Woman Mauled to Death by Dogs in Laurens County, South Carolina

Jacqueline Robinson killed by dogs in Laurens County
Jacqueline Robinson, 32-years old, died after being attacked by dogs in Laurens County.

Dog Owner Arrested
UPDATE 10/02/20: Just after we listened to the long telephone interview with the victim's father, John Robinson, we learned that an arrest has been made. "They tore her up. They tore her all to pieces," Robinson said during the interview. "I want justice for Jacqueline." Today, Jeffrey Sullivan, the alleged owner of the dogs involved in the death of 32-year old Jacqueline Robinson, was charged with involuntary manslaughter and three counts of possession of a dangerous animal.

"This is such a tragic, senseless death," Laurens County Sheriff Don Reynolds stated. "My thoughts and prayers go to Ms. Robinson’s family. I pray that justice is served and that her family feels some peace knowing that this individual believed to be responsible is being held accountable for his reckless actions." After her death, multiple dogs were removed from the property. Police officials have not released the breed of dog involved, but Robinson stated the dogs are pit bulls.

Reporter: Tell me a little bit about your daughter.

John Robinson: First of all, to me, she is as beautiful as an angel. She never wants to see anybody go hungry. If she met you, made friends with you, she's got a lot of people, you are automatically her family. You know, she made friends real easy. She treated everybody with respect. Even when I would talk to her she would say yes or no sir. She just, I pray...she was just a beautiful baby girl. She would never want to hurt anyone or see anyone hurt or go without. She would welcome you into her home. And you know, she just lived life with a beautiful smile. She was happy in any way she could. She'd give you her shirt off her back. You know. She was a good mother. She loved her kids. She'd go to the last mile for her kids. She just was a great kid when she was young. And growing up, she loved to ride the horses. She loved animals. And she was a dog groomer.

You know, I just can't believe that she had to suffer a death like this. It is horrible. This is tragic. She did not deserve it. The owners of these dogs need to pay in more ways than one. Because my baby's death. You're responsible for your pets. I don't know how it is...well I talked to a deputy. He told me the laws are different in South Carolina. You let pit bulls run loose?

In the state of Kentucky, a dog, a pit bull is almost extinct -- they don't like them here. But you have to have a vicious dog. A killer is what they are. On a chain and in a fenced in yard. These dogs were running loose. He got a hold of my baby. Three of them and killed my baby. Destroyed my baby. Destroyed my life. Destroyed her mother's life. This is Mary Ann Robinson. Two beautiful kids. Cameron Blake Gamble…Cameron is 15. Destiny Nicole Gamble. She's 11 and will be 12 on October 17. And they have to bury their mother for absolutely no reason. She just had a birthday. We celebrated her birthday -- 32 years old. Too young. Too young. Her life has been snatched away. She's supposed to bury me, not me burying my daughter.

I want the laws changed. I will go to my last breath. Talk to a senator or whoever I have to, to get those laws changed, and I want it named after my daughter, called Jacqueline's Law. I'm going to do everything possible to make sure that my daughter's death doesn't go in vain. I want something done in South Carolina about these dogs. I want charges on these people that own these dogs. They should already been in jail. They would have been in jail in the state of Kentucky. They should already be locked up.

My beautiful little angel. She's gone. I've got to bury her. I will do everything in my power for my baby. She's in heaven looking down on me. I can't let her death go without justice.

Reporter: No charges have been filed at all at this point?

John Robinson: Not to my knowledge. I talked to the deputies, I don't know how many times yesterday, and they said it's an ongoing investigation. They got to meet something, like criteria or elements. You know, it doesn't make sense. I mean, it's not like these dogs attacked another dog and killed it. Or a cat and killed it. These dogs killed a human being. They killed my baby girl -- killed her. These people ought to be charged with murder because they are responsible for their dogs. No charges have been brought. And I don't understand why. Nobody has been punished for this. It is my understanding that they have the dogs that killed her in quarantine…they are supposed to swab them and...you know. But no. Nobody has been arrested. Nobody has been made responsible for these dogs and for the death of my baby girl.

Reporter: My thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry...

