Estimated U.S. Cities, Counties, States and Military Housing with Breed-Specific Laws (2020-2021)

The top three regulated dog breeds: pit bulls, rottweilers and wolf-dog hybrids. BSL Estimate 2020-2021 - Since 2011, we have maintained an estimate of breed-specific laws across the United States, including breed-specific policies governing military housing. A decade ago, all three major military divisions -- U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Air Force -- banned a group of dangerous dog breeds, chiefly pit bulls, rottweilers and wolf-dog hybrids, d… [Read full blog post]

2019 Dog Bite Fatality: Elderly Woman Dies After Dog Attack in Suffield; Attack Occurred at Home of Animal Activist

Pit Bull Belongs to HSUS Senior State Director Annie Hornish Janet D'Aleo, 95-years old, died November 6 after a severe dog attack in Suffield. $2 Million Settlement UPDATE 01/13/21: The family of Janet D'Aleo has reached a settlement for $2 million dollars in their lawsuit against the owners of the dog. In November 2019, a rescued pit bull belonging to former state representative Annie Hornish, who continues to be the Connecticut senior state director of the Humane Societ… [Read full blog post]

National Dog Bite Prevention Week (May 20-26, 2012)

The Good, The Perverse and The Uplifting - Last year during National Dog Bite Prevention Week, we noted that there is no National Dog Mauling Prevention Week, an even weightier public health matter than dog bites. The tips and tricks offered up during this national week to prevent a dog bite hardly address horrific dog maulings, mainly inflicted by pit bulls, which will attack indiscriminately and continue attacking until shot to death or nonlethal human inte… [Read full blog post]

8-State Simultaneous Dogfighting Sting; 450 Dogs Seized

Middle Class Crime UPDATE 07/11/09: As noted in comments, dogfighting is organized crime -- gambling and racketeering -- primarily carried out by middle class citizens. Participants are often valued members of the community as well. The recent Associated Press article names a registered nurse, Cris Bottcher, and a physical education teacher, Rick Hihath, as part of those arrested this past week. Both are charged with felony dogfighting crimes that occurred at Bottche… [Read full blog post]