2020 Edition: 125 Behavior Terms for Shelter Dogs Decoded that Mask Aggression in Dogs Available for Adoption

Coded Language and Shelter Jargon that Camouflage Aggression 2020 Edition: 125 behavior terms for shelter dogs decoded that mask aggression. Recent Investigation DogsBite.org - Since 2016, we have been examining how taxpayer-funded shelters conceal aggressive behaviors from adopters in order to achieve the single metric 90% "save rate" of no-kill. Today, that goal has been upped to a 98% "save rate". In the last 4 years, there have been multiple investigations by news… [Read full blog post]

Video: Backyard Pit Bull Breeders Continue to Create Cyclical Calamity for Breed. Stop Breeding Pit Bulls

Advice About Breeding Your Pit Bull: Stop Breeding Pit Bulls Dogbitelaw.com - In 2018, dog bite attorney Kenneth Phillips began a Do Not Adopt a Pit Bull campaign with a Super Bowl-themed video. We most recently wrote about this campaign in late March, noting that a Michigan-based rescue was promoting a free roll of "coveted toilet paper" for the adopter of a pit bull-mix named "Tootie" during their "coronavirus sale." We warned then and continue to warn today, do not adopt a p… [Read full blog post]

Do Not Adopt A Pit Bull, Especially Right Now: Rescue and Shelter Shenanigans During the Coronavirus Crisis

In 2018, attorney Kenneth Phillips began a Do Not Adopt a Pit Bull campaign. Free Toilet Paper DogsBite.org - Like many Americans, each new day brings a wealth of new information and new closures to us. In our city of Austin, that process began on March 6 when the city cancelled South By Southwest, an international festival that was estimated to draw about 300,000 attendees. March 6 was also the day CDC released new information about the virus. Pressure had been mounting on city… [Read full blog post]

A Pit Bull Adoption Disaster: Animal Aggression, Anti-Anxiety Medication, Ceasing to Document Behavior and More

Results: Two Dead Cats, One Returned Pit Bull and Deep Regret This account of a pit bull adoption disaster shows why the public is losing confidence in shelters. The adopter wrote to DogsBite.org on the day of the disaster. The dog had not been returned yet. In addition to many public shelters routinely "encoding" and "concealing" aggression in adoption advertisements, some are also using medications to dull the behavior of unadoptable dogs. Read firsthand what the adopte… [Read full blog post]