Franklin County Dog Owner Faces Felonies after Dog Pack Kills Two
Summer Beard and Michele Sheeks died after being attacked by the same pack of dogs.
Estate of ADPH Victim Sues
UPDATE 01/20/23: In December 2022, the estate of Jaqueline Summer Beard, an Alabama Department of Health employee, sued 29 parties, individuals and corporations, in connection to Beard’s mauling death on April 29, 2022. At the time of the attack, Beard had been investigating an attack at 96 Crumpton Road in Red Bay that occurred one day earlier by the same seven dogs, which sent 44-year old Michelle Sheeks to a trauma center in Mississippi, where she died in July.
Beard’s estate is suing the dog’s owner, Brandy Dowdy -- who currently faces two counts of manslaughter -- the property owner, Billy Joe Crumpton, two animal control officers, four officers from the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, Franklin County, AL, the Franklin County Emergency Communications District, the Franklin County 911 Call Center and 19 fictitious defendants whose conduct -- jointly and severally -- contributed to the cause of injuries and death of Beard.
On April 28, at about 10:50 am, after Sheeks had been attacked, animal control officers and other defendants went to Dowdy’s home to observe the dogs and talk to her. At least one of her dogs that had blood on it had previously bitten a boy on April 23. Beard spoke with the officers at the scene via phone, as well as to Dowdy, explaining that her dogs needed to be quarantined. Beard went to the Dowdy property the next day, under the belief the dogs had already been seized.
But the dogs had not been removed. The two animal control officers left the premises on April 28 without capturing or quarantining Dowdy’s dogs. At that time, the officers were driving an animal control truck equipped with catch poles and a tranquilizer gun. Dowdy contacted defendants later that day requesting that they remove and euthanize her dogs, but no Franklin County office, including the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office or 911 Call Center, responded to her request.
Beard arrived at Dowdy’s home at about 12:20 pm the next day, April 29, under the impression the dogs had been removed. Beard was attacked by the dog pack about 10 minutes later, after she had taped information to Dowdy’s door. Beard laid dead on the property until 5:30 pm, until a deputy was dispatched to the home due to a “suspicious vehicle” on the property, which was Beard’s. When the deputy arrived, he could not exit his vehicle because of the aggressive dogs.
Despite the dangerousness of the situation, and two violent attacks, deputies and arriving animal control officers still did nothing to capture the dogs on the 29th. Instead, neighbors were forced to shoot and kill the dogs themselves. Apparently, the reason being is because the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office’s (FCSO) was afraid of being sued. And or, the conflicting report that FCSO ordered no shootings of the dogs because of an “upcoming sheriff’s election,” alleges the lawsuit. also reports that Franklin County officials had knowledge of the vicious propensities of these dogs at least a year before the dog pack killed Beard. The 911 Call Center, sheriff’s deputies and animal control officers, “had actual knowledge that the dogs were unvaccinated; had been roaming at large in the area; attacking nearby animals and killing livestock; and biting neighbors for at least a year before Beard was violently attacked and killed by the dogs,” alleges the lawsuit.
07/13/22: Victim Dies While Hospitalized
On the morning of April 28, Michele Sheeks, 44, was walking down County Highway 11 south of Red Bay. When she got near Crumpton Road, a pack of dogs viciously attacked her. "They took her down and basically drug her probably about ten yards off the road, through a fire patch and barbed wire fence down in the edge of the pasture," her husband Wesley said back in May. She was airlifted to a hospital in Mississippi. Sheeks died while still hospitalized on July 12, 2022.
The morning after Sheeks was attacked, an Alabama public health employee drove to the dog owner's home on Crumpton Road to investigate Sheek's attack. Jacqueline Summer Beard never spoke to the dogs' owner. Beard was attacked and killed by the same dogs shortly after she got out of her vehicle. The owner of the dogs, Brandy Dowdy, 39, was arrested and charged with manslaughter and offenses under the state's dangerous dog law in connection to Beard's death.
The status updates on the fundraiser for Meeks are heartbreaking. She initially underwent multiple surgeries, including skin grafts on both arms, muscle grafts on both legs and "a skin graft to cover the muscle graft on each leg." By May 21, her husband Wesley reported there are "way too many procedures done at this point." By May 29, "both bacterial and fungal infection set up in both legs and said they still can't rule out the possibility of having to do some amputation," Wesley states.
