Bay County Animal Hospital Worker Suffers Catastrophic Injury in Pit Bull Attack

Co-Workers Clarify Attack UPDATE 07/25/12: Clarifying information has come out regarding the recent mauling of an employee by a pit bull being housed at a Parkway Animal Hospital facility. Laura Miller was brutally attacked by the pit bull last Thursday after trying to save a poodle that had run into the pit bull's pen. The pit bull clamped down onto Miller's right shoulder "slinging her violently," according to one co-worker. Miller suffered an amputation from the should… [Read full blog post]

Expert, James Crosby, Testifies in Aurora Fighting Breed Ban

Expert Blames Owners for Attacks Aurora, CO - In a recent blog post, we wrote about the Aurora Fighting Breed ban. Last month, Chief U.S. District Judge Wiley Y. Daniel, ruled in favor of the City of Aurora. A pit bull owner named Florence Sasek, along with the American Canine Foundation (ACF), sued the city saying the  city's fighting breed ban was "unconstitutional" and "vague." James Crosby was called on to testify as an expert witness for the plaintiffs. Crosby is listed as… [Read full blog post]

Comment: The Anatomy of a Whitewash, James Crosby

Professional Whitewasher - On June 29th, posted our Comment Policy to clarify that we do not post comments that blame innocent victims of severe and fatal dog attacks. We offer a voice for victims and people who care about these victims. We are not a sounding board for pit bull advocates or pit bull special interest groups. This policy is clearly visible on our comment form. Just a few days after we posted our policy, a person named James (Jim) Crosby l… [Read full blog post]