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5 thoughts on “2022 Dog Bite Fatality: Young Adult Female Killed by Pack of Dogs on the Meskwaki Settlement in Tama County, Iowa

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  1. Pitbulls infecting every dog population even in remote areas.

    Soon, there won’t be any non-pit bull dogs that aren’t purebred dogs destroyed by inbred genetic anomalies.

    • Although people everywhere seem to believe inbreeding ruins dogs, this simply is not true.

      If one breeds a vicious pit bull to a vicious Rottweiler, one has made an outcrossed litter which likely has bad temperament.

      Different breeds are produced by breeding for specific traits. Border collies were selectively bred for herding. Pit bulls were developed by selectively breeding for killer dogs.

      • Inbreeding is actually horrible for dogs, I’m not sure why you don’t think it’s a big deal. The dog breeds with the highest Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI) are the least healthy, these include breeds like Pugs, French Bulldogs, and English Bulldogs. Pit bulls, especially “exotic bullies” are also very inbred. You typically don’t see nearly the amount of issues with working line dogs, whether physically or mentally, because they don’t necessarily need to adhere to a strict breed standard, they just need to do the job they were bred for well.

  2. “Large headed”, aka block headed beasts. I’d bet my life bully breeds did this even if this statement wasn’t said.

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