On June 8, Wesley said, "Michele is now on a ventilator and we don't know for sure what is going on." On July 13, he announced on his Facebook page, "I lost the love of my life Michele Dill Sheeks last night around 10:50 pm." Doctors said, "her heart just stopped." Wesley told WHNT, "Unfortunately she never got the chance to leave that hospital." Sheeks died at the University of Mississippi Medical Center due to complications from the dog attack injuries late Tuesday night.
On June 16, Sheeks filed a civil lawsuit against Brandy Dowdy and her father Billy Joe Crumpton, who owns the premises where the dogs resided. The Complaint alleges multiple items, including that defendants "carelessly" managed the dogs that defendants "knew or should have known to be dangerous" and "negligently, wantonly, or recklessly failed to take reasonable steps to restrain, confine" the dogs, or take other reasonable actions that would have prevented the attack.
Franklin County Sheriff Shannon Oliver said that charges against Dowdy included a charge under the state's dangerous dog law (Emily's Law) for the attack inflicted on Sheeks. Oliver said that charge will be upgraded to manslaughter due to her death. As of July 10, Dowdy was back behind bars after being arrested for possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia. After this arrest, the State of Alabama filed a motion to revoke her bond in her manslaughter case.

On July 12, Michele Sheeks died of complications from the dog attack injuries she sustained.
05/08/22: More Details Released
On April 29, an Alabama public health employee went to a dog owner's home on Crumpton Road at about 10:00 am to investigate a serious dog attack that occurred a day earlier involving at least six dogs. She was mauled and killed by these same vicious dogs, likely just after getting out of her vehicle. Authorities found Jacqueline Summer Beard's body after receiving reports of a suspicious vehicle at the home at 6:00 pm. Beard had been lying dead near her car for up to eight hours.
The owner of the dogs, Brandy Dowdy, 39, was arrested and charged with manslaughter and offenses under the state's dangerous dog law.
Franklin County Sheriff Shannon Oliver stated that a person living at the dog owner's residence is who called in the suspicious vehicle. "Around 6:00 pm we received a call from a person that lives in the house that there was a suspicious vehicle in the yard," Oliver said. "She was on the property of the people where the dogs belonged to," Sheriff Oliver said. "We're not able to confirm if they heard anything, the people at the house, or if they were even there [at the time]," Oliver said.
One day earlier, the same pack of dogs bolted off the Crumpton Road property and attacked a woman walking down nearby Highway 11 South. Michele Sheeks was airlifted to North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo for treatment and then transferred to University Medical Center in Jackson, Mississippi. WAAY-TV reports that Sheeks is still hospitalized and will be for some time. Her husband, Wesley Sheeks, said the dogs jumped her all at once then drug her off the road.
"She had no idea they were there until they were on top of her," Wesley said. "They didn't come at her one at a time and just sort of tag team. They all jumped on her at once. They took her down and basically drug her probably about ten yards off the road, through a fire patch and barbed wire fence down in the edge of the pasture," he said. A neighbor first came to her aid that day, Wesley said. If the neighbor had not acted quickly, his wife might not be alive today, Wesley said.
The Red Bay News (who has since placed this article behind a pay wall), reports that Sheriff Oliver said it is believed Beard arrived at the home on Crumpton Road that morning at 10:00 am. "She went there to talk to the owners about putting the dogs up because they didn’t have their shots or signing them over to be euthanized," Sheriff Oliver said. Dowdy, who neighbors described as a "dog advocate" that "owned about 27 dogs," apparently was not home when Summer arrived.
After Sheeks was attacked by the dogs on April 28, Sheriff Oliver told The Red Bay News that when deputies and animal control went to the scene afterward, "the dogs that were there were friendly, and they petted them. There wasn't any problem." No information was provided about why the dogs remained on Dowdy's property after the first attack or what officials communicated to Dowdy, who not only possessed a pack of vicious dogs, but was potentially animal hoarding.