John Robinson: We're lost. I can't wrap my arms around it. Mary Ann, her mother, she's just 12 pieces…Out of her mind, like me. I can't, I can't comprehend this. This is wrong. It's tragic. She should never had to go through the pain of a pit bull -- or any dog -- attacking her and ripping her throat. I mean they tore her up. Tore her all to pieces. Just think of the pain my daughter went through. And nobody has been made to pay for this? This is wrong! This is wrong! I want justice for Jacqueline Nicole Robinson. My beautiful daughter. My baby girl. I want justice. I will not stop until I get justice. Somebody is going to pay. - John Robinson

We will address a few points the grieving father made. Since 2005, only 20% of fatal dog attacks have resulted in criminal charges. That this same attack would quickly result in criminal charges in Kentucky is untrue. There are jurisdictions in Kentucky with breed-specific laws that can file charges more easily because prosecutors do not have to prove the owner had "knowledge" of the dog's vicious propensities (the ordinance already declares pit bulls dangerous or vicious).

The definition of a fatal pit bull mauling is always an extremely violent attack. Ripping out the victim's throat, severing the carotid artery, breaking the cervical spine, tearing off the full scalp and ears, and tearing out "chunks of flesh" -- wounds with massive soft tissue loss -- are injuries common in fatal pit bull attacks. These horrendous injuries, compared to shark attack injuries in medical journals, are even more horrific when there is more than one pit bull involved.

Only three states have felony dog attack statutes that are in consistent use: California, Michigan and Texas. Otherwise, to the horror of this grieving father, these barbaric maulings on public streets and within residential alleyways by recognized dangerous dog breeds continue to be tolerated by state policymakers. They cannot even be bothered to enact a felony dog attack statute. In South Carolina, involuntary manslaughter carries a sentence of up to five years.

Finally, during 2019 and 2020 a modest attempt was made in the South Carolina legislature to reign in the pit bull problem. House Bill 3709 essentially sought to have all pit bulls sterilized to bring their population numbers down and microchipped for identification purposes. All persons breeding pit bulls would be required to register and microchip their dogs. The bill never made it out of the House Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs.

"Whereas, the pit bull dog is the most desired breed for dogfighting and is dying at a higher rate in local animal shelters than any other breed of dog in South Carolina; and

Whereas, fertile dogs are more likely to be territorial and therefore more likely to bite. Most dog bite fatalities are committed by dogs that were not altered; and

Whereas, requiring registration to own a fertile pit bull dog would provide a safety component for the public and the dog." - H 3709, 123rd Session, 2019-2020

09/30/20: Woman Killed by Dogs
Gray Court, SC - A 32-year old woman was found dead in a yard on Allegra Lane Tuesday morning, according to the Laurens County Sheriff’s Office. A home healthcare worker discovered her body. The Laurens County Coroner’s Office conducted an autopsy Wednesday morning. Chief Deputy Coroner Patti Canupp identified the woman killed as Jacqueline Nicole Robinson, 32. Canupp said the autopsy showed that her cause of death was due to being "mauled by dogs."

Deputies responded to the home about 10:50 am Tuesday. Laurens County Animal Control removed several dogs from the scene. Robinson had been breeding pit bulls at her home for several years (litters in 2019 and 2018), according to her Facebook page. Photos show a "Momma" and "Daddy" pit bull -- both were staked out in the yard. Multiple adult, adolescent and pit bull puppies appear in her photos. Other photos indicate the victim was a dog groomer.

Police have not confirmed the breed of dog involved. Last October, we issued trends in fatal pit bull mauling victims. Between 2010 and 2018, women 30-years and older had risen to the most frequent victim of fatal pit bull maulings. One can see this rise more clearly when comparing three recent periods. In the 5-year period of 2005-2009, women 30 and older accounted for 19% of people killed by pit bulls. That rose to 38% during the 4-year period of 2015-2018, a 100% rise.

Laurens county fatal dog mauling

Two adult pit bulls marked as "Momma" and "Daddy" are seen on the victim's Facebook page.

Father of Jacqueline Robinson

Jacqueline's father recently published a post to Facebook confirming that pit bulls killed her.

map iconView the DogsBite.org Google Map: South Carolina Fatal Pit Bull Maulings.

Related articles:
09/30/19: 2019 Dog Bite Fatality: Woman Dies After Vicious Attack by Her Own Pit Bull...
03/23/19: 2019 Dog Bite Fatality: Pit Bulls Attack, Kill Owner While She Visited Her Dogs...

Baseline reporting requirements:
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.

Are Sensible Dog People A Dying Breed?

Vintage pointer dog - sensible dog people
A vintage pointer dog illustration from Cassell's Illustrated Book of the Dog (1881).

By Boni
A guest writer for the DogsBite.org Blog.

Once upon a time in a land far, far away Dear Reader, there were Sensible Dog People. These SDPs owned dogs for various reasons.

