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9 thoughts on “2024 Unreported Dog Bite Fatality: Woman Killed by a Pit Bull Dog Her Daughter Says, in Horry County, South Carolina

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  1. I personally think the GoFundMe might do better if people unfamiliar with correct grammar would have the information proofread. Unfortunately people raised in homes with terrible grammar probably think it’s correct. I am not commenting on anyone using English as a second language. They’re amazing.

    • The GoFundMe would do vastly better if local media became aware of it and picked it up. The family (at least one of the daughters) would need to be willing to talk to media…

  2. I wrote about go fund me – when it was asked 40 000. Go fund me – fee is around 3%, and for some goals it is free, even. It is not half of the sum , as someone commented.

    This daughter is asking for 8 000 $ . And they got 100 so far. Off course , people need help in this kind of situations. And we should overcome a shame – if asking for help.

    Responsibility for owning a dangerous dog is another question, that should be considered before getting such animal. And due to all mighty “shame” very few will admit that they were wrong – when choosing one. After paying a price in someones life – mistake is obvious, but to late … and again – due to “shame” no one is talking about this – and the family wants to forget – unforgettable – the horrors of the bloody event.

  3. This has been updated. This was not a family dog and Hurricane Helene may be the reason why no media reports. The media is very busy right now!

  4. I’m a huge animal lover and even work with
    animal rescues occasionally. I’m also a realist
    and many of my fellow animal lovers will
    disagree with my thoughts on this subject. All
    dogs, and animals for that matter, are precious
    and actually better than most humans. Pit bulls,
    unfortunately, were created & bred by humans
    to fight to the death in a “pit.”‘ That’s the instinct
    that pathetic, evil human beings bred them to
    do. So, unfortunately, they all carry this “kill”
    instinct in them, just like a herding dog carries
    the natural instinct to herd sheep. That’s the
    reason you wouldn’t have a lion or a bear (even
    if they were raised as cubs) kept as pets.
    Because, although they probably will grow to
    love you and get use to everything about you,
    they are still a wild animal with wild instincts
    that could be triggered for whatever reason
    anytime. I’ve known many pit bulls that were fantastic dogs, however, I would never take the risk to own one because of what I just stated. It’s just a huge shame that people bred a dog to kill. I truly hate this for this lady’s family.

  5. This is so heartbreaking! An innocent victim of someone else’s choice of dog. And now her dear daughter trying to raise money for her funeral while riding out a hurricane. I hope Lakindra gets all the support she needs. 🙁 And maybe there will be more reporting soon. Thanks for bringing this case to our attention.

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