"ADPH investigates animal bites as part of its Environmental Health Program, due to potential risks for human rabies exposure. The safety of ADPH team members is paramount in day to day public health activities. Employees may, as part of their duties, carry out investigations or other visits individually. Employees may request and receive assistance with law enforcement, as needed." - Alabama Department of Public Health
Owner & Breeds Involved
Seven dogs believed to be involved in both attacks were euthanized, Sheriff Oliver said. The breeds of dogs involved have not been released. What is known is that Dowdy owns or has owned a pit bull in the past and that she is a pit bull advocate. In 2015, Dowdy and her then husband David acquired Rowdy, according to his Facebook page. The couple is no longer involved. It's unclear what became of Rowdy, or which partner took that dog after the two called it quits.
Dowdy's most recent public post about pit bulls was published on December 5, 2021, saying that pit bulls "have the biggest hearts and get treated the worst." On October 28, 2018 she posted a pit bull propaganda video by The Dodo -- "Pittie vs. very scary pineapple." On October 1, 2017, she posted a Pit Bull Awareness month meme. On May 19, 2017, Dowdy published a post, "If only people gave them a chance!! They are the most loving babies!! Stop breed discrimination!!"
City Discusses Pit Bulls
One month after the attacks involving Beard and Sheeks, Red Bay City Council began discussing the possibility of regulating pit bulls inside the city limits. "The topic was introduced during the council’s June 1 regular meeting, as Ordinance 20220615," reports the Franklin County Times. At that time, Red Bay Mayor Charlene Fancher stated that the new ordinance was in part due to the vicious attacks involving Beard and Sheeks, implying that pit bulls were involved in both attacks.
Red Bay Mayor Charlene Fancher said she wants everyone to understand the purpose of introducing an ordinance regulating the keeping and possession of pit bulls within the city limits.
“Just recently, the death and mauling of two women occurred as a result of a dog attack just outside the city limits -- and I mean just right out of the city limits,” Fancher emphasized. “The city experiences many incidents involving pit bull dogs.” - Franklin County Times
Fancher also wanted the new ordinance to address hoarding, another element involved in the Beard and Sheeks attacks. It was reported that Dowdy, who often advocated for pit bulls on her Facebook page, had 27 dogs on her property at the time of the fatal attacks. In March 2023, Fancher clarified pit bulls being involved in both attacks: “It started last summer when we had the horrific situation with the pit bulls,” she noted, referring to the attacks of Beard and Sheeks.

Brandy Dowdy is a longtime pit bull owner and advocate, according to her Facebook posts.

Brandy Dowdy previously owned a family pit bull named "Rowdy" that was acquired in 2015.
04/30/22: Multiple Victims; One Dead
Franklin County, AL - On Thursday, April 28, 2022, a woman walking along Highway 11 South near Crumpton Road, close to the Mississippi border, was attacked by six dogs that bolted out of a nearby yard. She was transported to the North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo then transferred to the University Medical Center in Jackson. The following day, the same dogs killed a state public health employee who had been trying to follow up with the owner of the dogs.
The Franklin County Sheriff's Office is investigating the death of a woman after a pack of dangerous dogs attacked her earlier today. Alabama Department of Public Health employee was following up on the dog attack from earlier this week when she was attacked by the same pack of dogs. The employee, Jacqueline Summer Beard, was located after someone called about a suspicious vehicle on Crumpton Road outside of Red Bay. When deputies arrived, they were met by residents on Crumpton road. Several dogs started attacking the residents when deputies were there, and one person received minor injuries. Some of the dogs had to be euthanized immediately. When the deputies started investigating the suspicious vehicle, they located the body of Jacqueline Beard. Franklin County Coroner Charlie Adcox was summoned and pronounced Beard deceased. Beard was following up on an incident that had been reported to Franklin County Animal Control where a lady was attacked by a pack of dogs earlier this week. It is believed that Beard was attacked as she was attempting to contact the dog’s owner when she was killed by the dogs. Investigators have arrested Brandy Dowdy for Manslaughter and Dangerous Dog law, (Emily’s Law). - Franklin County Sheriff's Office
The investigation into the second victim's attack began after someone called in a suspicious vehicle on Crumpton Road south of Red Bay. Arriving deputies were met by residents. As they gathered on the roadside, several dogs started attacking the residents. Multiple dogs were dispatched at the scene. When deputies began investigating the suspicious vehicle, they located the body of Jacqueline Summer Beard, 58, an Alabama Department of Public Health employee.
