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6 thoughts on “2022 Dog Bite Fatality: Person Killed by Pack of Dogs on the Hopi Reservation in the Village of Hotevilla, Arizona

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  1. Perhaps DBO commenters will want to write the Hopi Nation’s Tribal Chairman about the passage of a new ordinance for greater enforcement of dog ownership responsibility and criminal charges for certain dog owners. As Colleen has analyzed here.

    Chairman Timothy Nuvangyaoma
    Hopi Reservation
    [email protected]

    The Tribal Chairman would probably appreciate if we also reached out to thank the tribe for Lori Ann Piestewa’s service to our country in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.

    Lori Ann was a U.S. Army POW in Iraq and was good friends with Jessica Lynch, also a POW.
    Lori Ann died March 23, 2003 at age 23. She left behind her daughter and son.

    “A member of the Hopi tribe, Piestewa was the first Native American woman to die in combat while serving in the U.S. military.”

    She was also “the first woman in the U.S. military killed in the Iraq War.

    “Piestewa was a member of the Hopi Tribe, whose reservation is surrounded by the Navajo Reservation.” “Arizona’s Piestewa Peak is named in her honor.”

    “Her death led to a rare joint prayer gathering between members of the Hopi and Navajo tribes, which have had a centuries-old rivalry.”

  2. Colleen….I think I may have forgotten your 15-yr anniversary in serving our country in this courageous endeavor to help others who undergo a life-changing event of a pitbull attack as did you. We so appreciate your work on our nation’s security and the comprehensive analysis you provide.

    Thank you for your service to our country….and the world! You deserve the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

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