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30 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Woman, 62, Killed by One of Her Breeding Bullmastiffs in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama

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  1. It’s July 12. There have been 8 (!!!) reported deaths by dog so far this month. It’s really getting scary out there. Most of the dogs responsible were pits, pit mixes, or unidentified (but likely to be some sort of pit). It’s time for a recall. Wouldn’t it be nice if all of these dogs could be turned in for BE and replaced with your choice of a Lab, golden, or any non-lethal lap dog.

    • Your recall would be nice. Unfortunately everyone is supposed to adopt at a shelter. The adoptable dogs are mostly pitbulls and pitbull mixes. If one buys from a breeder, he’s wrong. The pitbull craze has driven many breeders out of breeding since it has harmed the ability of good breeders of other breeds to sell dogs.

      I ran into the pet shop buyer of a cute miniature schnauzer mix for $1,000. She said her apartment complex didn’t allow pitbulls, pitbull mixes or large dogs. I told her she had made a great buy of a darling dog. People were being nasty with her for buying at a pet store.

      I’m sure the pitbull craze will eventually die out. It’s continuing now due to pitbull breeders who largely don’t care if their puppies are shot, die in dog fights, or are destroyed in shelters. Dog fighters bet on who will win.

      Shutting down breeders who breed Bloodsport dogs would solve the problem.

      • The best two dogs I’ve ever owned came from reputable, highly skilled breeders who also show their dogs at AKC shows. Very representative of the breed. Two Tibetan Spaniels. That is, very PREDICTABLE to the breed characteristics. I refuse to go to a shelter and try to rehabilitate someone else’s problems. If anyone gives me $hip about buying from a breeder, I tell them to pack it up their…..

        It has been a bloody and July so far. Just ridiculous.

      • My last two dogs are from high quality breeders that breed to a standard. They show their show dogs. This results in a very PREDICTABLE dog, exhibiting characteristics like the standard and minimizes getting a doggie “surprise”. My two little Tibbies have been wonderful dogs. I don’t adopt other people’s problems, I can generate my own problems well enough. When ( and it occurs) anyone criticizes my dog procurement practices, I tell them to pack it up their…..

        Such a brutal, bloody July so far. So sad.

        • Welp, I’m gonna be the lone voice in praise of lowly mutts, here.

          I’ve had purebred Bouvs so I understand the need for certain breeds bred strictly for useful characteristics, I do. I’ve had mutts and rescues. All good dogs…carefully chosen for their temperament. The best and worst dogs I’ve had…were purebreds.

          However, since the dog craze, we’re talking now about dogs that cost thousands of dollars. It’s just not feasible, nor even desirable for many people. Presently I have an old Alaskan husky–bred with other mixed Alaskan huskies for racing capacity. Breeds should be based on their health, characteristics and instincts to do a job–not how “pretty” they are. The rest should be bred for friendliness.

          There’s nothing wrong with a mutt, however, due to today’s realities I have to qualify that.

          The happy mutt lines are now infected with rampant pitbull DNA. This is what happens when these apex predators were allowed to breed like cockroaches while all other breeding of scavenger mutts and crossbreeds was taboo. When rescues are claiming to have dogs from other countries (some legitimately do) spreading leashmania etc through the natural dog populations and now a rescue is between $400-$5000 (airfare dontcha know?) none of this is about dogs.

          It’s ALL about profit.

          This is why I keep hammering on about making pitbulls outright illegal. There’s no point breeding them if you can’t sell them and all pitbulls are confiscated on sight.

          Let’s get back to regular mutts without having to panic that the lab mix is actually a pitbull in disguise.

