2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Infant Killed, Mother Seriously Injured in Multi-Victim 'Family' Dog Attack in Woodbridge, New Jersey

multi-victim dog attack woodbridge new jersey
Infant killed, mother injured in multi-victim family dog attack in Woodbridge.

Pit Bull Confirmed
UPDATE 03/11/24: On Monday, the prosecutor's office confirmed with News 12 New Jersey and WKXW that the dog involved in the deadly attack was a family pit bull. On Saturday, the dog attacked a 3-month old baby boy, killing him, and attacked his mother at their home on Mereline Avenue. The pit bull has been euthanized. The baby's mother has been released from the hospital. Middlesex County prosecutors said the family's name is not being released. No criminal charges will be filed.

Also, CBS News anchor Carissa Lawson, who formerly worked for News 12 New Jersey for over a decade, posted to Facebook that "a couple at my church knows the family and told us the entire story." The baby was not left alone with the dog, she wrote. "The dog went into baby’s room while everyone was asleep. The mother heard the baby screaming and went in to try to save her baby and that’s when the dog tried to kill her, too." Her LinkedIn page states she left News 12 in June 2023.

"The coincidence now is that I found out this morning that a couple at my church knows the family and told us the entire story. We were all crying. The baby was not left alone with the dog. The dog went into baby’s room while everyone was asleep. The mother heard the baby screaming and went in to try to save her baby and that’s when the dog tried to kill her, too. The father, who owned the dog prior, was able to stop the attack, but he was injured, too. The dog was not treated poorly. The dog was dearly loved. And yes -- the dog was a pit bull." - CBS News anchor Carissa Lawson

A GoFundMe was created for the baby's family. He has been identified as Daymon Balbuena.

03/10/24: Baby Killed, Mother Injured
Woodbridge, NJ - An infant is dead and his mother seriously injured after a multi-victim "family" dog attack Saturday morning. Authorities were dispatched to a home on Mereline Avenue in Woodbridge Township at about 6:17 am in response to a 911 call that reported a baby had been attacked by a dog. Upon arrival, police found the baby and the mother had sustained serious injuries. The infant was pronounced dead at the scene. The mother was taken to a hospital, where the father joined her.

Middlesex County Prosecutor Yolanda Ciccone issued a statement to media notifying them of the attack, but it did not include the baby's age or identify the family. No dog breed information was provided either. Ciccone is memorable, as it was her office that did not pursue charges after a pair of pit bulls breached a fence-line in 2021 and killed 3-year old Aziz Ahmed and critically injured his mother while they were inside their own yard. The boy suffered "total evisceration" injuries.

We had no kind words for her then about how she issued her prosecution decision: "Ciccone, however, never contacted Aziz's family before issuing her decision in emails to private citizens on March 23. Lacking in courage and courtesy, Ciccone also did not hold a press conference about her decision, which would have forced her to face media and public scrutiny," we wrote. "Ciccone's actions are so sheepish and cowardly, they are literally 'beyond the pale.' Our hearts go out to Aziz's family."

Multi-Victim Fatal Dog Attacks

Now Ciccone faces another multi-victim dog attack involving a dead child and critically injured mother. This time, however, the "family" dog was the perpetrator. It was also a "single family" dog that instigated the attack not a "pair" of unfamiliar pit bulls. What types of dog breeds inflict multi-victim attacks resulting in death? During the pre/post Covid 4-year period of 2020 to 2023, multi-victim attacks involved 15% of all dog bite fatalities (33/215). 73% (24) were carried out by pit bulls.

Eight dog breeds were involved in 1 death. Only pit bulls (24 deaths), rottweilers (2 deaths) and American bulldogs (2 deaths) were involved in multiple deaths. While multi-victim attacks resulting in at least 1 human death can be a "rampage" attack, like when two family pit bulls killed two children in Tennessee and critically injured their mother, we only require that the injury sustained by the other victim(s) was consequential, requiring treatment by a professional at the scene or at a hospital.