The owner of the dogs, Brandy Lee Dowdy, 39, was arrested and charged with manslaughter and violations of the state's Dangerous Dog law named after Emily Colvin. If a canine "attacks and causes serious physical injury or death to a person, and the owner of the dog had prior knowledge of the dangerous propensities of the dog, yet demonstrated a reckless disregard of the propensities under the circumstances, the owner of the dog shall be guilty of a Class C felony."
Franklin County Sheriff Shannon Oliver said the first victim, who has yet to be identified, remains hospitalized in Mississippi and was in "pretty serious condition." Seven dogs were involved in the attacks, according to Oliver, some were euthanized at the scene Friday. No dogs were seized by authorities after the first attack. No breed descriptions were released by authorities. Depending upon what investigators learn, Dowdy could be charged under Emily's Law for both attacks.

People are saying prayers for the first victim who remains hospitalized with serious injuries.

Brandy Lee Dowdy, 39, was charged with manslaughter after her pack of dogs killed a woman.
April 10 to April 29
Since April 10, at least eight people in the U.S. have been killed by dogs. All of these victims were adults, 38-years and older. At least five of the attacks involved multiple dogs and six deaths, 75%, involved females 42-years and older. In most of the attacks, 5 of 8, breed data was not released by police because the attacks were unwitnessed and the data was likely unknown, or in the Kewanee and Wichita cases, both male deaths, the breed data was apparently just withheld.
Related articles:
04/05/18: 2017 Dog Bite Fatality: Pit Bulls Kill 24-Year Old Woman in Jackson County, Alabama
10/20/20: 2020 Dog Bite Fatality: Woman Killed by a Pack of Dogs in Walker County, Alabama
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
Don’t animal control officers carry guns? I am wondering whether this investigator carried a gun.
It sounds like she made it back to her car but perhaps she never was able to actually leave the car given the pack was so large.
She was with the Health Dept. it says. But still, you are going out to investigate a pack of (obvious) pitbulls and you have no backup or a way to defend yourself?
I know very few animal control officers that are armed with lethal force. Most municipalities do not issue stun guns or mace either. Too worried that the public might complain. When I was on the road, I was issued a radio, catch pole, and cell phone. So glad that is no longer my primary job. At least in a shelter environment there are back up personal, if you get on the wrong side of a fence,with the wrong dog.
Dog owners continue to raise their status and virtue signal over the decades with this trend starting in the late 80s-early 90s. They went from dog owners to calling themselves dog parents and dog rescuers. Now dog advocate? Is this supposed to be another term for the so called rescuers.
Concerning this case, I am hoping strict laws and the fact that one of the victims was a government employee on duty and directly related to the dogs will result in real consequences. Clearly brandy did not deem another woman’s hospital action serious to change her ways.
I’m with you on this language nonsense, Christy.
If this person was a “dog advocate” she wouldn’t own 27 dogs. She’d be in court and in public media advocating for all those dogs pitbulls are killing. She wouldn’t have time to care for 27 dogs because she’d be up to her eyeballs in court documents.
Advocates advocate for victims not perpetrators. Somehow I doubt this was a pack of battered beagles.
Someone who “owns” a dog is responsible for it and its care and behaviour while under their care. If they sell it, or give it away, they are responsible if it’s damaged or dangerous.
“Parents” are not permanently responsible for the actions of their children and “rescuers” aren’t permanently responsible for those they rescue.
Sellers *are* responsible for selling defective merchandise to an unsuspecting public.
This language is deliberately designed to abrogate responsibility and liability.
A woman was *murdered* doing her job investigating dogs that had already committed criminal assault. If this was a cop, there’d be zero public sympathy on the side of the offenders.
Clear language, matters.
Me? I am people advocate. My motto?
People First
My gosh… what a municipal fail. Allowing a pack of dangerous dogs to roam after the 1st attack.
