Announcement: Releases New FAQ about Breed-Specific Legislation (BSL)

An analysis of 860 cities with breed-specific laws showed that pit bulls were named in 100% of these ordinances, followed in distant second by rottweilers, named in just 7%. Breed-Specific Legislation FAQ - Today we release our Breed-Specific Legislation FAQ that will empower advocates and city officials who support breed-specific laws. The FAQ drills down into the effectiveness of these ordinances, which breeds are involved and the three most common typ… [Read full blog post]

Maul Talk Manual 2.0: A Guide to Understanding the Language of Pit Bull Owners and Advocates

Maul Talk Manual - In September 2010, Maul Talk Manual Version 1.0, A Guide to Understanding the Language of Pit Bull Owners and Advocates, was launched. The manual is now in Version 2.0 and holds nearly 200 terms about the U.S. pit bull mauling epidemic. City officials considering breed-specific legislation should browse the manual, as you will interface with these terms and distortion tactics employed by pit bull owners, advocates and animal groups also tr… [Read full blog post] Publishes Rebuttal Letter in Defense of Texas Medical Study

Mortality, Mauling and Maiming by Vicious Dogs - In April 2011, the Annals of Surgery published a study about severe and fatal injuries inflicted by pit bulls, Mortality, Mauling and Maiming by Vicious Dogs, produced by Texas doctors. The study concluded: "Attacks by pit bulls are associated with higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than are attacks by other breeds of dogs. Strict regulation of pit bulls may substantial… [Read full blog post]

The DNA Paradox: Hired Gun Ledy VanKavage Flip-Flops Position on Pit Bull DNA

Dogfighting DNA Database San Francisco, CA - In September, the San Francisco affiliate of NPR, KQED, ran a segment about the Canine Combined DNA Index System, a DNA database of pit bulls seized in dogfighting raids. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) helped establish the database, which they dubbed the "Canine CODIS,"1 and hopes that it will help authorities connect dogfighting investigations across the country by creating multi-juri… [Read full blog post]