Nonprofit Captured 65% of Breed Identification Images in 2024
Photographs of six fatally attacking dogs in 2024 obtained from multiple sources.
Jump down to view all 2024 breed identification photographs or read our analysis first. - In 2013, we began the tradition of publishing breed identification photographs of fatally attacking dogs when available through news reports, animal control agencies, police departments, social media and public information requests. Of the 66 dog bite fatalities recorded in 2024, 56% (37) had some form of a breed identification photograph. Our nonprofit was responsible for capturing 65% of them. Pit bulls and their mixes represent 68% of the identification images collected in 2024.
Of the 37 cases with breed identification photographs, 57% (21) comprised images captured or republished by news media; 65% (24) comprised images located on social media pages of the dog's owner or family members; and 65% (24) comprised images that were the result of our research and otherwise may have gone unpublished. Police and animal control agencies released dog identification images after only 3 deaths, yet 76% of all deaths (50 of 66) involved dogs taken into quarantine.
(Percentages are higher than 100% due to a single death containing multiple dog images, each attributed to a different source, as well as images that fall into overlapping publishing categories.)
Identification Photographs (2013-2024)
From 2013 to 2024, images captured by our nonprofit have risen from 26% to 65%. Images captured by media have fallen from 79% to 57%.

Chart A shows 12 years of breed identification photographs collected from 2013 to 2024.
Media Gains Since Covid
Taking a closer look at the four Covid impact years (2020-2023), when media reports of fatal dog attacks declined, breed identification images captured by media averaged only 32%. Last year shows the first gain in media captures since the Covid years. From the 32% average between 2020 and 2023, media captured images rose to 57% in 2024, a 78% rise. While our nonprofit's capture rate rose during these same Covid impact years -- attaining a 78% average -- we fell to 65% in 2024, a 17% decrease.
Most media captures occur while they are on location of the fatal attack. They photograph images of the dogs being confiscated by authorities. In 2024, media was on location more frequently than during the Covid impact years. For instance, media rushed to the scene -- by air and by land -- after Dominic Cooper, 35, was killed by his pack of breeding pit bulls in California. Media were also on location after Pedro Ortega, 26, was killed by his three XL bullies on a children's playground in Mesa Viking Park.

Chart B shows the rising number of breed identification images captured by our nonprofit since 2013 and how media captured images declined during the Covid impact years to 32%.
Unreleased Breed Data 2024
Of the total recorded 66 dog bite fatalities in 2024, 10 cases lacked all breed information (15%). A FOIA by our nonprofit lowered that number to 9. Our research into the Facebook pages of the dog owners and victims -- providing details about the attack -- lowered that number to only 8 cases (12%) when full breed information was unknown. In 2022, the landscape was far worse, when 33% of all recorded fatal dog maulings lacked breed information until we brought forth multiple time-consuming FOIAs.
In 2024, 23% of deaths involved 1 or more dogs shot at the scene, which often diminishes the ability to collect breed identification images.
Characteristics of the 10 cases in 2024 where authorities did not release breed data include: 70% of victims are adults ≥ 35 years old; 100% involved non-family dogs (when known 9/9); 78% of the attacks occurred off the owner's property (when known 7/9); and 67% involved a pack of 4 or more dogs (when known 6/9). In the 2 cases where breed data was discovered, 1 involved a pit bull, and the other involved 3 different breeds: rottweiler-mix (2), German shepherd-mix (1) and chihuahua-mix (1).
Pack Attacks & Off Property Attacks
In 2024, pack attacks fell back to the pre-Covid level of 15%. In 2023, there was a sharp rise in pack attacks, comprising 29% of dog bite fatalities. Obtaining breed images in pack attacks can be challenging, but in 2024, images were captured for 70% (7/10). In 6 of those cases, 86%, media was on location capturing images, or republishing images shot by witnesses. In over half of those cases (4/6), the pack only involved a single dog breed, such as a pack of great danes or a pack of pit bulls.
In 2024, off-property attacks continued to be elevated and comprised 36% of dog bite fatalities -- a 44% rise from the pre-Covid years of 25%. But it is a decrease from 2023, when off-property attacks comprised 42% of deaths. Surprisingly, dog breed images in off-property attacks, which are also challenging to obtain, were captured in 71% (17/24) of cases. Again, this is largely due to media being on location more frequently. Of the 17 off-property attacks with images, media captured 71% (12).

Chart C shows how frequently media captures images of dogs in off-property attacks. Prior to Covid, media captured 45% of cases; that dropped to 21% during the Covid impact years.
Breed Misidentification Conflicts
Several breed identification conflicts arose in 2024. They began with the death of Beau Clark. The Morgan County Sheriff's Office identified the dog as a pit bull, then changed it to an "Olde English bulldogge," a close bull baiting breed relative. Morgan County Animal Shelter Director Darren Tucker, "whose department collected the dog’s body and sent off specimens for analysis, said the animal appeared to be a pit bull-mix weighing between 40 and 60 pounds," reported The Daily Decatur.