I know it’s not the first time the same pack is suspected of killing multiple people, but is this the first time they killed an official investigating a prior death?
I can’t believe we’re at this point. Dogs did not do this even 20 years ago. We went from dogs killing adults being worthy of GMA coverage to it being a local news item only.
Sorry, my mistake, just noticed that the first victim is alive. That’s a relief, anyway.
This is why dog social workers need to go away and we must go back to dog police. Weaponized killer dogs are more popular than ever yet cities and counties are sending animal control officers out to follow up on serious attacks with a clip board.
Quite likely the purpose of the follow up wasn’t to prosecute the owner and seize the dogs (notice they say she was in a car, not a truck fit for impounding dogs). More likely she was there to make sure the precious dogs were not being mistreated. Lip service might have been paid to keeping them penned up. After all the poor widdle pupper woofles could have gotten hit by a car.
If the woman that was killed was out there to prosecute and size dogs, then we lost a good ACO. So many are in the Mark Kumpf mold that look for any excuse to not do their jobs and then brag about all the money they are saving buy not impounding dogs. Then they turn around and store pits that no one wants for years.
This woman’s family needs to sue the agency that sent her to the scene of a previous pack mauling with no way to defend herself. If they won’t arm the ACOs they should demand police escort when following up on a mauling.
I hate that damn breed- I’ve worked in an emergency room for several decades, where dog bites are a not uncommon occurrence.
With the exception of a Rottweiler over 20 years ago, all of the deaths and severe disfigurements are from pit bulls.
I also own a rural home, with a neighbor (about a quarter mile down the road) who has a pit bull that occasionally gets off the leash. It seems to be a good-natured dog (seemingly like they all are up to the minute they viciously attack), but whenever I see it on my property, I load the 12 guage.
A loose dog on your rural property is most likely considered a nuisance animal in your state ( check state and local laws). You should be able to shoot said pit bull without legal problems. If the owner is letting it run loose even occasionally the destruction of the dog would be considered his or her fault. If the laws are against you in your state, remember the “Three S’’s”, Shoot, Shovel and Shut up.
Another pack of dogs mauling….Lincoln County, OK.
Watch “Oklahoma man, 65, mauled by pack of wild dogs: ‘The worst thing I’ve ever seen as far as a dog injur” on YouTube
Make sure you go to the regular YT version, which is slightly longer.
These pack-of-dogs maulings surely should alert the CDC that our nation’s public health is in jeopardy. Access to The Great Outdoors has been getting blocked further each year. We should be able to go out for a walk without fear. Doctors generally prescribe getting more exercise.
Attacks by one pitbull are bad enough. What does it take to shake the CDC from its complacency in not reporting on this public health issue for over 20 years now?
There is no sane reason anyone should be able to have so many dogs on their property. Why is this legal? At some point there needs to be a limit. Especially if the owner knows the beasts are aggressive.
Law and Crime. Website by Dan Abrams, ABC News legal consultant. Has webpage called
Latest Dog Mauling Stories
Alabama Woman Charged With Manslaughter After Her 7 Dogs Allegedly Mauled Government Worker to Death as She Investigated Prior Dog Attack
Does the woman charged in the mauling have a criminal record. Criminals love pit bulls
Someone on reddit caught some screen shots of the dog ‘owner’s’ social media before it was scrubbed:
The dog owner was into pit bulls.
The Lady who was attacked on Thursday, Michele Dill Sheeks, is my sister. She is lucky to be alive. She is still fighting for her life. She may have to have amputations. The Alabama Law on Leashes needs to improve so this doesn’t happen again!
Sherry, I have been praying daily for your sister and her anguished husband Leebo by name since Colleen posted Leebo’s social media’s request for prayer. I am sure others here are doing the same. May the Lord comfort you all at this time as Michelle gathers strength.
Michele’s husband’s name is Wesley.
Hoping for the best for your sister. My best to you all.
Nobody should be in fear for their life just to do their job. I’m going to assume she took this job because she liked animals.
Leash laws and BSL (where it applies) are only as powerful as the policy and willingness to enforce them. Sadly, your sister was attempting to rectify such a situation when she was mauled. Had these dogs been apprehended and BE’ed after the first attack, the attack on your sister would not have happened.
