Maryland's highest court declares pit bulls "inherently dangerous" in landmark ruling.
On April 8, 2014 the governor signed a bill abrogating this Court of Appeals decision.
On August 21, 2012 the high court narrowed this decision by excluding cross-bred pit bulls.
Tracey v. Solesky
Baltimore, MD - In January, announced our filing of an amicus brief in a landmark Maryland appeals case, Tracey v. Solesky, in hopes of expanding more liability out to landlords when a tenant's pit bull attacks. The case involves the parents of a young boy seeking damages for injuries inflicted by a pit bull owned by a landlord's tenant. Also at issue is the "dangerousness" of pit bulls being "well-recognized," as determined in the 1998 case, Matthews v. Amberwood.
In Matthews, the Court of Appeals of Maryland ruled in a 4-3 vote that the landlord could have taken steps to abate the danger of a pit bull kept by a tenant when the landlord knew of the dog's presence and was aware of the dog's dangerousness. It was our hope that the Solesky opinion would expand Matthews further. On April 26, 2012, the Court of Appeals, in another 4-3 vote, did expand it and with great clarity by attaching strict liability when a pit bull or pit bull-cross attacks.
Tracey v. Solesky
No. 53, September Term 2012, Opinion by Cathell, J.
STRICT LIABILITY ADOPTED IN RESPECT TO ATTACKS ON HUMANS BY PIT BULL DOGS AND CROSS-BRED PIT BULL DOGS.Upon a plaintiff's sufficient proof that a dog involved in an attack is a pit bull or a pit bull cross, and that the owner, or other person(s) who has the right to control the pit bull's presence on the subject premises (including a landlord who has a right to prohibit such dogs on leased premises) knows, or has reason to know, that the dog is a pit bull or cross-bred pit bull, that person is liable for the damages caused to a plaintiff who is attacked by the dog on or from the owner's or lessor's premises. In that case a plaintiff has established a prima facie case of negligence. When an attack involves pit bulls, it is no longer necessary to prove that the particular pit bull or pit bulls are dangerous.
Upon receiving the Court's opinion, attorney Kevin A. Dunne, a principal at the law firm Ober Kaler, who represented the Solesky family, told the Baltimore Sun, "the Court of Appeals decision will likely to cause there to be fewer pit bull maulings of the citizens of the State of Maryland." Dunne said the high court's decision "didn't say pit bulls are banned. It makes the owner of the dog financially responsible for the injuries caused. It affects you if your dog hurts somebody else."
The Opinion Broken Down
The Court's opinion opens with the 1916 mauling of a young child by a pit bull, demonstrating just how long this dog breed has been attacking Maryland children. Furthermore, the attack on 10-year old John L. Clark illustrates the manner in which pit bulls attack resulting in many high courts determining that pit bull-type dogs pose a grave danger to the public: "The pit bull refused to release the boy until a witness picked up a 'scantling' and struck the dog, killing it."
The writer of the Court's opinion, Judge Dale R. Cathell, then states:
Over the last thirteen years, there have been no less than seven instances of serious maulings by pit bulls upon Maryland residents resulting in either serious injuries or death that have reached the appellate courts of this State, including the two boys attacked by the pit bull in the present case. Five of the pit bull attacks in Maryland have been brought to the attention of this Court, and two have reached the Court of Special Appeals.
The Court next spells out the details of these cases, which combined led to the Solesky opinion. The most simple explanation of the Solesky opinion is located on page 8:
We are modifying the Maryland common law of liability as it relates to attacks by pit bull and cross-bred pit bull dogs against humans. With the standard we establish today (which is to be applied in this case on remand), when an owner or a landlord is proven to have knowledge of the presence of a pit bull or cross-bred pit bull (as both the owner and landlord did in this case) or should have had such knowledge, a prima facie case is established. It is not necessary that the landlord (or the pit bull's owner) have actual knowledge that the specific pit bull involved is dangerous. Because of its aggressive and vicious nature and its capability to inflict serious and sometimes fatal injuries, pit bulls and cross-bred pit bulls are inherently dangerous.
Further into the opinion, the Court addresses Matthews in more detail and how the Court "began our modification of the old common-law rule with respect to dog attack cases with our strong dicta in Matthews, supra, highlighting the particular characteristics of pit bulls and cross-bred pit bulls." And, "the language of that case clearly forecasted the direction the Court might take in the proper case. This is that case," the Court wrote, referring to Solesky. In Matthews, the Court stated:
The extreme dangerousness of this breed, as it has evolved today, is well recognized. "Pit bulls as a breed are known to be extremely aggressive and have been bred as attack animals." Giaculli v. Bright, 584 So.2d 187, 189 (Fla.App. 1991). Indeed, it has been judicially noted that pit bulls "bit[e] to kill without signal" (Starkey v. Township of Chester, 628 F. Supp. 196, 197 (E.D. Pa. 1986)), are selectively bred to have very powerful jaws, high insensitivity to pain, extreme aggressiveness, a natural tendency to refuse to terminate an attack, and a greater propensity to bite humans than other breeds ... ("pit bull dogs represent a unique public health hazard ... [possessing] both the capacity for extraordinarily savage behavior ... [a] capacity for uniquely vicious attacks ... coupled with an unpredictable nature" and that "[o]f the 32 known human deaths in the United States due to dog attacks ... [in the period between July 1983 and April 1989], 23 were caused by attacks by pit bull dogs"). Pit bull dogs have even been considered weapons.