Sometimes the dogs herded cattle and generations of good herding dogs were bred for their ability to be brave and clever and learn quickly from their herding elders and human handlers. Some barked warnings at the heels of sheep, big ones chest-banged cattle. Farmers respected their herding dogs. No dog that attacked livestock or the family was tolerated because of course, the whole family depended on that livestock and each other to survive. Many farmers, when the good old herding dog retired, would let it lay by the fire and feed it, even though it couldn't contribute anymore until it finally passed away. Then the neighborhood farmers would wax poetically about that dog's greatness and how half the county's best dogs were its descendants. Thus, the dog was a blessing to the whole community.

Sometimes there were sled dogs that slugged supplies and people from one place to the next through the deepest snow. Brave, resilient dogs, their lot in life was full of hardship. Without them, life would have been impossible in the arctic areas where their owners were forced to reside and learned to adapt. These dogs were admired for their life-preserving skills and if they shed more than their own weight weekly, well, everyone deserved a good winter coat.

Sometimes the dogs were bred for generations to retrieve game, to bring back dinner without a single tooth-mark upon it. Other dogs were bred to chase game or large, dangerous animals and some to bugle deafeningly to hunters or point to their next meal.

Sometimes there were cruel men who bred powerful pit dogs for sport. They pitted these game dogs against bulls and bears then as civilization moved away from blood sports -- fought the dogs against each other because it was cheap to breed and pen these hefty dogs, far harder to keep a bear or bull loose in the back garden. These gambling men of low countenance kept a tight reign on these unpredictable dogs because they didn't want their illicit activities to come to light. Never did these practical men consider these dogs as "pets".

Sometimes, Evil Men used their dogs to hunt other humans.

Sometimes there were even companion dogs. These were dogs that people kept around just because well...dogs are companionable. Many were free mongrels, procured from a neighbor whose friendly boy dog jumped the fence and paired with another neighbor's friendly girl dog and well...if you're over the age of 12 you probably have a good idea of how the puppies were made. Sometimes, dog fanciers bred elite dogs they called "purebred" to have specific physical and temperamental traits as guarding companions, lap dogs or helpers and charged top dollar for the ones that looked flashy at dog shows. Dangerous dogs that failed at being sociable companions were culled out for the public good with no second chances, which strictly speaking, wasn't always a fair system, as some people noticed.

And with that, Dear Reader, the whole world of dogdom went Barking Mad.

Because you see -- there was Big Money to be made off marketing to the sentimentality of companion dog owners. "AHA!" thought the profiteers. "Why should we only make a reasonable profit off dog kibble, retriever dumbbells, leashes, simple leather collars and check chains? We could make BILLIONS if we could just milk all these sentimental saps!"

Next there were walls of expensive dog toys, thousands of brands of designer treats to appeal to an animal that would be just as happy to mow down on a plop of cat poop, shelves of fancified duck-with-peas-and-sweet-potato dog foods that cost more than the family groceries, racks of dog pajamas, glorious handcrafted dog leashes with matching rhinestone collars and wardrobes that would put the Kardashians to shame.

Pee pads became the new Persian carpets as celebrities flashed their puppies' photos on the internet without the understanding that puppies have bladders the size of peanuts and need to potty 127 times a day rather than sit still for cameras.

Suddenly, dog trainers didn't just teach obedience classes for a few extra dollars to feed their obedience trial habit -- televised dog gurus, including some that didn't even own a dog -- materialised overnight. Buckets of cash could be teased from gullible owners who bought dogs based on looks, or without breed knowledge, or who'd never laid eyes on a working dog or even knew how to leash train a dog or command it to "sit" with any regularity. Of course, doing a brisk business depended on gushing all over said dog and promising that training would be a "wholly positive interactive relationship experience" for both dog and owner which, you would think -- if any of them ever raised children -- should have caused them all to laugh, outright.

I suspect, Dear Reader, that telling people that training a dog was repetition, repetition and more repetition regardless of methodology wasn't a strong selling point.

In an effort to avoid that inevitable truth, hobble harnesses and head halters were devised to fleece clueless dog owners who couldn't fathom why a dog wearing a halter originally designed for an animal with eyes on the side of its head was "having behavioral problems" or why feeling its front legs restricted against its will, caused a predator to lash out.

With that, along came the "behaviorists" and "dog whisperers" who promised to fix ill-bred dogs that had no business being in the average household but whose softhearted owners had overpaid the local rescue after being swindled about the dog's unproven "horrifying history of abuse" alleged by "dog adoption agents" whose conning skills would be the envy of any religious cult leader.