Please keep us posted on your sister’s health.
So much pain has been caused by one women’s “dog advocacy.” Pain inflicted on others who have never agreed to support or participate in her “advocacy.”
Thanks for this update, Colleen.
Re this pack’s Victim #2, Michele Sheeks, the visual image in my mind of a full-grown adult being dragged by pitbulls from the attack site is so repulsive. We have read this a number of times before, including children being dragged elsewhere.
Maulings are not accidents. Owners should always be charged. The law should make them accept full responsibility.
Apologies….Michele Sheeks is Victim #1.
Today’s update on Victim #2 gives the location of Jacqueline Summer Beard’s death by the ravaging pitbull pack. We remember Ms. Beard’s service to her community and our country.
“She was on the property of the people where the dogs belonged to,” Sheriff Oliver said. “We’re not able to confirm if they heard anything, the people at the house, or if they were even there [at the time],” Oliver said”
Sounds like some real nice people living in that house.
Yeah, I just love the report of that *suspicious* vehicle.
What stood out to me. When they showed up the day of the first attack, they were petting the pit bulls because they were so sweet. So I guess that made it easy for them to just ignore that they had just savaged a women? That is exactly what I get when the pit have ran at me, head down, snarling and even when I say they have grabbed my jeans and only retreated when my husband grabbed his boat paddle and was swinging it. I have had video of them raging at me when they are loose and I am behind my fence that I managed to slam shut just in time and the animal control officer comes out and tells me that she petted it and it is sweet. They are as much responsible for the death of the lady the next day as the owner. I am sorry but you can’t be in that business and unaware of the dangers of the pit bulls these days. They can be friendly, then kill, then turn off until next time
Apparently it is OK for dogs to injure people to the point they need a Life Flight as long as the dogs will accept pets from animal control. Absolutely enraging. If they had seized the dogs the day of the first attack their coworker would still be alive.
Speaking of enraging, I was right she wasn’t there to seize the dogs or write tickets. . “She went there to talk to the owners about putting the dogs up because they didn’t have their shots or signing them over to be euthanized,” Sheriff Oliver said.
So if your unvaccinated dogs roam free and nearly kill someone AC will come “talk to you about putting them up”. Break the the law and then be begged to comply with the law as a punishment.
“After Sheeks was attacked by the dogs on April 28, Sheriff Oliver told The Red Bay News that when deputies and animal control went to the scene afterward, “the dogs that were there were friendly, and they petted them. There wasn’t any problem.” No information was provided about why the dogs remained on Dowdy’s property after the first attack or what officials communicated to Dowdy, who not only possessed a pack of vicious dogs, but was potentially animal hoarding.”
Sounds like the Sheriff and deputies should be charged with manslaughter too.
“They are the most loving babies!!!”
That breed displays just as much “love” while it fatally tears and shakes an actual human baby as it does when it gives one “doggie kisses”.
The “I petted them so they must not be dangerous” is the biggest load of hokum ever conceived.
Even dogs who only snarl, yip, bark or nip don’t do it to *everyone*.
I’ve seen dogs that only bite one gender. I’ve seen dogs that only bite or attack those that are weaker/stronger. I’ve trained a dog that “Oh, he only bites my husband” (until it bit me–it actually bit anyone who didn’t kowtow to its whims)–fortunately it was too small to be a real threat.
Watch at a dog park. There are often dogs that only bully smaller/elderly/disabled dogs and certain dogs that will only challenge tougher dogs.
Lots of biting dogs won’t bite the dog trainer. That doesn’t make them *not* dangerous.
“It didn’t bite ME” doesn’t make a dog safe to be in society.
Stupidest statement I’ve ever heard.
Wesley Sheeks and Sherry Locklear, my sincere condolences on the loss of your loved one, Michelle. I have been praying for her. Now she is out of pain. May the Lord continue to comfort you with your memories of happy times with Michelle.
Wesley and Sherry, my apologies for misspelling your beloved Michele’s name.
I am so sorry. Brandy destroyed lives. I don’t want her to be let off the hook for this, as so many owners of dangerous dogs are.