We also looked at multi-victim attacks resulting in death inflicted by a family dog during this period, and within this subset, a single family dog being the perpetrator. Of the 33 multi-victim attacks involving at least 1 human death, over half, 55% (18) involved family dogs as perpetrators. 72% (13/18) were inflicted by family pit bulls. Of the 18 multi-victim attacks involving family dogs, 56% (10) were carried about by a single family dog. 70% of these attacks were inflicted by a single family pit bull.

multi-victim dog attack in woodbridge

Breeds of dogs Involved in multi-victim dog attacks resulting in death (2020-2023). Several attacks involved multiple breeds, thus producing a death count total of 36 rather than 33.

multi-victim dog attack in woodbridge

After a person who knows the mother admitted it was a pit bull, the comment was removed.

Related articles:
10/11/22: 2022 Double Dog Bite Fatality: Pair of Family XL Pit Bulls Kill Two Children, Injure...
03/30/21: 2021 Dog Bite Fatality: Boy Killed, Mother Severely Injured in Violent Pit Bull Attack...

Baseline reporting requirements:
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.

2024 Dog Bite Fatality: 2-Year Old Killed by Dog in North Alabama Marking Second Child 'Death by Dog' in Region in 4 Days

Mark Alan - killed by dog in north alabama
Mark Allen Partain, 2-years old, was killed by a dog in north Alabama on Friday.

Dog Owner Arrested
UPDATE 06/20/24: Police arrested 55-year old Melissa Phillips in connection to the fatal dog mauling of a 2-year old boy earlier this year. On March 1, New Hope police responded to the 200 block of T R Christian Road for a report of a child who was attacked by dogs. Two dogs, a husky and a German shepherd-mix, were seized from the home of Rickey Clark. A third dog, a "brown bulldog" that was known to run loose in the area, was also suspected. Phillips resides down the street from Clark.

The third dog was surrendered to authorities as the investigation continued. Bite impressions taken from the dogs ruled out the two initial dogs belonging to Clark. The third dog, belonging to Phillips, had recently been involved in another dog attack. Phillips was indicted for a violation of Emily's Law (under Section B). Though a court had not declared her dog to be dangerous, "the owner of the dog had prior knowledge of the dangerous propensities of the dog." Phillips faces a Class C felony charge.

Detectives determined with the help of forensics, that the bite marks collected belonged to the third dog -- not the neighbor's [Rickey Clark].

“This is a dog that the owners had already had an issue with attacking someone else so there was already ground work there to say this was a vicious dog or this was a dog that has propensity for violence and to attack people," Bates said. "With the death of this child, that’s kind of what led the weight of this charge.” - Chief Deputy Stacy Bates with the Madison County Sheriff's Office, WAAY-TV, June 20, 2024

All three dogs were euthanized over the course of the investigation. Last week, the investigation was brought before a Madison County grand jury, resulting in Phillips' indictment. Phillips voluntarily surrendered to sheriff's detectives. She was booked into the Madison County Jail on a $15,000 bond. The breed of Phillips' dog is unknown. She is seen with a "brown dog" and a "missing" black Labrador on social media pages. The Madison County Sheriff's Office says the investigation is ongoing.

03/01/24: Toddler Killed by Dog
New Hope, AL - A 2-year old boy is dead after being attacked by a dog in New Hope Friday evening. The city is 40 mile east of Hartselle, where 4-year old Beau Clark was brutally killed by an Olde English bulldog on Monday. Beau was buried earlier today; over a thousand people attended his funeral. On Friday, at about 5:21 pm, Huntsville Emergency Medical Services Inc., (HEMSI) responded to a residence in the 200 block of T R Christian Road after a report of a toddler being bitten by a dog.

HEMSI spokesman Don Webster said that multiple agencies responded, including, Madison County Sheriff's Office, Owens Cross Road Police Department, and New Hope Police Department. The boy was pronounced dead at the scene, Webster said. Madison County Sheriff's Office spokesperson Brent Patterson said the child was at a neighbor's home when he was attacked by a neighbor's dog. Madison County Coroner Tyler Berryhill said an autopsy will be performed on the child this week.

