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28 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Man Killed by His XL Bullies in Mesa Viking Park in San Diego

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  1. This is in my county. You found the one out of four or five news articles that actually mentioned the breed of dog; the others did not and one even said that information was not available. Great pictures of the dogs, too, Colleen.

    XL bullies and the Cane Corso are becoming more and more popular on Craigslist Pets, being re-homed as adults and as puppies in San Diego county and adjoining counties. This does not bode well.

      • As a former broadcast journalist, I’m always alert to whether or not the breed of dog is identified. Because news outlets get so much pushback from viewers, they often don’t mention the breed. It’s unfortunate because it would be one way of educating the public. Also, news outlets love their “feel good” stories about some poor pittie that needs to be adopted. In addition to pharmaceutical commercials, the behemoth pet food industry is buying time-it’s a major source of revenue. That’s why dog attacks in general are often not even covered. It’s the old adage: Follow the money.

        • Thank you, Teresa….I too, was a newspaper reporter, and my heart and sense of justice were often crushed by the news that will not be reported because of money interests.

        • Thanks for the explanation. I’ve always wondered why dog attacks weren’t usually covered by network news. NBC Nightly news for example has aired so many sappy feel good dog stories over the years, yet when a child is mauled to death by pitbulls, no coverage. If a person watched only NBC Nightly News, they’d presume all dogs are 100% gentle, the most docile animals on the planet. Can’t offend the dog food industry/advertisers now can they. Sigh.

  2. It’s a miracle this idiot only got himself killed and no kids were hurt. This is why pits need to be regulated.
    You can’t trust pit owners to use common sense like NOT taking three dogs (when they likely couldn’t handle ONE acting up) to a kids park next to a kids school.

  3. Another horrific, bloody attack. And, again, a Good Samaritan was also injured. (We don’t know yet how badly.) And, imagine what this poor child witnessed. He or she is scarred for life after watching their father torn to shreds by the family dogs. Thank God no other children were present.

    • I can’t stop thinking about what that child witnessed, either – and it was an entirely preventable tragedy caused only by (I presume) the father’s desire to own “tough” dogs. It’s a miracle the dogs didn’t turn on the child as well, or target the child first, as pitbulls tend to do.

    • Yes, but an innocent child had to lose a parent and witness his horrible, violent death. That’s the thing – even when it’s the owner who is fatally mauled, it rarely *only* affects them. How I wish pitbulls could be universally annihilated.

  4. I’m not going to say much about his XLbullies. He was probably brainwashed into believing XLbullies were much
    safer than pitbulls. Isn’t the biggest problem pitbulls and people don’t trust them? Most folks probably don’t know
    the breeds to make XLbullies.

  5. 10 News San Diego just reported that the San Diego Humane Society has euthanized all three XL Bullies. A second owner of the dog gave them permission to do so, and said that they were purchased with the understanding that they were XL Bullies.

  6. Anyone find social media for the owner?

    I bet there are pics of the killers in stores and restaurants.

    Glad no innocents were injured when his canine IEDs went off.

    The dead man’s child is going to have a long row to hoe.

    It is rough growing up without a father and rougher still to watch him get ripped limb from limb by his “loving pets”.

    Hope the good Samaritan that was attacked makes a full recovery and the 3 beasts had their rabies shots.

    Granted the odds of 3 XL Pits all being current on their shots are slim to none.

      • Colleen, the video of the blood-soaked XL bully in those people’s garage is chilling. They had the good sense to remain still. The emaciated, mutant was fresh off the kill. Of course, because the killer had ribs showing, cries of abuse will give rise to why the dogs killed their owner. There’s always a lot of excuses but no good reasons from pit bull lobbyists. The reason is crystal clear…these dogs were born to kill.

        • Yes, it’s unfortunate the witness made the comment about ribs showing. It’s perfectly normal for a young short-haired dog to have somewhat visible ribs. I watched the video and the dog appeared to be a normal weight to me, but that will absolutely embolden pit advocates to cry abuse.

          • If the dog was hypothetically hungry, why didn’t it scavenge through garbage or tear open a bag of kibble? No, this beast had killer genes.

        • I looked at the video and the dog didn’t look at all emaciated, it was a nice healthy weight. I will agree it wasn’t a chunky monkey like my dog, and you could see a few ribs but nothing wrong with that. Sickening how after every attack they go into immediate damage control.

  7. Perhaps if PD hadn’t spent time carefully capturing 2 of the 3 killer dogs, the 3rd would not have escaped.

    It annoys me when I see the killer dogs led safely away on the end of a pole: Kill killers onsite so they don’t kill again! I understand not wanting to shoot with kids nearby. How about someone invent a capture pole laced with pink juice?

    A dog that kills its owner is broken forever and a danger to everyone.

    Once they’re saved at the scene, it’s a risk they will somehow get free to kill again. The 3rd dog headed toward school children. Maybe the other 2 will be declared fit for rehoming? We just can’t anticipate the levels of stupidity that may prevail.

    Real dog lovers would steer clear of dangerous breeds because these incidents traumatize young witnesses, who will likely then develop a lifelong fear of all dogs.

    With so many safe dog breeds around, why choose one of these monsters for yourself and your family??

    I’ve seen videos of pitties and xls showing how friendly they are. But to me their excessive licking and mouthplay resemble how canapes whet the appetites of gourmets.

    • I agree.
      It seems a waste to use tasers and tranquillizer darts on confirmed killers.

      Sadly if a cop fires his weapon he is then on desk duty until that firing of the weapon is investigated.

      It has gotten to the point that police will not dispatch dangerous dogs because it is too much paperwork and small departments cant afford to loose an officer for weeks, sometimes even longer while an investigation is done.

      Another reason police are gun shy around killer dogs is every pit pusher in the country will call the department’s emergency number to complain about the “poor widdle pitty they murdered”.

  8. This man brought his child and 3 very large dogs to the playground all at the same time? How was he supposed to take care of his child while trying to control 3 dogs of any breed? As with most of these dogs’ owners, I can’t wrap my head around the thought process that led to this. I can’t imagine this scenario ending up in a good way, no matter how you look at it.

    • Because it’s not about caring for the child.

      It’s about showing off. Goes something like this:

      Look at me! And look at my super-sized dogs! I’m so special!

  9. This victim paid money for those dogs, and they probably weren’t cheap. That money plus what he spent on dog food and veterinary bills could have been put into college funds for his two children. Instead they will grow up without any support from him at all.

    At least the dogs didn’t attack the little boy or his sibling-to-be.

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