Then some enterprising carpetbaggers announced the idea that a dog living for 10 miserable years alone in a cage was preferable to humane euthanasia for an animal that was purpose-bred to live with humans, even those dogs that were too vicious to manage it. Between taxpayers and donors -- there were now massive dog gulags to be funded. All of this included well-paid executive management teams, of course.

Woe betide the poor sod who publicly proclaimed that the sensible answer to vicious dogs was to euthanize them for public safety and to save the donation funds for the betterment of gentle dogs. Let the public stoning, begin!

More and more dogs were also re-sold -- excuse me Dear Reader -- "re-homed" numerous times only to attack the unwitting because someone took home a temperamentally unsound or unsuitable dog.

The direct result of paying for all these unwanted, temperamentally unsound canines, was that mongrels and unwanted dogs that used to cost $50-80 at the local pound ten years ago now cost $200-500 from a "rescue". Purebreds became a rarity at local pounds -- breed rescues snatched them up. Dogs were gobbled up by owners with one ill-behaved dog who decided that bringing in another untrained dog would hopefully, mitigate their training failures from the first one and the holy trinity of the third one could be the charm. Rescues, to fill the demand, began importing dogs and purchased from puppy mills. As a result of all these practices prices skyrocketed, purebred dogs from a registered breeder cost more than a second-hand car.

So where, Dear Reader, have all the Sensible Dog People with their Sensible Dogs, gone?

Relegated to the dustbin of history by those whose agenda is neither dogs nor people, but profit, perhaps?

CC BY-NC-ND September 29, 2020

Further information:
$87 billion per year spent on pets in the USA
$139.80 per month is spent per dog in the USA
Dog rescues importing dogs

vintage sheep dog - sensible dog people

A vintage sheep dog illustration from Cassell's Illustrated Book of the Dog (1881).

Related articles:
03/18/16: Guest Post: Dog Trainer Shares Dog Attack Story & Professional Opinion
01/09/12: Guest Post: Saving Man's Best Friend by Branwyne Finch

Lafayette PD Video: We Are All in Trouble When Trained Police K-9s Attack the Head, Neck Regions of Unarmed Suspects

Police K-9 Attacks also Show Dogs Ignoring "Out" Commands

Richard Bailey police K-9 neck injuries
Richard Bailey Jr. was attacked in the neck by a Lafayette police K-9 on May 9.

Lafayette, IN - In 2014, our nonprofit began collecting police K-9 attacks of innocent bystanders, non-threatening suspects and low-level offenders. We began doing so after reviewing lawsuits filed in the Pacific Northwest and how the "bite and hold" method of training was being tested in the courts. Later that year, Canadian-based Pivot Legal Society released a study that concluded police K-9s were the leading cause of injury by RCMP and municipal forces in British Columbia.

Collecting the volume of K-9 attacks on undeserving people, including attacks on their own handlers, quickly overwhelmed us. No state or federal agency is in charge of tracking police K-9 bite data either. As we collected more cases, it became difficult to ignore the many videos of police being unable to call their K-9s off people -- in one case the officer screamed "Off" 18 times to no avail -- as well as the dogs being used as a proxy for excessive force (see unblurred version).1

"If you can't control your dog, you're a liability. You are no longer an asset to your agency. You are a liability magnet. You are going to get sued. You're going to hurt people and your agency is going to write checks." - K-9 expert, Dr. Charlie Meloh

As we delve into this post, which contains violent and disturbing imagery, it is important to know three things. One, the use of police and military dogs -- the attack dog industry -- exploded after 9-11, which impacted the breeding and training of these dogs. Two, when it comes to police "brutality" in K-9 attacks, it is often a "mentality." Lastly, the "partnership relationship" between an officer and K-9 are rarely seen in videos today. This NPR video provides instructive background.

The best example we could find of an ideal "partnership relationship" between an officer and K-9 occurred in February. Montgomery County Officer D. Richardson and his partner, Axel, responded to a bank robbery. The dynamic partnership and Richardson's control over his K-9 is stunning. After Axel jumped through a broken window (while leashed), Axel waited for Richardson to follow. The two proceeded into a potentially highly confrontational scenario, where no bite event occurs.

The primary goals of a police K-9 are to decrease escalation (as the case of K-9 Axel shows), to assist officers in apprehension and to immobilize suspects who resist arrest by biting and holding one of the suspect's extremities. Remain mindful of these goals while examining the principal video in this post -- the Lafayette, Indiana police K-9 attack of Richard Bailey that was released in July -- along with the other videos that we link to, where these goals have been forgotten.

