Anchorage Pit Bull Attack: Explosive Aggression, Immediate Unprovoked Attack, Executes the Killing Bite

The Mechanics of a "Classic" Unprovoked Pit Bull Attack Pit bull attack scene, Glencaren Court playground, and two men who helped rescue the child. Victim Hospitalized Anchorage, AK - Last Friday, a pit bull bolted out of a home and immediately attacked a 9-year old girl on a playground in Glencaren Court. The dog raced about 30-yards to the playground and latched onto the girl's head. While one man held onto the pit bull's collar, another man struck it hard with a crowbar sever… [Read full blog post]

Book Review: Misunderstood Nanny Dogs? A Critical and Objective Analysis of the Facts & Myths Concerning Pit Bulls

By J. Thomas Beasley Purchase on Amazon - This short, easy to read version of the pit bull problem today and the history of the pit bull breed is a must for supporters. At the cost of only $6.99, we recommend buying several copies, ready to give to friends and colleagues. In a free-flowing writing style, J. Thomas Beasley dives into the sobering pit bull mauling epidemic in our country, the primary false myths trumpeted by the pit bull lobby and pulls in pop culture fi… [Read full blog post]

Aurora Voters Favor Keeping Pit Bull Ban by Wide Margin in First General Election Vote

64% Voted in Favor of Keeping the City's Pit Bull Ban UPDATE: November 24, Final Election Results Final election results have been posted for all three counties. The final results for Proposition 2D in Adams County shows a 60% to 40% margin in favor of keeping the pit bull ban (total votes 6,744). Arapahoe County, which contains the bulk of the Aurora voters, shows a 65% to 35% margin in favor of keeping the pit bull ban (total votes 92,747). Douglas County, with only a small numbe… [Read full blog post]

Nonprofits Urge CDC to Resume Tracking Richer Data Set for Children and Adults Disfigured, Maimed and Killed by Dogs

"If the existing system fails to track critical data then fix the system so that it does." Joint Summary Statement - Last September, after the White House unwisely responded to a We the People1 petition pertaining to breed-specific legislation and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), wrote to CDC Director, Dr. Thomas Frieden. Our letter warned of the serious repercussions this response would have on local gover… [Read full blog post]