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7 thoughts on “Annual Update: Estimated U.S. Cities, Counties, States and Military Housing with Breed-Specific Laws (2019-2020)

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  1. Thank you for this detailed information. I pray to God that sanity will soon triumph over insanity. The international front looks interesting. If I recall correctly, Ireland is on the right track, and a few major cities in China are on the right track.

  2. Thank you so much for researching and the analysis of this data which makes the danger and risks of keeping pit bull dogs very clear. Who would put at risk their child, family, friends and neighbors exposing them to a high risk dog like a pit bull. Your research shows that countries all across the developed world have banned or regulated these dogs for good reasons. I suggest that readers get to know the Victims. Start with 2019 and learn the names of 36 people killed by pit bulls and their mixes. When you have a name and a face to link to the statistic these people and their awful suffering , the endless grief of their families becomes all too clear. Parents don’t risk your child’s life, face , limbs and scalp by putting a dog fancy before their safety. There is no redo. When a pit bull nails the results are forever and you will have to live with the guilt and make no mistake-You are guilty if you sacrifice your child’s life or limb to a pit bull fancy. Forevermore is as relentless and tenacious as the pit bull dog. The regret suffered by those who made bad decisions and subjected a family member to death by mauling of disfiguring, debilitating injuries that cerise people for life. Don’t adopt a pit bull. These dogs should br fased out.

    • That’s the million dollar question. My city has BSL on the books, but it is not enforced whatsoever. Pit bulls are taken to street fairs and concerts, they run loose in parks, they are kept by the homeless. When a fatal attack happened in my city, the police pretty much came out and admitted they don’t enforce the law.

  3. I have to ask, what do you think is the “magic number” of national deaths per year by pits and their mixes that will result in a serious national or whole-state level discussion in an outright ban in these dogs? 100? 365? 500? Is there a number? Or will it take something like national healthcare to be enacted and a certain dollar amount to result in the federal government to say enough is enough?

  4. I would love to know where the belief that intact dogs are more territorial and therefore more likely to bite ever came from.

    Intact male dogs are well-known to go exploring when they smell a bitch in heat. I thought neutering was supposed to keep the dog at home. So the intact male is roaming and territorial and the neutered male stays home and isn’t territorial. This makes no sense to me.

    It’s very much reported that pit bulls invade schools and neighbors’ homes through doggy doors. Are these intact dogs being territorial or simply pit bulls allowed to roam and do as they please?

    I have long felt that spaying/neutering of dogs has absolutely nothing to do with human aggression. What I do suspect is that owners of spayed/neutered pet dogs may treat them differently than owners of intact dogs. One only has to try to get pit bull owners to spay/neuter their dogs in order to realize there is a problem here.

    I think the misinformation of intact dogs and cats being more aggressive has been derived from farm animals. Dairy bulls are incredibly more dangerous than steers (altered bulls). Dairy animals are bred to make top producing milk cows. They aren’t bred for behavioral traits as dogs are.

    On the other hand, Border Collies can herd while intact. Pointers can point while intact. Dogs were bred to have certain traits. If that intact Border Collie didn’t herd or the intact Pointer didn’t point, it wasn’t used for breeding.
    That Border Collie and that Pointer weren’t vicious either.

    Although I think altering vicious dogs to prevent the production of offspring is a great idea, I think altering to treat aggression in dogs is ineffective.

    If spaying/neutering worked in dogs to stop aggression, it would be great. However, how many altered dogs adopted from shelters have mauled/killed people and animals?

    Interestingly enough, I think neutered male cats are far more territorial than tom cats. At least, my neutered male cat, Fred, will not allow any cat in his private garage. I suspect tom cats are less territorial so they can find mates.

  5. I greatly appreciate your information. I have German Shepherd Dogs, and my unneutered males are not ever put in a pen with other unneutered males. I don’t want to risk the dominant male affecting the temperament of the other male, and I won’t risk them fighting. I don’t think they would kill each other.

    As far as the females are concerned, fighters are fighters. Intact or altered is generally irrelevant. Many females don’t fight. Again, I’m not referring to fatal fights.

    Personally, I think the most important factors in GSDs on behavior are training and socialization. I also believe this is true of most breeds.

    However, I do not believe training/socialization/
    altering will necessarily change explosive aggression so often seen in pit bulls, some other fighting breeds, and sporadically in other breeds..

    At least, I cannot say I have seen a single case of explosive aggression in any breed fixed by training/socialization. One of the more troublesome dogs was a 140 pound,
    1 1/2 year old intact male St. Bernard “Service Dog”
    handled by a very nice teenage girl. He was started in classes under three months of age, continued in classes, and was kicked out of class for an unprovoked attack on a five month old female GSD puppy. This dog showed explosive aggression by ten weeks of age and got worse with time. He was mostly okay with people but never trustworthy with people. He was very dog aggressive.

    The dog behaviors affected by altering are the behaviors caused by sex hormones, and I think this is now a widespread belief although there are still some veterinarians who erroneously believe that altering can fix fear-based biting.

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