Workings Dogs & Fatalities

In 2014, a titled protection trained rottweiler (level 2 IPO) attacked a 7-year old boy in the head and neck, killing him. The dog belonged to the child's stepfather, who was the director of Vohne Liche Kennels Executive and Family Protection. Indiana-based Vohne Liche Kennels is a top provider of "social police dogs" to K-9 units across the country.2 Alexandra Semyonova wrote a special report for our post explaining bite work (Schutzhund), the basis of police K-9 training.

In 2015, Semyonova offered more insights into the attack dog industry, including the dark side of commercial sellers of "pre-trained" law enforcement dogs, of which Vohne Liche is one, who she believes are not producing reliable dogs. They participate in a "testosterone-driven culture and a hunt for cash markets," she said. Recently, Vohne Liche was forced to pay $1.35 million to the U.S. Department of Defense for fraudulently submitting claims for labor hours for trainers.3

“We will not tolerate dishonest contractors who seek to enrich themselves at the expense of federal taxpayers.” - United States Attorney Thomas L. Kirsch II.

In 2016, another dog trained in apprehension and bite work, a retired police K-9, attacked two people, killing one in San Luis Obispo County, California. We also dedicated substantial time to that case, documenting the preliminary hearing and final trial, where former officer Alex Geiger was acquitted. "Due to this verdict, a 'retired' police K-9 can now breakout of its property and savagely attack and kill an innocent person without criminal culpability," we wrote after the trial.

Tracking Police K-9 Disasters

We continued tracking individual cases and regional investigations into police K-9 units often rifled with poor training, unstable dogs and excessive force.4 In North Port, Florida, "cowboy" handlers were commanding their dogs to attack unarmed citizens without sufficient evidence to charge a crime. In St. Paul, Minnesota, three high-profile police K-9 attacks were captured on video (2016, 2017 and 2018), including two innocent bystanders and two K-9s ignoring "Out" commands.

North Port paid out $1.4 million in claims and St. Paul $2.6 million. "A Star Tribune review of six years worth of St. Paul police dog bite reports showed that officers lost control of their K-9s on occasion, dogs regularly apprehended people with no instruction from handlers and that some bystanders were attacked while officers were following common practices." Prior to these settlements, North Port and St. Paul bragged about having "awarding winning" police K-9 units.

In 2018, Joseph Pettaway was killed by a police K-9 after the bites ruptured his femoral artery. Deaths are a rare event in K-9 maulings because police are present to call the dog off, stop bleeding, and call for an ambulance. Deaths are also rare because the dogs are trained to attack the arms and legs -- not the head and neck. In another rare fatality, in 2013, Hayward police shelled out $1.5 million for not warning the victim they had deployed the dog in his backyard.

Police K-9 Facial Attacks Rise

In 2019, we started seeing more facial attacks by police K-9s. In the case of Carlos Balli, he was unarmed, but not a low-level offender. The dog attacked his face for 32 seconds and destroyed it (see body cam video).5 The goal of a K-9's training is to render the subject immobile by targeting the arms and legs. Those can be significant injuries too, but are vastly different than a police K-9 targeting the head and neck region, an act of potentially killing, not an attempt to immobilize.

Then the case of Spencer Erickson, 26, in Lakewood, Colorado emerged. That lawsuit alleges police K-9 Finn bit his neck repeatedly leaving him with deep and potentially fatal cuts near his jugular vein.6 Erickson was not a perfect victim, but he was a low-level offender -- he had crawled into an attic and was consuming alcohol and smoking pot. Erickson also had outstanding warrants for a DUI and mischief cases. The K-9 attack resulted in these bites, which could have been fatal.

Two years earlier, K-9 Finn had attacked an officer during a training exercise, biting him on the face and neck. The dog remained on active duty afterward. If you start to follow these cases, you will find these K-9s are rarely taken off the force even when a previous bite has resulted in a lawsuit.

Evaluating Lafayette Video

Before we show you the 16-minute video released by the Lafayette Police Department in July that shows another insidious "neck attack" by a police K-9 to an unarmed suspect, watch how this K-9 immobilized this man. Watch where the dog is biting him. There is debate in the Prescott Valley case that officers did not follow protocol, but there is no debate about the dog's performance -- it did exactly as it was trained to. The dog appears to perform a clean "Out" too (see full video).

