A woman visiting from Alaska was killed by a dog pack inside a South Carolina Home.
Woman Killed by Dog Pack
Sumter County, SC - A woman was discovered dead Thursday inside a home on South Lake Cherryvale Drive. The Sumter County Sheriff's Office believes she died of a dog attack. Lori Martin, 60, was visiting from Alaska when a family member found her dead just before noon. While Martin was in the home, a family dog pack -- including three boxers and one pit bull -- began fighting. Martin and the dogs all had lacerations consistent with dog bites and claw scratches.
All four dogs were seized and quarantined by the sheriff's office. Two other dogs were also in the household, but apparently, were not involved in the dog pack/dog aggression fighting event that resulted in Martin's death. Deputies said the dogs will be examined, along with their temperament, to determine if they should be declared dangerous. An autopsy is scheduled for Wednesday at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, Sumter County Coroner Robbie Baker said.
"This incident is still under investigation and we’re looking into every angle to determine the factors of this case, so far, we have determined that the dogs’ owner does not have a criminal record and there are no prior calls for service to that residence," Sheriff Anthony Dennis said. "We also do not have record of dogfighting in that immediate area. We have not seen anything of this nature in a very long time and this is such a tragic thing to take place just before the holidays," Dennis said.
No Fatalities on Record
From January 1, 2005 to present day, Martin's death is the only dog bite fatality our nonprofit has recorded in Sumter County, South Carolina. Furthermore, our Fatal Pit Bull Attack Archives, which date back to 1833, have no recorded fatal pit bull maulings in this county either, nor do our Fatal Rottweiler Attack Archives, which date back to 1978. When Sheriff Anthony Dennis stated earlier today, "We have not seen anything of this nature in a very long time," he certainly was correct.
"Determining the Factors"
Sheriff Dennis also stated, "we’re looking into every angle to determine the factors of this case." These factors may or may not include a dog pack of medium to large-sized "rescued" dogs, which demanded a "crate-and-rotate" routine, due to one or more of these dogs having severe dog aggression, that perhaps Martin was unfamiliar with. Recent cases involving a similar scenario includes the deaths of Tanner Kinnamon, 2, in Florida and Mitchelle Segerdahl, 53, in Oregon.
The Four Dogs Involved
Over the weekend, we located three of the dogs involved in Martin's death on family members' Facebook pages. The victim's maiden name is Borem. Her son lives in the 4100 block of South Lake Cherryvale Drive, where the attack occurred. The pit bull was adopted from Abandoned Love Animal Rescue in January 2019. It is unknown if the three boxers are rescues as well. The son's wife works for Johnston County EMS in North Carolina, according to her Facebook page.
Back in May, 10-month old Malia Winberry was killed by her family's rottweilers in Johnston County. That baby's mother also works for Johnston County EMS. A second dog bite fatality occurred in Johnston County in November. An 8-day old infant was killed by a pit bull. Two dog bite fatalities inflicted in Johnston County in one year is already improbable. That employees of Johnston County EMS were the dog owners in two of these three nearby deaths is even rarer.

Three of the dogs involved in the death of Lori Martin were located on social media pages. The pages include the January and February 2019 posts about the litter containing the white pit bull and who adopted it (in comments), and a November 2019 post, where the white pit bull's owner shows how the dog looked less than a year after being adopted (in comments).
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Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
The victim was possibly unfamiliar with one or more of the dangerous canines having aggression?
That means that there won’t be warning labels on dangerous pet animals anytime soon. I know that I should not have plastic wrap near peoples faces, I know that I should not eat the desiccant, I should not leave five gallon buckets near toddlers, I should not short lithium-ion batteries, and I know that the AC power cord contains lead, which causes reproductive harm in progressive states on the west coast. All this, thanks to the efforts of the warning label people.
But I do not need to know that my unpredictably aggressive carnivorous predatory pet canine can kill my mother. And my mother does not need to know that my unpredictably aggressive carnivorous predatory pet canine can kill her. Memo to the warning label people: You need to pick up the pace in the canine department.
What happens when all of the killer dogs are on their best behavior during the temperament examination? So much for how useful such an examination is. Can I guess that the two non-killer dogs were not dangerous breeds? Fatal lacerations: Lots and lots of medium size lacerations? Or just a few really big lacerations. Multiple: Maybe just two, one carotid and one jugular?
The killer dogs were always so friendly, maybe. Well, this must have been their very first time. Just like all other severe dog mauling victims were attacked by dogs who all had their very first time, too. So much for how specially important an indicative marker that is.
_What happens when all of the killer dogs are on their best behaviour during the temperament examination?_–Richard
Excellent question, Richard.
It’s why I don’t believe in a single temperament test.
Dogs need to be tested in a myriad of circumstances and in in all kinds of differing conditions to see what their “styles” of dealing with pressure and stress, are.
Waving a stuffed toy dog in front of a dog that has played tug with a stuffed toy may result in a dog being labelled “aggressive” that isn’t because it goes nuts for toys (Personally I’d want that over-excitement modified but there ya go). Waving the same stuffed toy dog in front of another dog that doesn’t play tug and the dog might not respond at all. It may not respond with aggression for a month or two then rip any other dog or human apart that it sees. I’ve seen numerous cases where a dog that was ill and gentle that then went full-on aggressive once it was feeling back up to par.
I’m all for better labelling. Frankly, maybe we need to label the owners. Because it appears to me that the same people own an awful lot of the “he had a horrible background and that’s why he’s a jerk” dogs, while others seem to always own the loveliest dogs, with the odd, rare, exception.