The Court next compiles evidence of the breed's dangerousness, starting with the "special report" issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2000, and the recent medical injury study, "Mortality, Mauling, and Maiming by Vicious Dogs," published in 2011. The Court points out that although the CDC did not recommend breed-specific regulation, it did state: "...laws for regulating dangerous or vicious dogs should be promulgated and enforced vigorously."
Assembling more evidence of the breed's dangerousness, the Court draws upon cases from other jurisdictions that address the inherent viciousness of pit bulls, including the high court rulings of City of Toledo v. Tellings, Bess v. Bracken County Fiscal Court, The Florida Bar v. Pape, McNeely v. United States and finally, The Colorado Dog Fanciers v. The City and County of Denver. Many portions cited in the opinion can be found on the Appellate Court Decisions page.
Concerning arguments raised by pit bull owners in Colorado Dog Fanciers, the Court provides the following footnote: "Some are similar to the arguments made in the appellant or amicus' briefs filed in the present case by supporters of pit bulls. In light of Maryland's situation, we find those particular arguments unpersuasive. (Notably, in Solesky, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals wrote the brief in opposition of the young boy nearly killed by a pit bull.)
In this same footnote, the Court adds that the opposition to breed-specific laws has been present for years. But that the Court's opinion "does not ban pit bulls, but puts a greater responsibility for vicious dogs where pit bull advocates have long argued it should be - with the owners and others who have the power of control over such dogs. Our opinion imposes greater duties by reducing the standards necessary to hold owners and others liable for the attacks of their pit bulls."
Given the misleading slogan of "punish the deed" by pit bull owners, advocates and national animal groups -- misleading in that victims often cannot pursue civil claims after a violent attack unless the owner knew the dog had the "propensity to be dangerous" and/or, as in the case of Solesky, the pit bull owner's debts were discharged after filing bankruptcy -- one can only imagine how many Maryland pit bull owners and landlords are extremely alarmed by the Court's opinion.
The fact is, "It's the owner not the breed," is a theme perpetuated by the owners of dangerous dog breeds, primarily pit bulls, to help maintain the existence of arcane "one free bite" rules and other obscene loopholes that often free these owners of any civil or criminal liability after their dog attacks once and even a second time! In a nutshell, such dog owners do not want their dogs blamed nor do they want to be on the hook from a financial or criminal liability standpoint.
Reading the Court's footnote in regards to this brings to mind two phrases, "Be careful what you ask for" and "payback is hell." Pit bull owners and "others who have the power of control over such dogs" (specifically landlords) in the State of Maryland are indeed going to be paying back to victims of violent pit bull maulings due to this opinion, which explicitly modified Maryland common law of liability as it relates to attacks by pit bulls and pit bull-crosses against humans.
The Dissent
There really is only one part of the dissent worth discussing, as parts about the "hysteria regarding pit bulls" and the "media has demonized pit bulls" are on par with the invalidity of the Nanny dog myth. That part is called judicial activism or as the author of the dissent, Judge Clayton Greene, Jr. wrote, "legislating from the bench." The Solesky opinion, however, was not shaped out of thin air. It was developed over many rulings and was specifically "forecasted" in Matthews.
We do expect national animal groups, particularly the ASPCA and Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, to bring their pro-pit bull propaganda to the Maryland General Assembly during its next session in an effort to derail the Solesky ruling. Yet, this effort may prove difficult. Their fight will not be to derail a statewide pit bull law, such as Ohio's former law, their fight will be to derail a liability law that holds the owners of pit bulls and landlords financially responsible after an attack.
Getting these votes is going to be a lot tougher than it was in Ohio. For instance, "Dear Maryland State Representative, it is cruel and unusual punishment that pit bull owners are automatically held financially responsible after their dog mauls a person causing permanent disfiguring injuries and sometimes even death. This type of singling out of pit bulls is discriminatory legislation similar to racial profiling. My pit bull would never snap, but even if it did, I should not be held liable."

the dog, not the landlord.