After a child was killed by a dog at Limestone Sphynx and LFD Great Danes, whose parents operate the kennel, the Ogle County Sheriff's Office said the dog involved was a "mixed-breed," even though the kennel only sold "AKC registered great danes" -- purebred dogs. After his death, the boy's parents published on the LFD Great Danes kennel's Facebook page, "Due to a loss in our immediate family we've decided that we will no longer be raising great danes." Few details were released by police.
When Brooklynn Park police stormed through a fence and shot two pit bulls attacking a child, they saw adults using "hammers and pickaxes to get the dogs off" the child, stated a search warrant. Several days later, while the child was in a coma on the verge of death, the parents fiercely stated, "THEY WERE BULLDOGS! NOT PIT BULLS."1 Police later clarified the dogs were American bullies of the "XL variety," a mixture of pit bull and American bulldog. Police noted "this breed is banned in the UK."
Bulldog, pit bulldog, American pit bulldog, pit dog, fighting bull terrier ... But "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." - William Shakespeare
In 2024, over half, 56%, of dog bite fatalities had some form of a breed identification photograph, a decrease from the 11-year average of 62% (2013-2023). Our nonprofit captured nearly two-thirds of them, 65%. Pit bulls and their mixes represent 68% of the identification images collected in 2024, also a decrease from the 11-year average of 73%. Breed identification images captured by media rose to 57% in 2024, up substantially from the Covid impact years (2020-2023) average of 32%.
In 2024, there was an increase of breed identification photographs captured in pack attacks and off-property attacks -- the most challenging images to obtain. Images were captured for 70% (7/10) pack attacks. In 6 of those cases, 86%, media was on location capturing images, or republishing images shot by witnesses. Breed images were captured for 71% (17/24) of off-property attacks, also due to media being on location. Of the 17 off-property attacks with images, media captured 71% (12).
Finally, of the total recorded 66 dog bite fatalities in 2024, 10 cases lacked all breed data (15%). Through our nonprofit's research and FOIAs, we lowered that number to 8 cases, 12%. Characteristics of cases where authorities did not release breed data include: 70% of victims are adults ≥ 35 years old; 100% involved non-family dogs (when known 9/9); most occurred off the owner's property, and most involved a pack of 4 or more dogs. Two of these pack attacks occurred on Indian reservations.
2024 Fatal Dog Attack Breed Identification Photographs
Reuben Pierce - Jacksonville, Arkansas
Photos of multiple recent pit bulls in the dog owner's home (social media &
Leonora Hale - Chiefland, Florida
Photos of catahoula leopard dogs on victim’s facebook page (social media &
Willie Mundine - Indianapolis, Indiana
Photos of 1 or both fatally attacking loose pit bulls (police/animal control & news media)
Kenneth Pierson - Longview, Texas
Photos of 2 of 4 dogs, of unreleased breeds, seized from dog owner’s home (news media)
Harold Phillips - Detroit, Michigan
Photos of three pit bulls on dog owner's Facebook page (social media &
Dominic Cooper - Compton, California
Photos of 2 of 5 adult fatally attacking breeding pit bulls (news media)
Brayden Heery - Milford, Connecticut
Photos of fatally attacking family husky, “Dakota” (social media &
Child John Doe - Monroe Center, Illinois
Photos of great danes from the family’s breeding business (social media &
Baby "Lennox" Doe - East Hartford, Connecticut
Photos of fatally attacking dalmatian-pit bull mixes (news media, social media &
Courtney Williams Cox - Brooks County, Georgia
Photos of 2 of 15 dogs, of unreleased breeds, seized from dog owner’s home (news media)
Amaya Carmack - Greeneville, Tennessee
Photos of fatally attacking family husky “Damascus” (social media &
Adult John Doe - Farmington Hills, Michigan
Photos of fatally attacking family pit bull, "Homer" (social media &
Ezra Mansoor - Knoxville, Tennessee
Photos of fatally attacking family husky, "Mena" (news media, social media &
Adult Jane Doe - Los Angeles, California
Photos of fatally attacking family pit bull, "Ice" ( FOIA, news media & social media)
Willard Norton - Town Creek, Alabama
Photos of 1 of 2 fatally attacking pit bull-mixes (social media &
Toby Berkley - Snyder, Texas
Photos of two pit bulls on dog owner's Facebook page (social media &
Theresa Rhodes - Bolivar, Tennessee
Photos of 1 of 2 fatally attacking at large pit bulls (police/animal control & news media)
Jaxson Dvorak - Lorain, Ohio
Photos of two fatally attacking family dogs being seized by authorities (news media)
Johnny Fontenot - Arkadelphia, Arkansas
Photo of fatally attacking family XL bully/pit bull-mix seen as puppy (social media &
Adult John Doe - Houston, Texas
Photos of 2 of 4 fatally attacking at large dogs ( FOIA)
Adult Jane Doe - Tuscaloosa County, Alabama
Photos of a pair of bullmastiffs on victim's Facebook page (social media &
Covil Allen - Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
Photos of one family pit bull on dog owner’s Facebook page (social media &