WAFF spoke to Rickey Clark, the owner of the dogs (no relationship to Beau Clark). He said that one of his dogs, a husky, was responsible for the attack. Both of his dogs were seized by animal control. WAFF captured footage of the dogs being confiscated. A husky is seen and a shepherd-type dog. Clark said the toddler got into his backyard by "opening the gate himself." The gate was latched but not locked. Clark said his dogs had never harmed anyone before. He even showed WFF his gate.

Child & Breeds Identified

The boy's mother has publicly identified him as Mark Alan. "Last night our world was completely shattered. I lost my youngest child, my mini me, my Mark Alan," Kayla Hughey wrote. "The hurt is unreal. I don’t even feel like I’m living in reality. My children’s hearts are so broken." Hughey stated that she has "spoken with all of the police and investigators" and that "it looks as if this was just a very tragic accident with no one to be held at fault." Hughey thanked the many first responders.

The two dog breeds involved have been confirmed as a husky and a German shepherd-golden retriever mix. The sex and spay/neuter status were not released. The ages of the dogs were not released. Despite the importance of all three in fatal dog maulings, this "basic" data is rarely released. This type of fatality was much more common pre-2010 -- "male child entered into dog pen." We know in the 2021 New Mexico case that the adults present in the home were prosecuted afterward.

Third Dog Possibly Involved

According to Clark, a third dog was possibly involved. Clark was alerted to the attack after hearing frantic screams from the boy's father. "He was banging on the door real hard and he said, 'It's my son, it's my son, I think he might be dead,'" Clark said. He rushed outside to see what was wrong and saw the toddler laying on the ground, unresponsive, in front of the dog pens and the gate was open. There was also a brown bulldog "running around in the yard," Clark said, whose owner is unknown.

"When I got my dogs put up, I saw her [the bulldog] running out of the yard, and I don't know if she had anything to do with it." Clark said that seeing the brown bulldog, which he described as female, running loose isn't unusual. WAAY-TV reached out to the Madison County's Sheriff's Office (MCSO) to learn more. Three dogs were placed into quarantine that are believed to have been involved, MCSO said. But animal control did not confirm knowledge of a third dog. The investigation is ongoing.

killed by dog in north alabama

The two dogs under investigation, a husky and a German shepherd-mix, were cleared.

Related articles:
02/27/24: 2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Child Dies After Bull Breed Mauling in North Alabama
02/24/24: 2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Newborn Dies After Bite to the Head by Pet Husky

Baseline reporting requirements:
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.

2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Young Boy Mauled, Killed by Dog in Rural Monroe Center, Ogle County Illinois

Rural monroe center dog breeder fatality
A 4-year old boy was fatally injured by a dog in rural Monroe Center, Illinois.

Child Killed by Dog
Ogle County, IL - A 4-year old boy is dead after being mauled by a dog, according to the Ogle County Sheriff's Office. The attack occurred on February 29, 2024. At approximately 4:40 pm, the Ogle County 911 Dispatch Center received a 911 call about a child mauled by a dog in rural Monroe Center, which is located 16 miles away from Rockford, and that CPR was in progress. The child was taken to a hospital in Rockford, where he died of his injuries. The investigation into his death is ongoing.

According to audio dispatch log files from Ogle County Fire on Broadcastify.com, at 4:42 pm the agency was dispatched to a home in the 8900 block of North Limestone Road. CPR was immediately underway. The attack occurred in the backyard. The dispatcher states, "The boy is not responsive. He's in the backyard on the side." Moments later, she states, "CPR is in progress. They are in the backyard. The dog is kenneled." The dog, of an unknown breed, was secured prior to EMS arrival.

Earlier today, Limestone Sphynx and LFD Great Danes, located in Monroe Center, published on their Facebook page, "Due to a loss in our immediate family we've decided that we will no longer be raising great danes. Anyone with deposits in will be refunded. We are also going to be rehoming a number of our adults." One commenter stated, "Just saw the news that is so heartbreaking." The local school published a post, "The Meridian CUSD 223 mourns the unexpected loss of one of our students."

