A 2-year old boy is dead after being attacked by a pit bull-mastiff mix in Newman.
Photos of the Family Dogs
UPDATE 07/02/19: Police have not released a photo of the dog that killed a 2-year old boy last week, nor have they released the child's name. But an image posted to his mother's Facebook page two days before the deadly attack show four family dogs. The large dog, a male named "Crash," is the suspected killer. The mother has since removed or privatized these photos. Comments with the photo indicate the family had recently moved into the home on Pine Street.
A June 23, 2019 post by the mother indicates the female pit bull, named Miss Calliope (Callie), had been adopted by the family just days before the fatal attack. "And yes, that makes 4 [dogs]," the mother commented, adding that Callie was adopted from the Stockton shelter. It is unknown how long the boy's family had owned "Crash." Comments also indicate that the new addition to the family's home, Callie, had caused some disturbances that the mother felt had been overcome.

June 25, 2019 photo from the mother's Facebook page shows a male pit bull-mastiff mix.
06/27/19: Family Dog Kills Toddler
Newman, CA - A child has died after being attacked by a family dog, Newman police said. The attack occurred in the backyard of the family's home in the 1900 block of Pine Street. Newman Police Lt. Brett Short said the child suffered multiple bite injuries. He was transported to Emanuel Medical Center in Turlock where he was later pronounced dead. The dog was taken into custody, Short said. The Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department has launched a death investigation.
Fox 40 News spoke to Stanislaus County Sheriff's Sergeant Joshua Clayton. It was "a pit bull-mastiff mix, and it was a family dog," he said "It's just an overall tragic, unfortunate event." The dog was impounded and will likely be euthanized, Clayton said. Julia Hernandez, a neighbor who only spoke in Spanish, said the same dog tried to attack her own dogs. The dog had lunged at the toddler before too. "I've also seen the dog try to bite him," her son translated for Fox 40 News.
Stanislaus County Sheriff's DepartmentTwo Year Old Killed by Family Dog
On Thursday, June 27th at 2:08 p.m. the Newman Police Department and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) were dispatched to the 1900 Block of Pine St. in the city of the Newman for a report of a dog attack. The Newman Police Department and EMS arrived and located a 2-year-old male who had been attacked by the family dog in the backyard. EMS transported the child to Emmanuel Medical Center in Turlock. At the hospital the child was pronounced deceased. The dog involved in the incident was the family dog and was a Pitbull/Mastiff breed. The dog was quarantined and is currently in the custody of Newman Animal Services.
The Stanislaus County Crimes Against Persons Team and Coroner’s office were activated to assist the Newman Police Department in the investigation. At this time this incident is only a death investigation.
Our condolences go out to the family of the child.
The Sacrament Bee also spoke to the Hernandez family, who share a fence line with the child's home in the 1900 block of Pine Street. Alejandro Hernandez, Julia's grandson, said he had to place a reinforcement board on the fence after the dog broke through it a few weeks earlier. He said the dog nearly bit his grandmother. The child's grandmother said she was not ready to talk about the attack. The circumstances leading up to the attack are still under investigation.
California Fatal Dog Attacks
Since January 16, 2019, dogs have killed five people in California. Four of the five, 80%, involved pit bulls, including the deaths of, Lana Bergman, 70-years old of Joshua Tree; Angela Johnson, 54-years old of Anza; Crystal Pearigen, 36-years old of Bakersfield; and this 2-year old boy. In March, 2-year old Jaysiah Chavez was killed by two roaming rottweilers in Fresno. No criminal charges have been brought in any case, but four of the fatal attacks involved at large dogs.
Related articles:
06/24/19: 2019 Dog Bite Fatality: Pit Bulls Implicated in Attack that Killed Woman in Costco...
03/29/19: 2019 Dog Bite Fatality: Joshua Tree Woman Killed by Four Pet Pit Bulls Belonging...
02/18/19: 2019 Dog Bite Fatality: Woman in Anza Pit Bull Attack Dies of Injuries After Weeks...