In the Prescott Valley video, police at the scene assess the man's bite injuries. The suspect has an upper left arm bite (3:52), where the dog immobilized him, and bites to his hip through his jeans. That dog's training performed an excellent outcome. What you will see in the Lafayette video is profoundly different and disturbing. We encourage you to watch the full 16-minutes to understand the whole context. Also know that the dog involved, K-9 Boyka, was a Vohne Liche Kennels dog.

The confrontation starts at 6:28. officer Saxton enters at 7:58. K-9 Boyka was released in a "door pop" at 8:24. "Here, here, here!" is heard, alerting the dog to its target. The attack begins at 8:28.

In the video, K-9 Boyka attacks Bailey's neck area for 30 seconds (see left side of screen), while an officer handcuffed him. Bailey's arms and a leg are exposed, but the dog targets his neck. Bailey's doctor described his wounds as a punctured trachea, cut carotid artery, damaged tissue in his neck, injuries to his shoulder and a broken finger. Bailey's injuries resulted in him being in a medically induced coma for six days and hospitalized for 11 days, according to his attorneys.

At 8:52, Saxton snaps a leash onto the dog. Officers say to Bailey, "Stop fighting the dog, stop moving," while the dog is still latched onto his neck. At 9:00, the K-9 breaks off, and at 9:04, the dog redirects onto Saxton. As Saxton leads the dog back to his cruiser, he continues to say, "Stop, stop" to the dog. By 9:38 the dog is inside the cruiser. By 9:49, officers are saying "We need medics now!" Though initially conscious, Bailey will later be placed into a medically induced coma.

On June 11, before the release of this video on July 25, the Tippecanoe County prosecutor requested a special prosecutor to investigate three Lafayette officers -- K-9 handler, Sgt. Josh Saxton, Officers Nicholas Klimek and Victor Sikorski for possible crimes. Indiana State Police confirmed they were investigating the officers for possible excessive force in the arrest of Richard Bailey Jr., during which Saxton's police K-9 mauled Bailey's neck, causing life-threatening injuries.

On June 30, and while he was under investigation, Officer Joshua Saxton was promoted to Sergeant and K-9 Boyka was retired under the auspices that a "supervisor" cannot also be a K-9 handler. Saxton was given sole ownership of this dog -- removing any future liability to the city.

On August 15, the members of the board of the Greater Lafayette ACLU penned an editorial and stated in part: "The body cam video shows that the officers permitted the dog to maul Mr. Bailey in the neck. It is not usual police or K-9 training to point a dog at anything but the extremities." They added that a "murder" while in police custody -- referring to George Floyd -- "very nearly did" happen here. As of September 18, the investigation by the special prosecutor remains pending.

In July, Lafayette Police Chief Patrick Flannelly denied a request from the Journal & Courier to inspect the bite records for Boyka during its nearly six years of service with the department. That is a very strong indicator this K-9 has a history of inappropriate bites, as we would expect a "neck biter" to have. Police will eventually be forced to hand over these records to Bailey's attorneys.

Working Dog Trainer Feed Back

We sent the video to a working dog trainer, who provided insight into Eastern Bloc K-9s. "Non NATO/UN countries sell these dogs the cheapest," she said. "There are no human rights in these countries, which could influence the training style to skew towards a high level of aggression/lethal bite targeting of head and neck." She also believes that a belligerent drunk on a moped "does not authorize a straight up door pop," when the dog flies out of the vehicle without a handler.

"CRAZY DOMINANT POSSESSIVE Eastern Bloc dog with no respect of his handler ... dog redirected on the cop. And that dog had access to arms and legs and targeted the neck. They crank the dogs way too high in training while not practicing any control whatsoever ... and this is how it all goes sideways.

That dog could have just as easily targeted the other officer. It is NOT OK to loose a dog like that unless it is truly life and death. A belligerent drunk man on a moped does not authorize a straight up door pop because you cannot influence the dog at all in such a scenario, dog just comes out teeth first and brains last. This dog clearly had very bad training, and I’d be willing to bet it’s like we discussed, cops get the dog and do "too hot" scenario training all the time, no control, choke off, no outs, no frustration tolerance, which is why the dog ate up the cop on the choke off. Macho boys playing with macho toys without having any idea what they are awakening.

I am seeing a connection between Schutzhund going down the tubes (internationally) and all these psycho, out of control malinois in police forces. Vohne Liche Kennels does not account for thin nerves, or dogs with extreme levels of dominance, or those “relationship” dogs that are held in balance by play and genuine affection in addition to respecting the strong dog ... knowing what hill you wish to die on, and what you don’t. These assholes will buy point and shoot dogs from people that don’t speak a word of English.

