Fatal Wolf-Dog Hybrid Attacks - The Archival Record

Illustration of wolves from the Biodiversity Heritage Library, The Animal Kingdom, 1829. An introduction to wolf-dog hybrids by animal behaviorist and author Alexandra Semyonova. Jump to the Fatal Wolf-Dog Hybrid Attacks Archival Record from 1980 to present day. Introduction by Alexandra Semyonova The wolf-dog hybrid, also called ‘wolfdog’, is an emotional trap people walk into all too often. Sometimes it's about the latest macho fashion -- a rottweiler or a pit bull… [Read full blog post]

Delta's Policy Response After a Passenger was Severely Attacked by an Unrestrained Emotional Support Dog

Delta Tightens Reins on Untrained 'Support' Dogs in Cabin Delta creates stronger screening process for in-cabin service and emotional support animals. Delta's News Release Atlanta, GA - Delta Air Lines has introduced "enhanced requirements" for passengers flying with service and emotional support animals. The policy change comes after a support dog repeatedly attacked a passenger in the face just before take off last June. The dog's owner could not stop his dog from at… [Read full blog post]

The Friendly Skies Fade After a Delta Passenger is Severely Attacked by an Unrestrained 'Emotional Support Dog'

Delta is Not Protecting Passengers from Large Untrained Dogs In early June, a man was repeatedly attacked by an emotional support dog on a Delta flight. Atlanta, GA - On June 4, the widely abused loophole in three federal acts pertaining to service animals and emotional support animals went viral after a man was repeatedly attacked in the face by an alleged "support" dog on board a domestic Delta flight before takeoff. It was an escalating violent attack. The dog's owner could… [Read full blog post]

Back Story of the Montreal Pit Bull Ban, What the Vets Omitted and Cited in Their Report and How the Pit Bull Lobby Operates

5-Part La Presse Investigation Translated to English The Association of Veterinary Doctors of Quebec (OMVQ) omitted key parts of medical studies in their report to the ministerial committee. The omissions left some of the studies “unrecognizable.” The OMVQ report also cited several studies, which they deemed to be “scientific,” but were funded by the heavily financed pro-pit bull lobby. The OMVQ failed to note this conflict of interest. The 5-part La Presse investigat… [Read full blog post]