Join us on Facebook for DogsBite's Giving Tuesday Challenge 2021.
Giving Tuesday Challenge 2021 - Giving Tuesday, November 30, is already here. This year we are fundraising on how and our supporters help turn the Wheels of Justice. These wheels turn slowly, but they do turn. Never doubt that raising your voice doesn't make an impact. This year's campaign highlights how DogsBite and our supporters find their own approach to advocating. The more of us contributing, even in our own small way, helps turn the mighty Wheels of Justice.
We highlight over two dozen examples, including two deep investigations by after serious criminal charges were brought against two pit bull activists in Ohio for fraud and animal abuse; sobering comments from a former open intake shelter whistleblower; letters to city council members and candidates; editorials to local papers; and advocacy on social media platforms by advocates Anita Child, Bonny Lee, Carol Miller, Julie Wall, Lucy Muir, Tina Pounds and others.
Our campaign also reminds supporters that we are here to help you with your advocacy efforts. "Do you need help writing your letter to legislators? We are here to help! Do you need statistical information for your letter or Facebook post? We are here to help! Do you need help writing a victim's impact statement? We can help!" You can also advocate by making a donation to DogsBite on Tuesday so that we can continue to help turn, ever so slightly, the Wheels of Justice.
Finally, it is also important to call out the second part of the statement, the Wheels of Justice turn slowly, "but grind exceedingly fine." So, even though justice may not be done quickly, when it finally happens the punishment is grim. Remember Luke Westerman - The Great Con? After nearly three years, he finally pleaded guilty to 19 felonies. For the rest of Westerman's natural life he will have to make monthly payments to pay off the $1.1 million dollar restitution amount.
How Does the Match Work?
This year, Facebook is matching $8 million. The first $2 million is matched 100% and will last less than a minute. For the remaining $6 million, Facebook will match 10%, ensuring that the match lasts longer. If you donate within the first 30 minutes, your gift could be matched by 10%. The speed is part of the challenge! Thousands of nonprofits are competing for these match dollars. Facebook donations all day long on GivingTuesday are FREE of transaction fees as well.
Ways to Participate
You can donate directly to our Facebook campaign. Facebook also encourages people to start their own fundraiser for a nonprofit. On Monday evening or Tuesday morning, you can start a fundraiser for by using one of our campaign graphics. You can also create a campaign "In Memory" of a special person or pet or use one of our graphics to create a theme. Then share it on your Timeline and tell your friends why it is important to act on GivingTuesday.
Ways to Give
Many of our blog readers are already monthly or annual donors. Thank you so much to all of you! Giving Tuesday is always a giving day to attract new people to our cause and to invite casual readers of the blog to support our cause on this global giving day. There are also many ways to give to DogsBite. You can give a one-time gift or a re-occurring gift through PayPal, you can give to our ongoing GoFundMe charity page and you can give to our PayPal Giving Fund page.
Help us reach our goal of $8,000 for DogsBite's Giving Tuesday Challenge 2021!

DogsBite's Giving Tuesday Challenge 2021 - Help us Turn the Wheels of Justice Forward
Related articles:
11/30/20: DogsBite's GivingTuesday Challenge 2020 - Rising Above & Beyond During COVID-19
05/05/20: Nonprofit Announces GoFundMe Charity Campaign on New Global Day of Giving
12/03/19: GivingTuesday has Arrived! Please Donate During December to Support our Work
I give twice a year. In October, because I figure that DBO funds may be low eleven months after the previous November, and again in May, six months after November.
I have survived, unscathed, three ambush charge attacks by my neighbors loose full-on hostile aggressive dogs, with a tiny fraction of a second to spare each time, while on my daily seven mile walk in an average neighborhood. This is why the furthering of canine safety is of major importance to me. There is only a tiny little bit that I can do by making the topic of canine safety a near constant in my daily life. Colleen is the person who is able to effect a reduction of the horror of dog attack that is inflicted on the very young and on all others in our dog-eat-dog and dog-eat-person world. The best way I can further this cause is by donating to DBO. is named as a non-minor beneficiary of my stock portfolio, because I want to further the cause when I leave this planet.