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10 thoughts on “2024 Fatal Dog Attack Breed Identification Photographs

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  1. In 2013, there were 32 dog bite fatalities. In 2024, there were 66. There are only a handful of us who see this as a problem that needs addressing. That’s scary as hell.

  2. Thanks for your diligence in compiling this fundamental data, Colleen. It serves to set a baseline in any analysis of breed and fatal dog attacks.

  3. Who got killed by the pit wearing the party hat?

    I can’t tell the dogs apart.
    There must be at least 6 dogs that look like that beast.

    I hope the pit went after whoever took that pic.

  4. I noticed that in almost every attack, there were 2+ dogs involved. It’s always bothered me that not only are dangerous dog breeds legal, but there isn’t even a limit on how many one can have! The bare minimum our society can do is limit people to 1 pit beast. Some of these people were mauled by a literal dog pack! It should be a crime to own so many dangerous animals.

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