2019 Dog Bite Fatality: Elderly Woman Killed by Neighbor's Pack of Dogs in Lubbock, Texas

Johnnie Mae Garner, 88, died after she was attacked by a pack of dogs in Lubbock. Charged with Felony UPDATE 03/09/19: On Friday, police arrested Courtney White, 47, the owner of six pit bull-mixes that fatally attacked an elderly woman last month, in connection to her mauling death. White is charged with a second-degree felony count of "attack by dog." On February 27, Johnnie Garner, 88, was brutally attacked by White's loose dogs at her northeast Lubbock home in the 1800 blo… [Read full blog post]

2019 Dog Bite Fatality: Family Pit Bull-Mix Kills Baby Boy in Guthrie, Kentucky

Ashton McGhee died after being attacked by a family pit bulll-mix in Guthrie. Baby Visiting Home UPDATE 02/11/19: According to a GoFundMe set up by a friend of the baby's mother, 1-year old Ashton McGhee was visiting his grandmother's home in Guthrie when he was fatally attacked by a family pit bull-mix. "Ashton was playing at his papaw and mamaw’s house in Guthrie the night of February 7th when one of the family dogs came in from outside and attacked Ashton who was playing on the… [Read full blog post]

2019 Dog Bite Fatality: Elderly Amarillo Man Dies Two Weeks After Vicious Dog Mauling

An 85-year old man died two weeks after a vicious dog mauling in Amarillo, Texas. Man Dies After Mauling Amarillo, TX - An elderly man died last week after being attacked by two vicious dogs earlier this month. Ed Stanley, 85-years old, died January 21, two weeks after the dogs mauled him on his own driveway. Stanley suffered injuries to his legs, face and arms, according to officials. Richard Havens, Director of Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare, said it wasn't just any a… [Read full blog post]

2019 Dog Bite Fatality: Woman in Anza Pit Bull Attack Dies of Injuries After Weeks of Being on Life Support

The Vicious Attack Occurred in December in Riverside County Angela Johnson, 54, died after a violent pit bull mauling in Anza, California. Mauling Victim Dies UPDATE 02/18/19: A woman severely mauled by three pit bulls in December has passed away, according to announcements on Facebook by her family members. Angela Johnson, 54-years old, died on February 9, nearly two months after the vicious dog attack. On December 15, as Johnson was hanging laundry in the yard of her rura… [Read full blog post]