Related articles:
01/16/12: Pit Bull Attack Victims May Have New Hope to Recover from Landlords After Maulings
11/02/11: Letter of Gratitude to Founder Colleen Lynn from Parents of Mauling Victim
06/16/11: Website Launch: Pit Bull Attacks - The Survivors |
05/21/11: Texas Doctors Produce Study: Mortality, Mauling and Maiming by Vicious Dogs
01/31/11: Parent of Mauling Victim Responds to North Carolina Pit Bull Fatality
05/17/10: Dominic Solesky Featured in National Dog Bite Prevention Week Video
03/10/10: Dangerous By Default: Extreme Breeds by Anthony Solesky
10/28/09: In Massachusetts, Landlords May Be Liable When Tenant's Pit Bull Attacks
That lawyer and his stupid puns about dogs. I nearly went pitbull listening to him.
Congrats to all who put in the work!
The court did not ignore the bloody elephant in the room…
This is really going to bite some of the whacked out rescue groups and A/C departments in the ass!
Good points all around. The nutters will have a hard time pleading their way out of this one… They are allowed to keep their pit bulls, so they are left with trying to weasel out of responsibility when their dog attacks and/or kills somebody.
Personally, I think this should be extended to owners of ANY animal. If "Fluffy" is truly harmless then you have nothing to worry about (and sleep well).
Here's an idea!
Perhaps the Humane Groups with Tens of $Millions in the bank could put their money where their mouths are and offer low cost liability insurance to Pit owners….
New Humane Group Slogan:
Instead of Idiotic Pontification, Provide Financial Indemnification!
The pit bull lobbyists need to understand that if they fight against responsibility here, if they refuse to allow the punishment of the deed not the breed, they will be telling the world that they SUPPORT violent attacks and intend to help make more attacks and deaths happen.
They will lose public support, which is already waning.
vintage, why are you talking about humane groups? It is a breeder problem.
The primary proponents of pit bull mayhem and killing are the breeder groups, the Jane Saul Berkey groups, AKC and UKC and all those.
The idiotic pontificators are primarily the breeders and those connected to them.
There's millions and millions of dollars in these groups attacking victims and defending violence, as well as opposing protections and refusing to take responsibility.
Breeders make money from pit bulls. That's the bottom line.
You don't have pit bulls without the breeders! They and their linked groups like Animal Farm Foundation have a vested interest here.
It makes no sense to blame humane groups when it is breeders that create this problem and spend vast amounts of money protecting their product, pit bulls. This is their liability problem.
I do not consider Best Friends Animal Society a humane group any longer, as they are now allied with the breeders who create the problem, and are promoting pit bulls for the financial welfare of breeders and dog fighters.
I believe what Vintage is referring to is that "humane groups" (both national and local) have now had 30 years to resolve the pit bull mauling problem and have done very little except to distort the truth about the pit bull breed to the American public. By venomously opposing all breed-specific pit bull laws, including mandatory pit bull sterilization laws (and I stress "venomously opposing"), they've totally opted OUT of targeting "pit bull breeders" as you say, where the true problem lies. Today's modern pit bull mauling fiasco and the last decade's problem, and the decade before that's problem squarely falls upon human groups for miserably failing to support laws targeted directly at "pit bull breeders." Go ahead, read the HSUS's response to the Maryland law. They are going to fight "pit bull ownership responsibility" right along side the ASPCA and Best Friends.
Great discussion.
"Instead of Idiotic Pontification, Provide Financial Indemnification!"
So multi-syllabic, yet pithy! I Love it!
I agree; the large, monied humane groups have the means to put their money where their enormous mouths are by offering low cost insurance to pit bull owners since they so "venomously" assert that pit bulls are just like any other dog. They know better than everyone so they lay their cards on the table and prove it with low cost insurance for pit bull owners.
Also, they have enough money to LOBBY for programs and policies that actually are humane for both pit bulls and humans like MSN.
'They are going (to have ) to fight "pit bull ownership responsibility"'
This is what is SO beautiful about this ruling!
Markarian (pit bull fan) of the HSUS is already gearing up to get this decision reversed through legislation:
Note how he uses the words 'dog owners' where in fact he means 'us pit freaks', then proceeds to tell the usual lies.
There's a call there to write to the Maryland legislature. I hope lots of people respond by writing to explain how grateful the public is for the decision.
Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the breeders…Its just that our Humane Lobby has turned on the American people. Here is one of my all time favorites: Christine Tomco
Cut Artery Cited in Fatal Dog Attack
By Joshua Partlow
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, May 12, 2006
“One of the three pit bulls that attacked an elderly Calvert County man this week severed at least one of his arteries, possibly causing him to bleed to death, investigators said yesterday … The three pit bulls in the home and the two chained outside belonged to Tomco’s daughter, Christina Tomco, 26. Records show that neighbors complained repeatedly about the dogs running loose. The county cited Christina Tomco nine times in recent years for having unlicensed and unrestrained dogs, an animal control officer said.”