Jaxson Dvorak, 6-years old, was killed by a family dog in Lorain, Ohio.
Boy Killed by Dog
Lorain, OH - A 6-year old boy is dead after being attacked by a family dog. On Wednesday, around 4:00 pm, Lorain police responded to a residence in the 1700 block of East 31st Street for a report of a dog attack. "Officers were notified that the male was pronounced dead from injuries sustained during the attack, at which time the Lorain Police Detective Bureau and Lorain County Coroner’s Office responded to continue the investigation,” states a release from the Lorain Police Department.
Friendship Animal Protective League confiscated an adult pit bull, an adult shepherd-mix, and six puppies from the home. The Chronicle-Telegram captured a photograph of the adult dogs being seized. "At this time, no further details are available as the investigation is still ongoing. The Lorain Police Department wishes to thank the Friendship Animal Protective League for their response and assistance during this investigation. Further details will be released at a later date," states the release.
Audio dispatch files from Lorain County Police, Fire and EMS published on BroadCastify include more details. "Caller just received a call from her uncle who was watching her kids at this residence. He thinks her 6-year old son is dead. That the dog ate his face." It appears this child was visiting the dog owner's home. It is unclear if the boy was familiar with the dog. The child's name was not released. It is unknown if other adults or children were also inside the home. Both adult dogs will be euthanized.
Child Victim Identified
An update from The Chronicle identified the victim. Lorain County Coroner Dr. Frank Miller identified the child as Jaxson Dvorak. He was pronounced dead at the scene due to the injuries he sustained, Lorain Police Lt. Jacob Morris said. The six puppies, a product of the two adult dogs, were about 3 to 4 months old. At the time of the attack, the puppies were housed separately from the adult dogs, therefore, their lives will be spared, despite being the offspring of two fatally attacking adults.
For reasons unknown, the Lorain County Dog Warden did not respond after Lorain police requested their aid, according to Morris. This caused the Lorain County Sheriff's Office to contact the private nonprofit, Friendship Animal Protective League, to help remove the animals from the home. The fatal dog mauling of a child certainly would have been a "Priority Level 1" call for assistance, the highest priority. If the Lorain County Dog Warden could not respond to this, it certainly indicates a problem.
GoFundMe Started
After learning that Jaxson "passed away due to a household accident," Myk Werdebaugh, a relative, started a GoFundMe. "I can never imagine what Brittany and Lenny are going through right now, losing one of their cherished babies. Jaxson was such a beam of sunshine, just like all of his siblings. They are a very close and loving family, and this is hitting them hard." The couple has five other children. Werdebaugh also shared thoughts from Jaxson's mother, Brittany (Werdebaugh) Dvorak.
"My heart is shattered. My world has collapsed. I feel like I’m in a really bad nightmare, and I’m just trying to wake myself up but it’s not working. I’ll never get to hold his little hands again, or pick him up and give him a hug, or snuggle him, or hear him always tell me “love you momma” or him calling Kaden “Kadey”, or him yelling “John Cena” super loud before he does some random jump, or his random dances he does when he’s super happy about something, I don’t get to take him to school anymore, he doesn’t get to start first grade in the fall, we no longer get to wake up with him in our bed cuz he decided to come down in the middle of the night. Or watching him play football, which he loved so much. He made friends anywhere he went, his smile was contagious, he was the best little boy ever." - Brittany Dvorak

A 6-year old boy was killed by one or more family dogs in Lorain, Ohio. The two dogs, a female shepherd-mix, "Roxy," and a male pit bull, are seen being taken into custody.
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Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
Absolutely horrifying and devastating. I always worry around the 4th that the fatalities will spike.
If the people in charge care about public safety, they must euthanize the six offspring of those killer dogs.
Those were my exact thoughts.
Another day, another dead child. The no-kill shelters, humane society, pit propaganda, dog worship culture, the behemoth pet industry, the media, ignorance of breed genetics, to name a few…have blood on their hands. Children, the elderly, the disabled are the most vulnerable victims of these 4-legged time bombs. In this case, the child might have gone near the six puppies? Now the adult dogs are dead, but the litter was spared…a litter with at least one future killer?
