United States Senate Bill to Provide Public Health Veterinary Services in Rural and Tribal Communities

Bill would authorize public health veterinary services for tribal communities. Bill Reintroduced Washington DC - Last week, U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs (SCIA), along with multiple other senators, reintroduced Senate Bill 620, the Veterinary Services to Improve Public Health in Rural Communities Act. The bill authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service (IHS) to provid… [Read full blog post]

Escalating Fatal Dog Maulings on Tribal Lands - Suspected Fatal Dog Attack on the Wind River Reservation

Have Covid-19 Conditions Been a Contributing Factor? Dubois, WY - By BLM Wyoming/Bob Wick, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) Death by Dogs Confirmed UPDATE 07/22/22: In mid-July, the Fremont County Coroner’s office released the cause of death of Shawna Jo Bell, a Northern Arapaho tribal member. Bell was found dead on April 10. The County Coroner’s Office had responded to an "animal bites" call that same night. Bell's cause of death was not made public originally. The offi… [Read full blog post]

2021 Dog Bite Fatality: Teenager Killed by Pack of Dogs on the Navajo Nation in Fort Defiance, Arizona

Lyssa Upshaw, 13-years old, was found dead near a pack of vicious dogs in Fort Defiance. Legislation Passes 05/30/22: On April 24, the 24th Navajo Nation Council passed legislation amending Title 17, specifying a criminal nuisance offense and establishing penalties for owners of vicious dogs and other dangerous animals running at large that cause injury or death. The Navajo Nation Council passed legislation No. 0002-22, sponsored by Honorable Eugene Tso, with 23 in fav… [Read full blog post]

2016 Dog Bite Fatality: Pack of Pit Bulls Kill Boy on Navajo Nation Reservation

On July 14, Kayden Begay, was killed by a pack of pit bulls in Seba Dalkai. Navajo Leaders Respond UPDATE 07/23/16: A week after 3-year old Kayden Begay was killed by a pack of dogs in Seba Dalkai, a report from the Navajo Nation Animal Control Program obtained by the Associated Press confirmed the boy was killed by dogs in the area. The report does not specify the breeds of dogs involved or whether the dogs had owners -- which is standard practice for fatal dog attacks that occur on r… [Read full blog post]