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6 thoughts on “United States Senate Bill to Provide Public Health Veterinary Services in Rural and Tribal Communities

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  1. Or better yet why don’t they just I don’t know ban pitbull.if they just ban pitbull and make sure that no one own or people dump their pitbull .maybe just maybe no more innocent people will died by those monsters.Im lost how giving them free healthcare and neuter their dog going to stop vicious pitbull attack.

  2. Shooting strays would also be a good idea, in my opinion. Animal rights activists would object and cause trouble if they found out about it (I know this as a former animal rights activist).

    • Reservations will do this after a fatal mauling—they round up roaming dogs (that no owner claims) and these dogs are killed. Most organizations recognize the daunting nature of the uncontrolled dog population on reservations and the limited resources of the tribe. This bill could make a difference in the long run!

  3. I hope the problem with reservation dogs killing people can be successfully resolved. However, there is a reason why reservations have so many dogs running loose. Historically Americans have treated Native Americans badly. A reservation member told me this. Native Americans are concerned about a food shortage and consider the dogs a readily available source of food. One elderly man living on a reservation carries a gun with him so he can stop dogs that might attack him.

    Back in the early 1970s, I was involved with destroying a large number of dogs living on an elderly man’s property.
    About sixty adult dogs were euthanized that day. No dogs
    tried to attack anyone. Veterinary students went into a garage and brought dogs out individually with a catch pole. No pitbulls were present. Can anyone consider what likely would have happened to students walking into that pack if the dogs had been pitbulls? Note that this group of dogs was an unsocialized feral group. The elderly man fed them Purina Dog Chow. The dogs were all of proper weight.

    The pitbull problem in the USA has moved onto Indian reservations. People living close to reservations could be at risk of pitbull attacks. The solution does depend on Native Americans wanting to resolve the overpopulation of dogs. I cannot think the solution is only spays/neuters considering the dog overpopulation is so great. Capturing the dogs and rehoming them would be virtually impossible because many are unsocialized. Socializing wild dogs is incredibly difficult.

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