Fatal Rottweiler Attacks - The Archival Record from 1978 to December 2024

An archive of children and adults killed by rottweilers from 1978 to 2024. DogsBite.org - Combining DogsBite.org dog bite fatality statistics with research provided by a volunteer produced a significant archival collection of fatal rottweiler attacks dating back to 1978. Of the 132 victims recorded from 1978 to December 31, 2024, 75% (99) were children ages 11-years and younger. Of these children, over two-thirds, 71% (70), were ages 4-years and younger. California su… [Read full blog post]

Fatal Wolf-Dog Hybrid Attacks - The Archival Record from 1980 to December 2024

Illustration of wolves from the Biodiversity Heritage Library, The Animal Kingdom, 1829. An introduction to wolf-dog hybrids by animal behaviorist and author Alexandra Semyonova. Jump to the Fatal Wolf-Dog Hybrid Attacks Archival Record from 1980 through 2024. Introduction by Alexandra Semyonova The wolf-dog hybrid, also called ‘wolfdog’, is an emotional trap people walk into all too often. Sometimes it's about the latest macho fashion -- a rottweiler or a pit bull i… [Read full blog post]