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
I’ll betcha money that the “large mixed breed” is a pit bull or a close mix.
Let’s see a picture of that dog.
Update posted above: It’s a pit bull mix.
Saw a young family in my neighborhood yesterday. They had a child around 4 and Mom was pregnant. And what do you think they had pulling ahead of them in a leash? Yes, a pit bull.
You really feel for these children whose parents are putting them at so much unnecessary risk.
Undoubtedly the pit bull advocates will blame the child. People with children or other pets would be wise to chose anything but a pit bull as an addition to their “family”. While I agree that some pit bulls never hurt or kill anything, after the damage is done, it is too late. Why take a chance with your children?
People have such nice, happy kissy, licky pitbulls. Until, suddenly, completely unpredictably, they attack. Why? Because that is what they are bred to do.
These parents are apparently “lion” tamers and their cavalier attitude and trust in their land shark resulted in their child being eaten by it. They will, of course, claim that the beast was never aggressive or getting out of the yard. They will lie about how sweet it was and basically call the neighbors liars. I am sure they will face no charges. Somehow, I don’t think they cared much about their child since they put their egos first and chose a pit-mastiff mix as a family member. Even if they had this creature before they had their first child, they made poor choices that from day one would result in putting children (their’s or other’s) at risk.
Yes, they were “lion” tamers! They adopted another one that appears to be a designer bully, basically a unique looking bully dog with a unique coat color that probably sold for $1,000-$2,000 when it was a pup. The only thing that surprises me (but only a little) is that the new pit was not the attacker.
Notice that it was not the (apparent) Chihuahua in the photo that caused this child’s death, despite what pro-bully people would have you believe about them being “just as dangerous.”
Hilarious, sad, and true.
Two of those dogs should not have been in a home with a child or with small dogs. People never learn.
New national law:
Dog severely injures or kills human, dog, domestic animal, or a cat off the dog’s property?
Then all the dog’s owners and handlers are charged with felony animal neglect and cruelty. They failed to keep their dog safely so the dog suffered and the other “animal” human suffered too.
Found guilty, they’re all banned from any dog ownership or contact for LIFE.
The FBI tracks convicted animal abusers so that agency can become the national registry for these animal abusers.
Signs must be posted “No Dogs Permitted.” Any dogs later found on the property or in their control shall immediately be confiscated.
Publicized and enforced, this breed neutral law will begin to make dog owners sit up and pay attention. Publicizing and enforced it will reduce or end recidivism.
I agree. And they should be STRICTLY liable for all a victims medical bills, up to and including having their assets liquidated.
I’m not entirely sure who would think either of those dogs are “charming” enough to adopt, but to each his own. Personally, I think they are creepy, ugly, and downright scary looking (not to mention the things they are capable of doing).
But here we go again, shitbull owners making excuses for the actions of their dog(s). “Well, there was a bit of a shake-up in the house and ummm, he was a bit flustered with a new dog around, and ummmm, well he ripped my kid’s head off, but it’s not the breed it’s how you ummm… no, it’s not how we raised him, it’s… it’s… it’s…”
Anyone else suspect the pit x mastiff and the “new” pit were fighting over who got the kid?
Sadly even if the killer pit mix is put down I bet they keep the “new” pit and the neighborhood will still be unsafe.
So the mother just had her child murdered, but she has the wherewithal of mind to remove/privatize the photos. Maybe another family member did it, in a misguided effort to protect the mother (or more likely the pitbulls.) A mother’s grief is a hard, hard thing, and I really don’t want to judge this mother….but I have seen too many parents/grandparents making excuses for their murderous dogs. Far better this mother leave the pictures up with an edited caption warning others about this murderous breed. (and then stay off of FB so she doesn’t have to read the comments from the extremely hateful pitbull cultists.) So much tragedy in life is unavoidable, but bringing a pitbull into one’s home is a completely avoidable tragedy.
It would be nice if you were on the site AllSocial. I am done with Facebook as they are supporters of Pit Bulls.