Ogle County Sheriff Brian VanVickle told Shaw Media the dog involved was a "mixed breed." It was euthanized Friday afternoon. That seems unusual, given the family breeds AKC registered great danes -- purebred dogs -- but there may have been other dogs on the property. Shaw Media also quoted Ogle County Animal Control administrator Dr. Thomas Champley. “This is the first time we’ve had a fatality,” he said. This is breaking news. As the news unfolds, more clarity will become available.

boy killed by dog in rural Monroe Center Ogle County

Limestone Farm Danes (LFD) in Monroe Center breeds great danes and sphyx cats.

rural monroe center boy killed by dog

One day after the fatal mauling, the kennel posted an update to their Facebook page.

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02/07/24: 2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Breeder Killed, Husband Injured After Attack by Catahoula...

Baseline reporting requirements:
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.

2024 Dog Bite Fatality: East Texas Dog Owner Charged after Man Found Dead with Wounds Consistent with Dog Bites

This video is from February 1, after a man was found dead with wounds consistent with dog bites.

Criminal Charges Filed
Longview, TX - A man with a lengthy criminal history has been arrested in connection to a man found dead with wounds consistent with dog bites on February 1, according to police. Martin Gilbert Rodriguez, 56, of Longview, was charged with attack by dog causing death under the Texas felony dog attack law. The 46-year old victim has been identified as Kenneth Pierson. The arrest follows an autopsy report from the Forensic Medical Management Services that was returned to police.

Rodriguez remains in the Gregg County Jail; bond has not yet been set. He has been in jail since February 1 for multiple animal-related offenses and other charges, including: 28 counts of animal at large, 2 counts of animal unvaccinated, 5 counts of failure to maintain financial responsibility, 4 counts of no driver’s license, speeding, and animal illegally kept in a parked or standing vehicle. Rodriguez lives close to where Pierson was found dead in a roadway with wounds consistent with dog bites.

The Fatal Dog Biting Incident

At about 3:00 am, Longview police officers responded to a call for a bicycle in the roadway in the 2500 block of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Arriving officers found the bicycle and then discovered the deceased man with dog bite wounds. Animal control officers and police confiscated multiple dogs from a nearby residence, as an investigation into his death got underway. Residents complained then that the dogs had been an issue for some time, wondering, "Why wasn’t something done sooner?"

Longview NAACP former president and community member Branden Johnson told CBS 19 that police had been contacted about the dogs at least six times and that two of his friends were attacked by the dogs. Johnson said that more needed to be done to protect everyone in the community. "At least if not fairly and equally, with equity. And when there’s something going on, everybody gets treated how they’re supposed to be treated. And there’s no difference, or indifference," Johnson said.

Habitual Animal Violations Offender

In 2019, Rodriguez faced similar charges: 3 counts of animal at large and 3 counts of animal unvaccinated. In 2021, charges escalated to the felony statute. Rodriguez pleaded guilty to 1 count of attack by dog causing serious bodily injury. The sentence was suspended 5 years and the remainder was probated. In early February, city officials said that animal control officers had issued almost 50 citations since 2019 in cases directly related to the dogs seized from the property on February 1.

Now that Rodriguez has used up the Court's leniency after the 2021 serious bodily injury case, he faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted under the state statute. It is troubling that he continued being a reckless dog owner after the 2019 and 2021 charges. The worst possible outcome of his behavior occurred on February 1 when his dogs killed a man. Certainly, the city should be considering a habitual offender ordinance that prohibits people like Rodriguez from owning any animals.

east texas, wounds consistent with dog bites

East Texas man faces charges after man found dead with wounds consistent with dog bites.

Related articles:
06/21/23: 2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Man Walking Down Road in Rockport, Texas Brutally Killed by Dogs
08/26/23: 2022 Dog Bite Fatality: Dogs Suspected in Man's Death in Channelview, Harris County

Baseline reporting requirements:
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.