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15 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Man Killed by Pair of Pit Bulls in Snyder, Texas; Dog Owner Admits his Pit Bulls were the Culprits

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  1. Wikipedia:

    “In 2023, Snyder was ranked as the 16th Worst place to live and 2nd Most dangerous according to KQVT and Norada Real Estate Investments.”

  2. Another day another fatal pitbull killing .why would Marco forced his pitbull to kill a men and this not the first time he done it multiple times is he a nutcase I’m surprise that he dogs didn’t turn on him and kill him he’s one lucky fool.

  3. Obviously there needs to be more investigation on this case. What is obvious is that a man died from a dog attack.

    This stuff is scary. Why should anyone be killed by dogs when walking down a road? This happens too often.

    Last year when I was walking down a road at night looking for assistance, I thought about the danger of vicious dogs attacking me.
    This town is pretty safe, but is any place in the USA today safe from these dogs? (A small town America police officer picked me up with no ID, no money, no credit cards, no cellphone, and a walker and took me to my destination.)

  4. This is why I have a weapon IN MY HAND and ready to use. Too many people near me have pits or other aggressive dogs behind FOUR FOOT FENCES they could easily get over. The best solution is END the dogs when they attack or do as much damage to them as possible. If this happened routinely people would put their dogs up properly more often.

    • God forbid you ever have to shoot a pit or 3 as soon as you have stopped the dog’s attack start watching out for the owner.
      Many times they are just as dangerous as the dogs.

    • Actually, there are a lot of Pit bull owners who don’t fit the Marco profile.

      The real tragedy is our collective cognitive dependence on the canine for mental solace.

      Time to open our eyes and end the delusion.

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