          • Agree, Boni. Every dog I’ve had thus far has been a mutt, but now that I know the truth about pits I look back a little askance at one dog we had in particular and wonder if maybe he was a quarter pit. Fortunately, he was a great dog, very friendly, never showed any sign of aggression and lived to 13 years. The dog we have now is a mix of Saint Bernard and GSP from backyard breeders. Whoops. He was free, and is a great dog. BUT I have told my husband we may have to shell out for a purebred next time because I simply will not go to a shelter knowing what I know now. It’s sad that many who cannot afford purebred dogs go to a shelter and are bombarded with propaganda about how great pits are. Of course, I think many people shouldn’t own a dog at all, but that’s another story…

    • @ Farmer Jane, I did not realize it was that many this month! And yes, if it were any other legally purchasable product, it would’ve been recalled a long time ago and everyone would look back and think wow! I can’t believe they made such a dangerous product. But it’s a dog, so, you’re weird if you don’t think all dogs are wonderful.

  2. I wonder if it really a bullmastiff that kill her or it really a you know what that killed her.but I wonder if the dog bit her once she died quickly. If the dog killed her and he have no bad behavior why would he snapped out of nowhere I’m confused.

  3. The victim was a BYB. Breeding and selling bull mastiffs. Dogs are pictured on her FB page. Big ol’ ugly brutes. Sad that people think bloodsport, fighting dogs are safe family pets. Trusting those dogs is a huge mistake. Very sad for her husband and children. Her daughter said that she tried so hard to revive her mother. She tried until someone pulled her away. Heartbreaking.

    • Her daughter posted about her mother’s death on FB. There’s a GFM for the funeral. Not yet named publicly by police.

    • What is the reason for breeding large breed dogs which are difficult to control? When I was young, controlling this type of dog would have been easy. Today I couldn’t
      control one at all. As we age, we need to remember our limitations.

  4. That male looks like your standard butt head mauler AKA Pit Bull.
    Is a Pit Bull Mastiff a thing?

    I wish they would do a DNA test.

    Based on the pic, if that dog is the attacker, I would count this as a pit attack.

    I have no love for Bull Mastiffs.
    One in my area attacked a woman and bit one of her breasts off.
    I think of her every time I see a “Pitties for Titties ” fundraiser.

    I am sure the pushers would phrase it as ” Owning a Bull Mastiff can cut your risk for breast cancer by 50% or more!”

    • Well. That fundraiser is a new low I hadn’t realized humanity has reached.

      WHY are violent dogs considered a worthy cause?

  5. Her family is pretty big , with a lot of children.
    According to FB photos, dogs were in the home , possessing sofas and chairs… like big furry “babies” …

    My friends , young couple, have this kind of a dog. I never went to their home, since Ares came there … No thanks ! I love my arms, my legs, my face … (more)

    • And your health will thank you for that. In addition to the risk of being bitten, you’re also keeping yourself away from the dander.

  6. The bullmastiff is a breed registered with AKC and UKC.
    There is a written standard. Any puppies out of two dogs registered as the same breed can be registered as that breed.

    Unless the dogs are shown in a show under a conformation judge, there will be no breed information as to quality.

    I assume these two dogs were registered. Therefore, that is their breed.

    Certainly there are some mixed breed dogs registered as purebred. The registering organization accepts the information given to them as correct.

    I once saw a wirehaired GSD puppy. The breeder of that puppy had an Airedale stud.

    In addition, dogs are creative. I once registered a litter of three GSD puppies out of one GSD stud where the dam stayed. Then I realized that had to be wrong. I ended up doing DNA on the parents and puppies and correcting the AKC
    papers. This mistake was costly, but I had it fixed.

    Do bullmastiffs have big heads? Of course. Only a conformation judge can judge breed type.
    A judge can excuse a dog for lacking in breed type. Sometimes they do.

  7. Registered or not, bandog or mastiff, the brindle dog is ugly. Nothing expressive in that face! Dead looking eyes.

    She looks like a hound from hell.

    Do we know which dog attacked?

  8. I’m to the point where I would not trust any dog that resembles a pit, regardless of what the owner may claim the dog is. It’s all so muddled. I presume one of the major purposes of domesticating dogs was to have dogs that WOULDN’T kill or maim us. Now here we are because of pitbulls. I hate it.

    • And I’m to the point where I don’t trust ANY dog.

