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4 thoughts on “Man in Critical Condition After Pit Bull Attack; Owner Charged with Resisting Arrest, Obstruction

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  1. Same story over and over.pitbull seriously harm or killed people.I hope Michael pull through but if he died then they should charge the owner with manslaughter. Why are they only charging him with resting arrested shouldn’t they charged him with more a serious crime such as bodily harm. If I make the laws if a pitbull hurt someone more then 3 times they put the dog down and bans the owner from owing more killer dog breed the pitbull.

  2. I wish a Department of Corrections would supply the correction that Brendan Murphy so very much needs.

    I’m pleasantly surprised that law enforcement took proper care of the dog. Canines should be put down this quickly after any attack.

  3. Why does it say that there were 81 people killed by dog attacks in 2021 when you Google what years were the most people killed by dogs yet your own reporting is actually less than that? Did you miss some and if you’re not the source of the most accurate information where did this number come from? I always thought you were the most accurate of all the sources that keeps track of these because I’ve never seen any other sources listed than yours.

    • Oh sorry I just found the information on your website. Sorry I missed that when I was searching for it on your site. Do you think the numbers of deaths are higher in 2024 than 2021 or do you think that 81 is still the record? Are there any accurate records for the number of people killed by dog maulings world wide?

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