Davina Corbin - Feather Falls, California
Photos of 2 of 25 dogs that were part of a fatally attacking great dane pack (news media)
Robert Holguin - Oakland, California
Photos of a cane corso-Neapolitan mastiff on owner’s property after the attack (news media)
Zoey Hawkins - Visalia, California
Photos of three family pit bulls on dog owner’s Facebook page (news media, social media &
Jiryiah Johnson - Converse, Texas
Photos of 2 of 3 fatally attacking XL bully/pit bull-mixes (news media, social media &
Chevy Womack - Torrance, California
Photos of fatally attacking family pit bull-mastiff mix “Rambo” (social media &
James Provost - Albany, New York
Photos of 2 of 9 adult pit bulls fatally attacking a man (news media & social media)
Jo Echelbarger - Ashville, Ohio
Photos of two fatally attacking pit bulls, "Apollo" and "Echo" (news media, social media &
Chris Culbertson - Kansas City, Missouri
Photos of 2 of 7 fatally attacking pit bulls captured on surveillance camera (news media)
Jeriline McGinnis - Boston, Massachusetts
Photos of family pit bulls "Deuce" and "Buddha" (news media, social media &
Caleb Brown - Jacksonville, North Carolina
Photos of 1 of 2 fatally attacking family pit bulls, "Xena" (social media &
Amelia Yu - Covina, California
Photos of a family rottweiler and rottweiler-weimaraner mix seized (news media)
Pedro Ortega - San Diego, California
Photos of 1 of 3 fatally attacking family XL bully/pit bull-mixes (news media)
Hector Pierna - Beaumont, Texas
Photos of two fatally attacking pit bull-mixes after being seized (animal control & news media)
Samara Rogers - Augusta, Georgia
Photos of two fatally attacking pit bull-mixes being seized by authorities (news media & social media)
Kingsley Wright - Cincinnati, Ohio
Photos of two pit bull-mixes on the biological father's Facebook page (social media &
How We Track Photograph Sources
We track the identification photograph's original source. There may be multiple images of a dog thus, multiple sources may be attributed to a single attack. We also track where the image was published. For instance, after Jiryiah Johnson's death, media captured all three dogs being seized by authorities from multiple angles. We obtained images of the dogs from the owner's and co-owner's social media pages. Thus, the photographs were sourced to news media, social media, and
What is simpler to measure in our tracking and analysis is the rising number of breed identification photographs located on the dog owner's or family member's social media pages, from only 16% of all collected images in 2013 to 65% in 2024, a 306% rise. It is also easy to see the small number of images provided by law enforcement even though most dogs after a fatal attack are held alive in quarantine. Police released identification images after 3 deaths this year, 8% of cases with images.
Photograph Tracking Categories
- published only; no news media republished the photograph
- U.S. news media supplied original photograph and/or republished photograph
- Social media website supplied breed identification photograph
- Law enforcement or animal control department supplied photograph
- Canines shot to death at the scene of a fatal dog attack
- Canines held in a quarantine facility after a fatal dog attack

Breed identification photographs from six pack attacks in 2024 when media was on location.
Related articles:
01/30/24: 2023 Fatal Dog Attack Breed Identification Photographs -
01/20/23: 2022 Fatal Dog Attack Breed Identification Photographs -
01/12/22: 2021 Fatal Dog Attack Breed Identification Photographs -
01/12/21: 2020 Fatal Dog Attack Breed Identification Photographs -
08/31/15: Who Can Identify a Pit Bull? A Dog Owner of 'Ordinary Intelligence'...
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
Wonderful study. Very scholarly.
In 2013, there were 32 dog bite fatalities. In 2024, there were 66. There are only a handful of us who see this as a problem that needs addressing. That’s scary as hell.
66 is what we know currently. CDC numbers won’t be out for several years for 2024. It likely will be 100+ when those numbers come out.
But they’re precious fur babies!
Can’t say anything bad about the woggies, now can we?
Because they couldn’t possibly do anything wrong!
[Sarcasm off.]
Thanks for your diligence in compiling this fundamental data, Colleen. It serves to set a baseline in any analysis of breed and fatal dog attacks.
Who got killed by the pit wearing the party hat?
I can’t tell the dogs apart.
There must be at least 6 dogs that look like that beast.
I hope the pit went after whoever took that pic.
Jiryiah Johnson — There were 3 XL bullies (all blood-related) involved in the attack.
I noticed that in almost every attack, there were 2+ dogs involved. It’s always bothered me that not only are dangerous dog breeds legal, but there isn’t even a limit on how many one can have! The bare minimum our society can do is limit people to 1 pit beast. Some of these people were mauled by a literal dog pack! It should be a crime to own so many dangerous animals.
The Sun, a British newspaper, has begun listing all the pitbull attack deaths below articles about of the latest victim.
What a good idea. US papers should start that.