Announcement: Happy 10th Anniversary!

Dog Bite Victims' Advocacy Group Turns 10-Years Old - Today marks the 10th Anniversary of We recall quite vividly when we reached the five year mark as well. At that time the founder was in Tucson delivering a speech to the first ever grassroots event for dog attack survivors, Walk for Victims of Pit Bulls and Other Dangerous Dogs. "They say it takes 5 years for a movement to take flight," Colleen Lynn told the audience back then. "That moment of fligh… [Read full blog post]

Announcement: Happy Birthday!

Dog Bite Victims' Advocacy Group Turns 8-Years Old Austin, TX - October 15, 2015 marks the eighth year that has been operating on the Internet educating the public, dog bite victims, attorneys, doctors, law enforcement, journalists and policymakers about the growing epidemic of serious and fatal dog maulings in this country. The great majority of these attacks are inflicted by a select group of dangerous dog breeds: pit bulls, rottweilers and mastiff-type… [Read full blog post]

Announcement: Happy Birthday!

Dog Bite Victims' Advocacy Group Turns 7-Years Old Austin, TX - October 15, 2014 marks the seventh year that has been operating on the World Wide Web educating the public, dog bite victims, attorneys, doctors, law enforcement, journalists and policymakers about the growing epidemic of serious and fatal dog maulings in this country. The vast majority of these severe attacks are inflicted by a handful of well-documented dangerous dog breeds. Our website is no… [Read full blog post]

Announcement: Happy Birthday and Gratitude from a Reader Turns Four Years Old - October 15, 2011 marks the fourth year that has been operating on the World Wide Web, documenting statistics and providing resources to help prevent serious dog attacks. Later today, the founder will be talking to a journalist in Australia about recent events in that country. is the only resource of its kind in America and possibly throughout the world. The pit bull problem is a world problem and ov… [Read full blog post]