2018 Dog Bite Fatality: Pair of Adopted Male Pit Bulls Mauled to Death a 62-Year Old Man in Henderson, Nevada Last Year

Pair of male pit bulls believed to be Spike and Zeus three months before killing a man. DogsBite.org - During 2018, we sent out 10 public information requests to uncover unreported dog bite fatalities, as well as to gain more information on cases that did receive media coverage. There were a total of 36 deaths in 2018. Our requests uncovered two of these 36 deaths that otherwise were unreported, or in the case of a devastating family pit bull mauling in Henderson in May, was only r… [Read full blog post]

2019 Dog Bite Fatality: Pit Bulls Attack, Kill Owner While She Visited Her Dogs in Bite Quarantine Facility

Johana Villafane, 33, died after her own pit bulls attacked her in Irving, Texas. Vet Issues Statement UPDATE 03/27/19: The veterinarian at O'Connor Animal Hospital, where Johana Villafane was brutally killed by her two pit bulls on March 23, and where the dogs had been staying in quarantine after a March 15 bite, has a released a statement. Dr. James Kang, DVM, stated Villafane's dogs were so aggressive his staff could not walk them and told Villafane the clinic could not kee… [Read full blog post]

2019 Dog Bite Fatality: Rescue Dogs Kill Toddler, Leave Grandmother with Traumatic Injuries in Alachua County

Tanner Kinnamon, 2-years old, was killed by his aunt's rescue dogs in Alachua County. Suspected Dogs UPDATE 03/13/19: Media reports have not named the child, the babysitter or the owner of the six pit bull-type rescue dogs. On Tuesday, the dog owner's husband deactivated his Facebook page -- a primary source for the images of the dogs.1 Due to this and other removals, we are now providing screenshots of their public Facebook pages showing their full names. Also, we believe we… [Read full blog post]

2019 Dog Bite Fatality: Child Killed by Babysitter's Pit Bull-Mix in Salisbury, North Carolina

Jacari Long, 6-months old, was mauled to death by his babysitter's pit bull-boxer mix. Police Investigate UPDATE 03/06/19: Multiple news stations captured footage of the pit bull-boxer mix that killed baby Jacari while under the care of his babysitter on Tuesday. The dog is currently being held by Rowan County Animal Control. Shelter officials confirmed the dog has shown aggression toward people while being at the facility. The male dog is 4-years old, police said. Polic… [Read full blog post]