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5 thoughts on “2017 U.S. Dog Bite Fatality Statistics -

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  1. I might be able to understand multiple dog attacks on humans in a post-apocalyptic world, but not in a so called "First World" country in the 21st century. To me, the increase in pack attacks is one of the most frightening statistics of all.

  2. Thank you for all you do. It is quite sobering, and very sad, to see all the victims in a list. Every death listed here could have/should have been prevented.

  3. Are the numbers of fatal rottweiler attacks falling because rott owners are getting more responsible or because rotts are falling out of favour recently and there's less around?

    It's interesting that most of these pits carrying out the fatal attacks are not adopted from a rescue or prior home. Raising them from a puppy obviously doesn't make them safe (as some people claim).

  4. RE: Rottenwilers – it is interesting how the victim's age range spreads out across an "upside down" bell curve. Most of the victims appear to be small children and elderly.

    Seems as though rotts go after the proverbial low hanging fruit.

  5. I have two elderly friends who adopted a Rottweiler. I think they got it from our local humane society, or from our county's tax-supported shelter. It's a 90-something woman and her 70-something son.

    Son told me that the dog doesn't like anybody. Which is why I worry about him and his mother. It also motivated me to stay away from their house and to keep a safe distance whenever I see the son walking the dog.

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