2010 Dog Bite Fatality: Lorain County Man Killed by 'Rescued' Dangerous Breeds

The property where Michael Winters lived with his father. Breed Info Released UPDATE 06/16/10: A report issued later in the day presented even more disturbing information. The nine dogs involved in the attack included: 5 bullmastiffs,1 1 rottweiler and 3 pit bull-mixes. It is important to point out that Kywa (who said "my dogs" in the 911 call) was not "rescuing stray dogs." He was only rescuing dog breeds known to be dangerous. As was put to us in a recent email, "The victim cou… [Read full blog post]

Tom Skeldon, the 'Biased' Blade and Recent Ruling Halting Enforcement of Toledo Pit Bull Laws

Please click an image to view that portion of the interview. Exclusive Interview Toledo, OH - In a powerful four-part videotaped interview by WTOL, former Lucas County Dog Warden and expert witness Tom Skeldon opens up for the first time about the "Yellow" Toledo Blade, whose painfully biased reporting all but forced his resignation last November; the recent municipal court ruling that halted enforcement of Toledo and Ohio state pit bull laws in the City of Toledo1 and the r… [Read full blog post]

Standing Firm on Pit Bull Ban: Lakewood Councilman Brian Powers Responds to Critics

Stands by Pit Bull Ban Lakewood, OH - Councilman Brian Powers responds to non-constituent critics about Lakewood City Council's efforts to make their city a safer place to live. When I agreed to serve as a member of Lakewood City Council, I vowed to strive to do the right thing for our residents, not necessarily the popular thing. Since introducing legislation to ban those dogs know as “pit bulls” from Lakewood, all members of Council have been deluged with e-mails arguing aga… [Read full blog post]

United States Supreme Court Leaves Intact Ohio Supreme Court’s Ruling that Breed-Specific Legislation is Constitutional

The United States Supreme Court affirms breed-specific ordinance is constitutional. For years, the pit bull lobby has claimed that breed-specific legislation (also known as BSL) is unconstitutional -- but now the Supreme Court of Ohio has joined courts in Washington, Colorado, New Mexico, Florida, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Utah, Wisconsin, and Kentucky in ruling that BSL is, indeed, constitutional when properly written. On February 19, 2008 the United States Supreme… [Read full blog post]