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10 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Man, 41, Killed by His XL Bully, the Largest Sized Pit Bull Breed Variant

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  1. Neutering/spaying, vaccinations, registration, training, being raised from a puppy with all the human love and treats will NOT stop an attack from a breed that was bred to kill.

  2. This is what pit owners don’t want to understand- so many times, the FIRST attack is a fatal one.
    Bloodsport dogs are not appropriate as PET animals.
    Glad is was the idiot who chose to own it not their neighbors.

    • Which is why pitbull ownership should be straight-up *illegal*.

      These people who claim to “love pitbulls”, don’t.

      If they “loved” pitbulls they would want to phase them out as quickly as possible so dogfighters would have a much harder time hiding their proclivities.

      What they *are* is dogfighting apologists and running cover for the dogfighters–which is a billion dollar industry at this point. Add in millions more in “rescues”, “training”, “rehoming”

      You can’t spay/neuter/muzzle your way out of greyhounds running, beagles yodelling or pitbulls killing.

  3. Boy I guess he one of the believer that pitbull are lovely not a mean bone it it not the breed it’s the owner there so thing a pitbull there no pitbull breed. He probably could lived into his 90 but I guess he didn’t cared about his life because he choose a pitbull as his dog .

  4. It’s July 4th and there have been 3 deaths by dog already this month. And we all know what breed of dog was responsible. This just leaves me speechless.

  5. Handling a vicious dog of this size requires superhuman strength. Obviously the owner lacked that.
    He had had the dog castrated, but castration prevents sperm formation. It doesn’t make dangerous dogs safe ones.

  6. I’m sorry to hear that he passed away; my sincere condolences to his family and friends. I thank God that this dog’s first victim wasn’t an innocent neighbor or child . This is a good case study on why restrictions aren’t enough – we need a nationwide ban on these beasts.

  7. A shame, but at least it only killed its owner. Showing that these XL beasts are every bit or even MORE dangerous than the standard size, too.

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