It seems the dogs belonged to the mother’s uncle. I can only imagine the pain they are in. I wish we could eradicate violent breeds of dogs so that no one would have to experience this kind of loss again.
Okay, so we have a Friendship Animal Protective League in the mix. I want to know where the People Protective League is.
This rescue posts several pits on their adoption page. Labeling them “mixed breed” or “ terrier”. I am sure they will flip these puppies on the unsuspecting public for $$. They rescues around me do this, selling puppies for $450 cash, all day long. I hate that these puppies (3-4 months can be sexually mature) were turned over to a group like this rather than be euthanized by the local AC.
Dogs over people is vile.
And how many red flags were present? I’d say likely at least 4 out of 6:
The six puppies will almost certainly be adopted out to multiple uninformed, unsuspecting families. Six ticking time bombs. When will the insanity end?!
Ad script being drafted by the Friendship Animal Protective League:
Oh, pweeeeze! Adopt these poor widdle pibble puppies!
Bwing them into your home and let them wuv you!
…and nanny your children (to death). The level of ignorance regarding pitbulls and pit mixes is astounding. I’m seeing more and more pits dragging senior citizens, women, and children down the street. (Often on those horrible retractable leashes.) Because the media just wants to feature wuvable, misunderstood and abandoned pibbles the carnage will continue. Hardly anyone even knows or remembers the Big Stories, e.g. Kirstie Bennard and her TWO deceased children. Unless and until we reach some kind of tipping, point absolutely nothing will change.
Remember when Collies went nuts and the breeders cleaned out their lines? No sentiment, no public outcry…just culled out the lines.
Remember when Dobermans went nuts? No sentiment, no public outcry…just culled out the lines.
Those dogs are useful. They were never bred to kill other animals or attack people. They were bred to be intelligent and carry out tasks. While Dobermans have been used for protection work, bad lines didn’t used to be able to enter Shutzhund competition and the lines *used* to be checked for ancestry.
Pitbulls are bred in massive numbers by people who are either looking to increase aggression or don’t care when they do.
Every one of those puppies should be culled. Some poor family is going to take home something they *think* is a part GSD family dog and wind up with Murder McFluffy.
The six puppies were already heading to a shelter due to no homes for them. The female could already have been rebred.
The predominantly black appearing dog doesn’t look like a shepherd mix to me. It’s likely a brindle pit mix.
At any rate, the loss of a child this way is awful. Most of my friends and I would put our dogs up if children were visiting. None of us feel that we can 100% predict dog’s behavior. Our dogs are not pitbulls. A large dog can simply accidentally knock a kid down.
This child’s death is awful. It was also highly predictable and inexcusable.
The local dogfighters will be chomping at the pit for those puppies.
What a pedigree!
Both parents confirmed game.
Insane that they are not being put down.
I suspect this area will be featured on the page again in 18 months or less.
Then again thanks to “Freedom Rides” these dogs could wind up anywhere. They might even fly them into Canada.
The puppies are 3-4 months old? They are old enough to be fixed. Why were they keeping them? SIX sizeable pit bull mixes “housed separately”? Lord, what a scenario! Probably all couped up in a pen. This sounds like a situation we hear about all too often on this site. Owners are stupidly irresponsible. Dogs are not spayed or neutered, and littermates become a dangerous pack. And in this situation, it is confirmed they have killer genes. All the pups should be put down.
Poor child, he had no choice. When I read these stories, especially the ones where a child dies, I always wonder, what will it take to wake the majority of ppl up? What will be the tipping point? So many excuses for a stupid breed/type of dog. That it’s a dog at all, a pet, allegedly “man’s best friend” and it keeps happening more and more frequently, it’s mind boggling.
ALL of those dogs should be put down, puppies or not. They carry the genes of dogs who killed a child. Too many normal dogs need homes, they are not worth the risk!