So that’s one fatality and one very close call from Vohne Liche Kennels. That we know of anyway! What are the odds? The last police dog importer that racked up that many serious mismatches (California K-9 Academy) went out of business after multiple lawsuits. I’m pretty sure Howie, the owner, did a LOT of scenario training as well. He did these big flashy demos before selling crap dogs to Brittney Spears for $50,000 a piece. Or a police dog for $20,000.

Vohne Liche is doing a huge business with some pretty huge disasters without any reflection on their overall reputation. How do they do it?"

[This trainer also pointed us to videos showing solid K-9 take downs and clean Outs. These dogs are assisting officers in apprehension and immobilizing suspects.]

In comments, we would like your feedback on the Lafayette Police Department K-9 neck attack involving Sgt. Josh Saxton, police K-9 Boyka and Richard Bailey Jr. The confrontation starts at 6:28. The attack begins at 8:28 and lasts until 9:00. Was this dog properly deployed on Bailey? Was this excessive force? Should the officer have been promoted two months after the attack?


Our nonprofit began investigating the issue of police K-9 attacks on undeserving people six years ago. These dogs are increasingly being used as a proxy for violence and being deployed on unarmed and low-level offenders, subjecting them to life-long debilitating injuries. The head and neck attacks are increasing as well, subjecting these suspects to potential death. That is not supposed to be the intent of police K-9s; the intent is to immobilize "dangerous" offenders.

The attacks in this report portray white, Black and Latino suspects -- some were never classified as a "defendant" since they were never charged with a crime after the mauling. The Lafayette police K-9 "neck attack" fell squarely within worldwide protests due to the disproportionate police violence inflicted on Black men. Even the ACLU emphasized in this case, referring to police, "Such conduct does not contribute to social peace; in fact, it only allows distrust of police to fester."

Failure to employ correct K-9 techniques and a lack of training in de-escalation techniques is already placing entire K-9 departments at risk.

As we were writing this post, a Salt Lake City K-9 officer was charged with second-degree felony aggravated assault after he deployed his K-9 on a Black man who was on his knees with his hands in the air. Watching the body cam video should make you weep. This dog is being used as a proxy for violence. The whole K-9 unit was suspended afterward.7 This is the extreme polar opposite of how Officer Richardson and his partner Axel responded to a dangerous bank robbery.

If excessive force cases involving police K-9s continue to escalate, taxpayers will grow angrier at funding the resulting lawsuits. With some of these dogs now targeting the head and neck regions, these lawsuits are one step away from wrongful death lawsuits as well. The training techniques and instability of some of these police K-9s, along with "baseless deployment" decisions and excessive force -- described as "barbaric" and "animalistic" by attorneys -- must be reined in.

Police K-9 neck attack - Spencer

Spencer Erickson, 26, was attacked in the neck by Lakewood Police Department K-9 Finn.

Police K-9 face attack - Carlos Balli

Carlos Balli, 29, seeks $2 million dollars after Arizona DPS K-9 Storm ripped off half his face.