      Why might that be? It’s because an avid bicyclist. Dogs are the nemesis of people like me and have been for a long time.

      Ever been chased and ambushed by a pack of loose dogs? Common occurrence for bicyclists, and the dogs don’t have to be the molosser-type dogs.

    • I’m with you, Ashley.

      I hate that happy family mutts, cheap to get, sturdy, friendly, less vet fees, cheaper insurance have been destroyed by pitbull-pushing propaganda.

      This is my last dog. I am not up to standing out in blizzards to exercise a dog so it’s easy to manage, any more. I’ve had several injuries related to it and I just can’t do it, any more. Also, getting a friendly, trainable mutt is a total crapshoot and I’m not risking it.

      As a not-cat person, a nice Siamese is starting to look really good about now.

      And that’s another thing. All this pitbull sob story crap when what shelters really should be pushing on people who aren’t dog people or willing to spend the time or money it takes to learn to judge temperament then train a dog properly…they should be pushing cats who die at a much higher rate in the shelters system, than dogs.

  9. I’m also going to throw another word of caution out there.

    This dog was outside, in a pen, in the summer.

    Dogs can suffer heat stroke. Often without their owners even noticing it, happening.

    This can cause all kinds of brain injuries including those that cause aggression.

    Not saying this is the case but it’s plausible and it’s something dog owners should be aware of if they’re keeping their dogs penned outside.

  10. The victim’s daughter updated the GoFund me yesterday stating that her mother suffered a medical event and that the dog did not attack her. So perhaps the mastiff is off the hook?

    • If I have a stroke, heart attack or pass out…

      I strongly doubt my dog will attack me because as the average senior I’ve been known to trip in mud puddles, slip on ice, etc.

      Mostly he just stood there, looking confused about why I was making those strange noises.

      That’s what ordinary dogs, do. Or, they run off because you’re yelling for help and they don’t know what the yelling is about.

      They don’t turn into flesh-ripping ghouls.

  11. Most of the Gofundme sites do not list the cause of death if it was theirs or a family member’s dog. They don’t want to risk critical comments. Also, in our dog worship culture, God forbid we “blame” the dog in any way. In attacks perpetrated by a stranger’s dog or a pack, there is often the cause of death. I have also seen brave people who express their utter regret of ever owning a dog that killed their child. Some of these folks go on to advocate against owning a pitbull. There’s a heartbreaking video on Youtube about a family donating their toddler’s organs after a horrific attack. The “honor walk” will bring you to your emotional knees. This mother is very outspoken now. For some, it’s the only way to triumph over their tragedy…a tragedy that never leaves them.

  12. No one should die from dog attack. Zero.

    We have reached an unacceptable level of “me first” where every person thinks they are imperial and can do what they want regardless of others.

    It is always sad when a “pet” murders a human owner. But it bothers me more when a child or unrelated person is the victim.

    Because they did not choose to be near that killer.

    My neighbor has two boerboels: huge South African dogs. They have no collars no leashes.

    Lion hunting dogs the white Dutch South Africans used to terrorize blacks.

    Now my miniature dog and I have to walk with bear spray every time we leave our door. Those dogs have charged at us when we are in our own yard.

    Animal control is a joke. He does nothing.

    Hopefully you don’t read about me and my 10lb sweetie pie in the news.

    Dog ownership used to be about love. Now a lot of people seem to use dogs like guns: to terrorize others.

    And the pit rescuers with their dogood halos are the absolute worse.

    As to my neighbor, he inherited his house from his mother in law. Left his trash on the street for years. A jerk who thinks the public road is for parking his car. In a town with no crime, where no one parks on the road, and no one leaves their trash out.

    But he is king and the rest of us are nothing. Not even our lives matter.

    That’s who the killer dog owners are: no one else matters.

  13. the simple explanation for whats ‘different and wrong ‘ with pit bulls is a culture and level of inbreeding not otherwise seen in the Western world .in no taboo whatsoever about inbreeding plus UKC and their condoning and encouraging inbreeding to ‘fix a type’ they fixed a type alright…………

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