2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Arkansas Man Arrested After Pack of Guarding Breeds and Pit Bulls Killed his Cousin

James McCool died after being attacked by a dog pack at Copperhead Road Kennels. Dog Owner Arrested Lincoln County, AR - On January 18, a kennel owner in Star City, Arkansas was arrested after authorities said his YouTube channel shows canines he trained to "attack in a pack like manner and have a prey drive at a young age" killed his cousin last year. Scott Alan McCool, 48, was booked into the Lincoln County Detention Center on a manslaughter charge in connection to the October 2… [Read full blog post]

Fatal Wolf-Dog Hybrid Attacks - The Archival Record from 1980 to December 2024

Illustration of wolves from the Biodiversity Heritage Library, The Animal Kingdom, 1829. An introduction to wolf-dog hybrids by animal behaviorist and author Alexandra Semyonova. Jump to the Fatal Wolf-Dog Hybrid Attacks Archival Record from 1980 through 2024. Introduction by Alexandra Semyonova The wolf-dog hybrid, also called ‘wolfdog’, is an emotional trap people walk into all too often. Sometimes it's about the latest macho fashion -- a rottweiler or a pit bull i… [Read full blog post]