1The man in the San Diego police K-9 video, 26-year old David Aceves, was never charged with a crime and was given a settlement for $385,000 by the city. The "large degloving injury" inflicted by the police K-9 cost the man the full use of his right leg for the rest of his life, according to his attorneys. It is unknown what became of the K-9.
2In 2013, Alpha Dogs aired on Nat Geo Wild, featuring the owner and staff of Vohne Liche Kennels (VLK). The series only ran for one year. In May 2019 (and possibly while VLKs was negotiating with the DOJ after fraudulently over-billing them), VLK urged its supporters to write to National Geographic asking for another season.
3After the August 14 announcement by the Department of Justice, Performance Kennels Inc., who imports dogs from Solvakia, called out Vohne Liche. "If Vohne Liche is bold enough to try to screw the DOD do you think they would hesitate to screw a law enforcement agency?" It is "high time companies like this were called out by others in the industry. Shame on them." One person who commented on a similar post, stated, "The dogs from VLK are shit."
4The man on the bicycle, Richard Schumacher, suffered a "degloving of the right axilla" injury due to the K-9 mauling in Punta Gorda, Florida (See full body cam video). Schumacher later sued the city and obtained $70,000. Punta Gorda then retired the attacker, K-9 Spirit, to its handler, officer Lee Coel, who had improperly used the dog in the first place. Fortunately, the city replaced K-9 Spirit with two Labrador retrievers for the purposes of drug detection and tracking. Officer Coel later mistakenly shot and killed a woman during a community safety workshop -- his gun was not supposed to be loaded. Coel was fired afterward and later pleaded guilty to second-degree manslaughter after killing retired librarian Mary Knowlton during the "Shoot Don’t Shoot" demonstration.
5Carlos Balli, 29, was driving a stolen car when he was spotted by an Arizona DPS officer. During the police pursuit, Balli got out of the vehicle and fled on foot through a residential neighborhood then hid behind bushes. His hands were in the air just before DPS Detective Brad Martin released, K-9 Storm on Balli. The dog attacked Balli in the face and arm for 32 seconds. Balli is screaming as the officer tells him to "get on his face" after the K-9 had ripped half of it off. An ambulance does not arrive until 13 minutes later. Two years earlier, K-9 Storm chewed off a portion of an unarmed man's leg, but was not retired afterward. Balli is suing the state for $2 million dollars.
6Erickson v. City of Lakewood, Colorado et al., (District of Colorado, 1:2019cv02613). "While the Individual Defendants [police] downplayed the severity of Mr. Erickson’s injuries in their reports and covered his lacerations and bite wounds in photographs taken on scene, photographs taken at the hospital illustrate the severity, lethality, and shocking unreasonableness of the police conduct that created Mr. Erickson’s injuries … If these wounds had been mere millimeters deeper, Mr. Erickson would be dead," states the complaint.
7The recent felony charge against Salt Lake K-9 Officer Nickolas Pearce marks the first time we have seen this after an active duty police K-9 mauling. Prosecutors said Jeffrey Ryans "wasn't resisting arrest" at the time. "He certainly wasn't posing an imminent threat of violence or harm to anyone and he certainly wasn't concealed." If massive civil lawsuits don't force some of these K-9 departments to change, maybe criminal charges will.

Related articles:
Police Dogs Should Be Trained as Officers, Not Equipment
Police K-9 Dog Bite Studies and Regional Investigations - DogsBite.org

2020 Dog Bite Fatality: Woman Killed, Two Daughters Injured by Family Pit Bulls in McCurtain County, Oklahoma

Karen Wilkerson died after pit bull mauling
A woman died Friday after being attacked by two pit bulls in McCurtain County, Oklahoma.

Woman Killed by Pit Bulls
McCurtain County, OK - On Friday evening, we learned on social media that a woman in her 70s was killed by a family pit bull near Broken Bow. Today, the McCurtain Gazette confirmed her death -- this newspaper does not have a website or a Facebook page. The unnamed victim suffered "extremely severe" facial lacerations, a "partially amputated left leg" and numerous bites. Her two daughters were bitten and injured while trying to help their mother, according to the Gazette.

The deadly attack occurred outside of Idabel on Friday afternoon after a woman dropped her mother off at her sister's home, reports the Gazette. After she dropped her off and was driving away, she saw in her rearview mirror that her mother was on the ground being attacked by two pit bulls. She turned around and ran to give her mother aid, as her sister ran from her home to help as well. All three injured women were transported to McCurtain Memorial Hospital in Idabel.

The 70-year old victim was being transferred to a regional hospital when "her vital signs crashed," reports the Gazette. The ambulance returned to McCurtain Memorial Hospital, where she died. The deceased woman's husband put both dogs down, officers said. Last December, just miles away, Cledith Davenport, 79, was killed by a pack of dogs in Broken Bow. He was discovered lying halfway in a ditch on his property with the "dogs chewing on him." No criminal charges were filed.

A family member confirmed the woman who died is 76-year old Karen Wilkerson of Broken Bow. Her age does not match the Gazette's age and some family members are asking that the Gazette article be taken down, "It’s not so much the article, it’s what people are posting saying about the article," Summer said. Less than 24 hours after Wilkerson died, the family suffered another death. The daughter (presumably) that owns the pit bulls is Karrie, her female pit bull is named "Squirt."

Mccurtain county woman killed by pit bulls

Family pit bulls killed a woman and injured her two daughters in McCurtain County, Oklahoma.

Mccurtain county pit bull attack

A female pit bull named "Squirt" seen on the Facebook page of one of the victim's daughters.

map iconView the DogsBite.org Google State Map: Oklahoma Fatal Pit Bull Attacks.

Related articles:
12/18/19: 2019 Dog Bite Fatality: Man Killed by Pack of Dogs in Broken Bow, Oklahoma
12/18/19: 2019 Dog Bite Fatality: Multiple Dogs Killed Teenage Boy Walking Home from School

Statewide attacks:
Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma by Butch Bridges, a log of Oklahoma vicious dog attacks.

Baseline reporting requirements:
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.