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14 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Owner Charged with Felony After His Three 'Mastiff Breeds' Kill Man in Oakland, California

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  1. I know someone who lives a block away, have been to his house a couple of times. Brendan Thomas Burke made a bad decision to own those dogs, his friend paid with his life and he’s facing legal difficulties. If we had proper laws limiting ownership of dangerous breeds of dogs, we could prevent death and misery.

  2. Mastiffs were not bred to be PET animals, they were designed to be weapons. We need laws that designate improved standards of containment and insurance, and responsibility for these types of animals.
    Glad he’s getting the book thrown at him. Jail time is well warranted.

  3. ‘history of “discipline issues.”‘

    What sort of nonsense phrasing, is that?

    The dogs were either under voice control and trained or were not.

    The dogs either acted aggressively on previous occasions or they did not.

    They either escaped the yard on previous occasions or they did not.

    They aren’t teenagers refusing to do a homework assignment. They’re dogs.

    Talking about dogs as if they are children who can be given leeway to endanger the public by acting in an aggressive manner is one of the reasons we’re in this mess.

    • I know what you mean. From another article: “Burke, whose dogs had escaped from his yard a day prior, admitted that the dogs do not respond to commands.”

      • So this fool wanted war dogs that weren’t going to be used in a war then didn’t train them to even a basic level that a six-year-old could manage.

        Then stands around stunned that his war dogs ate somebody.

        Sure, everyone, let’s all go out and buy furry tanks when we don’t know how to drive.

        That’ll turn out well, surely.

  4. I wish I could understand the reason to keep these types of dogs. The Neopolitan mastiff is a very large, short lived breed. The lifespan on that breed has been listed as five to six years. Why keep dogs that kill?

    • They saw a movie. Disney, likely.

      Dog movies/tv aren’t doing dogs any favours. Look at all the people with zero understanding of sled dogs buy huskies because they look like movie dogs.

      Dogs are not Lassie. They aren’t Call of the Wild. CGI is making the situation, worse.

      At least when people like Eisenmann and Kohler trained Hollywood dogs–the dogs *could* actually follow instructions and while editing played a large part–dogs can actually be trained to carry things, bark for attention, jump off and on set pieces and follow basic commands, grab a bad guy, limp or crawl.

      The old saw was it would cost you twice as much to use a dog in a film because it only hit its mark, half the time.

      Now they just CGI in a bunch of dog stunts or actions.

    • I don’t want to be untactful but it occurred to me that without your constant vigilance to make these victims known that few dog attacks would ever come to light. Especially not on a national/international level. So if you don’t mind my asking will this website be maintained once you are unable to for whatever reason? I’ve noticed others have just stopped posting and I have to say your proving a unique service that would be a tragedy to lose! So if you haven’t already made plans for this site to be maintained I would hope that you will make sure it will continue for a long time after the majority of your current readers and supporters have long been gone! I’m not trying to be morbid so I hope this hasn’t offended you but I’ve recently realized from my own experience that all of our lives are finite!

  5. Being homeless is not a crime, but this homeless person got his life ended by dogs
    because the dogs’ owner chose to have very large, untrained, unconfined, dangerous, uncontrollable dogs.
    I wonder if he also bred them. He needs to have a very long jail sentence, as he ended this man’s life using a weapon – his dogs.

    • He had six of them; so, he probably was breeding them. Also, they are allegedly cross breeds — usually, these two breeds are pure. One would have to want a “certain outcome” to cross a pure bred cane corso with a pure breed Neapolitan mastiff. I ran some searches, and I could not find any kennel crossing these two breeds and selling the puppies. Of course, ever since the days of the Diane Whipple case (2001, presa canarios), California breeders have been crossing large “war dog” mastiffs for larger and more ferocious outcomes. The Neo is used by many XL bully breeders to produce larger heads, bigger bones, weight, etc.

      • There’s a limit to the number of total animals that you can legally have, which in Alameda county is 3 dogs over 4 months old which must be vaccinated for rabies and licensed by the county. If you don’t have proof of being fixed the city/ county license is extremely expensive and then of course they wouldn’t have let him register all the dogs he owned! I don’t think the homeless/ housed state of this person would have mattered. There are so many homeless people in the whole Bay area that it’s seems as many people have a place to live as don’t! Also seems that most homeless people have at least one pit bull to beg with them! Not that I am unsympathetic to the homeless but it would be nice if they didn’t have all the pit bulls they are probably getting free courtesy of the Oakland SF humane society! They were recently appealing to the public for “foster parents” to save more of the massive number of pit bulls they already can’t get rid of!

  6. It should be illegal to create these monster mixed breed dogs. Any rational person would realize that crossing Cane Corsos with mastiff or pitbullsvwouldvresult in avsortbofbhyper-predayor like the dogs who killed Mr. Holguin. Even one of those things could have killed an adult male. Why anyone would own 3 is beyond me. He obviously couldn’t control his animals or even properly contain them on his property. The authorities should step on when dog owners get this out of hand and seize dangerous dogs, as they would tigers or other big cats.

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