A 41-year old man was killed by his XL bully, the largest sized pit bull breed variant.
Dog Kills Male Owner
Arkadelphia, AR - A 41-year old man found dead outside his home was killed by his dog. After receiving a 911 call at approximately 7:20 am Wednesday, Arkadelphia police officers responded to a home in the 1000 block of Evergreen Drive and discovered the deceased male laying in the driveway. "The deceased victim was determined to have been attacked during the night," police said in a news release. The culprit was his XL bully, the largest sized pit bull breed variant that the UK banned.
Police did not release the name of the victim, but public property records indicate the home belongs to Johnny and Amber Fontenot. The dog lived inside the residence, where it was found when police arrived. The male dog had been neutered, reports the Arkadelphian. Its vaccination records were also up to date. The dog, however, was not registered with the city, as required by ordinance. The dog was euthanized at the family's request and pursuant to a court order, reports the Arkadelphian.
Arkadelphia has a pit bull ordinance that restricts the ownership of pit bulls, including: "any dog conforming or substantially conforming to the breed of American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, and American bulldog as defined by the United Kennel Club or American Kennel Club." Since all "UKC registered American pit bull terriers are eligible to transfer to the American bully breed," states the UKC breed transfer form, this man's dog fell within the law.
The ordinance requires the owner of a pit bull to register and microchip their dog, provide proof of vaccinations, and to spay or neuter their dog. There are requirements for securing the dog in a pen, a leash and muzzle requirement when unconfined, a prominent sign placed on the property indicating there is a dangerous animal on the premises, and proof of liability coverage of at least $100,000, "insuring the owner for any personal injuries inflicted by his or her pit bull," states the ordinance.
Even though this 41-year old man had taken precautions with his dog, and was in part compliant with the ordinance, it did not make his dog safer. This is true for owners of XL bullies who are in full compliance with the UK ban as well (registered, neutered, and microchipped). There were no previous documented complaints about this dog, or recent reports of dog bites or attacks on Evergreen Drive. The man's body was transported to the state Crime Laboratory in Little Rock for an autopsy.

Johnny Fontenot was killed by his XL bully in the north part of Arkadelphia, Arkansas.

The victim's wife seen purchasing the XL bully on October 9, 2022 from Nelson Bullies, LLC of Arkadelphia. Where "envisioning quality XL's is our priority!" The primary stud during that period was "Gucci," who contains the "old school blood" of "Cruz, Zullou, Wicked & NewAge."
Related articles:
11/20/23: 2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Male Teenager, 15, Killed by a Pair of American Bully-Mixes...
07/07/23: Rational Voice Emerges in the UK as Violence by the XL Bully Surges - Dr. Newport
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
Neutering/spaying, vaccinations, registration, training, being raised from a puppy with all the human love and treats will NOT stop an attack from a breed that was bred to kill.
This is what pit owners don’t want to understand- so many times, the FIRST attack is a fatal one.
Bloodsport dogs are not appropriate as PET animals.
Glad is was the idiot who chose to own it not their neighbors.
Which is why pitbull ownership should be straight-up *illegal*.
These people who claim to “love pitbulls”, don’t.
If they “loved” pitbulls they would want to phase them out as quickly as possible so dogfighters would have a much harder time hiding their proclivities.
What they *are* is dogfighting apologists and running cover for the dogfighters–which is a billion dollar industry at this point. Add in millions more in “rescues”, “training”, “rehoming”
You can’t spay/neuter/muzzle your way out of greyhounds running, beagles yodelling or pitbulls killing.
It’s July 4th and there have been 3 deaths by dog already this month. And we all know what breed of dog was responsible. This just leaves me speechless.
I’ve recorded 4 deaths-by-dog this month: Theresa Rhodes (61), Bolivar, Tennessee, killed by 2 loose pit bulls on July 1; Jaxson Dvorak (6), Lorain, Ohio, killed in driveway of uncle’s home by pit bull (mother was told dog “ate his face”), on July 3; Clint Fontenot (41), Arkadelphia, Arkansas, killed by Bully XL he and wife purchased as puppy in October 2022 on July 3; and a homeless man in Fresno, California, killed by a loose Husky on July 4.
Handling a vicious dog of this size requires superhuman strength. Obviously the owner lacked that.
He had had the dog castrated, but castration prevents sperm formation. It doesn’t make dangerous dogs safe ones.
I’m sorry to hear that he passed away; my sincere condolences to his family and friends. I thank God that this dog’s first victim wasn’t an innocent neighbor or child . This is a good case study on why restrictions aren’t enough – we need a nationwide ban on these beasts.
I am just glad it was the owner, not a child, neighbor, relative…
I have microsoft edge as a browser, been seeing a SLEW of ‘poor pitty’ articles the past few days.
A shame, but at least it only killed its owner. Showing that these XL beasts are every bit or even MORE dangerous than the standard size, too.
Two things we can’t underestimate: the reach of the pit bull lobby and the number of useful idiots out there that have bought into their disinformation campaign.
I saw on Redit – people were discussing this tragedy, and his step daughter said that the man was playing with the dog when it attack him.
Here in the 3. subtitle you can see the owner and the dog when it was a puppy in October 2022
Johnny Fontenot was found dead at 7:20 a.m. and it was determined that he died during the night. I saw that comment on Reddit but since there were no witnesses to the attack I am curious how anyone can know what was happening at the time.
I suspect that family members are trying to defend against ignorant accusations that the victim was somehow at fault. The commenters here, and those in the reddit banpitbulls sub, think nothing of the kind. When someone here or there says, “It’s the owner, not the breed,” they are saying it sarcastically, ridiculing the sentence, because it is self evident that pitbulls and XL bullies are inherently prone to violence.
I have two Doodles. I now walk them carrying a firearm (constitutional carry), a tazer and a knife. Why? Because there are a handful of Pit owners in my neighborhood, you know the ones that say “my dog is harmless” — I had a woman’s pit walk right through her “wireless” and approach me and my dogs. I pulled out my tazer and looked at her and said “get him away from me or this won’t play out well for him” I won’t tell you what her response was, but typical of a pit owner.
Owning a pitbull is a pretty trashy thing to do.
ok i am not going to live amungst wild animals that can kill and eat on humans ,so why would anyone want an animal as a pet that can kill and eat on humans ,is it not ture that a pet is kind gentle and sweet ,but not hunger for kill like a lion on a hunt