2015 U.S. Dog Bite Fatality Statistics - DogsBite.org

Fatal Dog Attack Statistics DogsBite.org recorded 34 fatal dog attacks in 2015. Pit bulls contributed to 82% (28) of these deaths, the highest fatality count recorded for the breed and a 56% (18) rise from 2005. 82% also marks the highest percentage of deaths attributed to pit bulls in a single year in our 11-years of data collection (2005 to 2015). The last year the CDC collected "breed" data about fatal human dog attacks was 1998, 18-years ago. Since this time, pit bulls have k… [Read full blog post]

Announcement: Happy Birthday DogsBite.org!

Dog Bite Victims' Advocacy Group Turns 8-Years Old Austin, TX - October 15, 2015 marks the eighth year that DogsBite.org has been operating on the Internet educating the public, dog bite victims, attorneys, doctors, law enforcement, journalists and policymakers about the growing epidemic of serious and fatal dog maulings in this country. The great majority of these attacks are inflicted by a select group of dangerous dog breeds: pit bulls, rottweilers and mastiff-type… [Read full blog post]

2015 First Quarter Report: Municipalities and Grassroots Beat Back State Preemption Bills Barring Local Pit Bull Ordinances

A Primer on State Preemption Laws and Charts for Advocates Chart illustrates 35-years of U.S. fatal pit bull attacks in 5-year periods. We added short teal vertical bars to indicate when each state passed a preemption law barring municipalities from enacting pit bull ordinances. We also marked the end of the CDC's 20-year study period, 1998, showing the dramatic rise in fatalities since. DogsBite.org - During the first quarter of the 2015 legislative season, state preemp… [Read full blog post]

2014 U.S. Dog Bite Fatality Statistics - DogsBite.org

Fatal Dog Attack Statistics DogsBite.org recorded 42 fatal dog attacks in 2014, the highest on record in the last 10-years of statistical data we have collected. Citations of each victims' case history are located on the 2014 Fatality Citations page. The last year the CDC collected "breed" information about fatal human dog attacks was 1998. Since this time, pit bulls alone have killed 262 U.S. citizens. The only other known nonprofit in addition to DogsBite.org that track… [Read full blog post]