San Francisco Man Scales Tall Fence to Escape Violent Pit Bulls Captured on Video; Dog Owners Lived in RV Under Overpass

 San Francisco man scales tall fence to escape violent pit bulls in SoMa neighborhood. Dramatic Survelliance Video San Francisco, CA - On May 25, a man survived a vicious attack by two pit bulls by scaling a tall fence. Pablo Rocha, who stands at 6'6", told KTVU, "I just remember the noise of my bicep muscle being stretched." In that moment, "I thought I would die," he said. The attack occurred just after 6:00 pm near Alameda and Vermont Streets as Rocha walked home from his gym in S… [Read full blog post]

Ring Camera Video of Pit Bull Attacking Pomeranian in San Francisco Used in Vicious and Dangerous Dog Hearing

Video of pit bull attacking pomeranian is shown during the Vicious and Dangerous Dog Hearing. Statement of Decision San Francisco, CA - On April 25, 2023, a Vicious and Dangerous Dog Hearing was held to determine if a pit bull met the definition of "vicious and dangerous" set forth in the San Francisco Health Code. On February 28, 2023, the pit bull, "Chyna," flew out of an open garage door, grabbed a small dog by the neck, and "shook the dog for approximately five minutes," state… [Read full blog post]

Vicious and Dangerous Dog Hearing After Alleged 'Service' Pit Bull Attacks Security Officer in San Francisco Public Library

Findings: 'Disproportionate' Response; Dog Ordered Euthanized Dangerous dog hearing of the San Francisco public library attack by an alleged "service" pit bull. San Francisco, CA - On January 16, 2022, Fidel Joshua, a Buildings and Ground Patrol Officer at the San Francisco Public Library was viciously attacked by an alleged “service” pit bull while attempting to check on the welfare of the dog's owner, who was unresponsive and slumped over a desk. During the attack, a co… [Read full blog post]

The City and County of Denver Dog Bite Statistics by Breed and Injury Severity Over a Three Year Period (2017-2019)

Denver dog bite statistics over a three year period: 2017, 2018 and 2019. UPDATE: On February 24, the attempt to overturn Mayor Michael Hancock's veto of the pit bull ban repeal failed in an 8 to 5 vote. Nine votes were needed to overcome the veto. The repeal's sponsor, Councilman Chris Herndon, will now try to place the initiative on the November ballot. Denver, CO - On February 24, Denver City Council members will determine if they can override the mayor's veto of the pit bull ba… [Read full blog post]