2015 First Quarter Legislative Highlights: Local Control Dominates, We Salute You Health and Safety Advocates!

Successes, Lockouts and a Doubleheader in Georgia DogsBite.org - Municipal associations and grassroots advocates are dominating so far in 2015. During the first quarter, all five state preemption bills prohibiting local governments from enacting breed-specific laws were rejected. This is a 100% success rate for cities and counties retaining local control. Grassroots advocates helped make this victory possible -- we salute you! This post is dedicated to each of you a… [Read full blog post]

Announcement: Happy Birthday DogsBite.org!

Dog Bite Victims' Advocacy Group Turns 7-Years Old Austin, TX - October 15, 2014 marks the seventh year that DogsBite.org has been operating on the World Wide Web educating the public, dog bite victims, attorneys, doctors, law enforcement, journalists and policymakers about the growing epidemic of serious and fatal dog maulings in this country. The vast majority of these severe attacks are inflicted by a handful of well-documented dangerous dog breeds. Our website is no… [Read full blog post]

ArtPrize Exhibit, 'Out of the Blue,' the First Physical Memorial for Fatal Dog Attack Victims

Out of the Blue Grand Rapids, MI - Artist Joan Marie Kowal created an entry for the Grand Rapids ArtPrize 2014 competition titled, "Out of the Blue." It is the nation's first physical memorial for victims of fatal dog attacks. Nearly 30 differently decorated crosses in multiple shades of blue each represent a person killed by a dog. She titled the entry, Out of the Blue, because that is how fatal dog attacks often occur. Kowal hopes to raise awareness about these victims and to pr… [Read full blog post]

National Dog Bite Prevention Week (May 19-25, 2013)

Dog Bite Injury Severity and Bowl-A-Thon Event DogsBite.org - In an ongoing tradition, we comment during National Dog Bite Prevention Week that there is no National Dog Mauling Prevention Week, a far more serious health and safety issue. The distinction between preventing dog "bites" and preventing dog "maulings" -- injuries involving maiming, loss of limbs and death -- is urgent. Over 600 jurisdictions in the U.S. regulate dangerous dog breeds, primarily pit bulls, to… [Read full blog post]