I’ve had dog snarled at by working service dogs while laying quietly beside me. Twice. Temperament is only the basic genetic quality of the dog. It’s not personality and it’s not indicative of good handling or the result of the dog’s life experience.
Why dogs at all?
I’m beginning to think that the R2D2 or C3PO model can do everything a dog can do and more so long as we prevent the HAL9000 tendencies from coming out.
Who says a good robot can’t be everything a dog can be, and more?
And what about developing stronger relationships with our own species? Despite our imperfections, we humans are marvelous creatures.
Keep in mind that there’s a huge pet industry that’s behind all this rhetoric that says we need dogs. No we don’t. We need each other.
A huge part of why people love dogs and other pet animals is that they connect us back to the natural world that we, as apes, belong to and are estranged from in most of our lives. Humans are biochemically designed to have very different lives than the ones we actually lead. Much about our advanced lives is great – art, medicine, science, technology – but there is a price. We are drawn to nature, to forests and oceans, and to animals. Dogs provide us with something we can’t get from robots. The answer to dangerous dogs is to crack down on the people breeding, selling, rehoming and prioritizin the ownership of violent breeds. Getting rid of the species would be a huge mistake.
I agree, Sara.
Not the time and place for it, but I was just trying to insert some absurd levity into the grim reality of yet another fatal pit mauling.
Like Zorba the Greek, I feel as if I didn’t dance madly from time to time when confronted with catastrophe that I would indeed go mad.
And on that note, I wonder if anyone has ever named their pit bull “HAL9000”. I think it perhaps one of the most suitable names for the breed.
“to determine if they should be declared dangerous”
Gee, ya think? It’s not like they KILLED anyone. SMH
Again, newness is one of the leading indicators of dog attack, as is multiple dogs. 5 of 6 indicators were present in this attack: https://dogbitelaw.com/parents/a-dog-attack-danger-scale-to-keep-you-and-your-kids-safe
Right. If these dogs aren’t declared dangerous, it makes me wonder what it takes for a dog to get that designation. Kill three people?
A mere three people? Come on, Bob.
The dog needs to kill at least five, and the more gruesome the death, the better.
(Sarcasm off.)
Still think there should be Federal oversight any time a canine related fatality has occurred. And the investigating Fed office should NOT be influenced by the “Save Them All” lobby, or other such deluded groups.
Local law authorities have said here that they “haven’t seen anything of this nature in a very long time”. Which probably means never in that particular location.
I think they could use some “rational” outside help.
Just G/mapped the street.
Lots of fences. About 4 of every 5 properties is fenced off, along with a few “Beware Of The Dog” signs. Not all too unfamiliar territory for guard and fighting breeds.
A canine fatality was most likely just a matter of time. Play with fire and eventually you will get burned.
I personally would not leave a pack of dogs with anyone but a person they knew and respected. One day years ago a friend/client turned five poorly socialized GSDs loose on me. Fortunately the dogs only barked and showed teeth before their owner put them up. However, as a pack, these were dangerous. These attacks don’t often occur where owners are educated about dog behavior. I will personally watch
every child that puts its fingers through my chain link. I’m not afraid my dogs will bite, but they have teeth and could use them.
This kill was 100% the fault of the owners and it was preventable.
I’m so sick of these dog pack attacks. Why is it legal to own dog packs? No one needs multiple huge, powerful dogs. No one! In addition to banning bully breeds, there need to be bans on owning packs of large dogs.
These stories literally terrify me. Imagine walking into the kitchen or living room one morning and discovering your dead grandmother, or father, or 9 month old baby covered with blood, body ripped to shreds, face unrecognizable. And a few feet away, there stand your 3 pits, their mouths soaked with blood. I will never understand people who risk their lives and their families lives by owning this killer beasts.
Imagine hearing the attack and running into find the the victim being shredded?! There is not a lot one can do to spare the victims life!
It all happens within SECONDS .. especially with the very young/elderly, their skin is so soft..😟
Quot snip: “… …There is not a lot one can do to spare the victims life!
It all happens within SECONDS… …”
There is one thing that can be done, that provides about a fifty percent chance of successful defense in an ambush dog attack, if the victim or the defender has three seconds to respond to the ambush attack before impact occurs. But, every 2nd counts.
In some cities, you cannot have more than 3 dogs on your property without a kennel license. Depending on the breed, even that could prove a bit much.
Enforcement might be another story.
Makes sense to me to limit the amount.
Ted Bundy passed his “temperament tests.” He lived safely with a girlfriend and her daughter , he was always polite to police when arrested, cooperative with lawyers and the judges.
Deadly psychopaths should not be judged by their random good behavior, but on their worst behaviors.
Polite behavior immediately before or after deadly attacks actually makes psychopath dogs or humans more dangerous, as their victims are more likely to come within range, to be accessible to them.
The oft-cited ATTS is simply a.test to eliminate dogs not brave enough for police work. No other dogs, not crying newborns, no frail senior citizens are included in the ATTS.
One important part of the ATTS is part 4, where a starter pistol is fired three times behind the dog. Dogs that panic fail the test.
86% of bully breeds pass the test. This means if you’re trying to stop a bully dog during an attack, warning shots won’t stop 86% of bully dogs. Instead you’ll have to shoot to kill.
And that is what is actually happening. More bully dogs are shot stabbed beaten burned trying to get them to stop attacking then pass this worthless test.
THIS ^^^^^ Exactly, this, Debbie.
Plenty of serviceable retrievers can’t handle a gun shot behind them until they get over their fear.
Yet which would most sensible people prefer to play with their children?
Charles Eisenmann (Littlest Hobo Trainer) said, “It is not what a dog can do that will tell you if it is a good dog. It is what a dog will NOT do.”