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16 thoughts on “2023 Unreported Dog Bite Fatality: Family Files Federal Lawsuit After Woman Killed by Son's Known Vicious Dogs

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  1. The family publicly accused the son of intentionally killing his mother, in the funeral fundraiser. Yet he continues to reside in her house with a pack of dogs. Evil people will perpetrate and get away with any brutality if no authority can or will be asserted over them.

  2. I think they’re blaming the wrong person here.they should solely blame her son Alex .he they know he have dangerous dogs but they still let her lived with why won’t they let her lived with her daughter or granddaughter or assisted living .why did they choose him over any other family members.

  3. If he really cared about his Chihuahua he wouldn’t have a pack of large, vicious dogs around to kill it.
    This exemplifies the price of NOT putting vicious dogs down and giving them endless opportunities to kill.
    The real answer is pits should not be pets anymore so than alligators, tigers or bears; and people who insist on having them should have to meet the same containment and insurance standards.

  4. Does anyone looking at the pictures believe those dogs are German shepherd dogs or any variety of shepherd?
    Certainly I hope they don’t go into statistics as shepherd dogs. I can accept them calling pitbulls terriers, as the breed is American pitbull terrier. However, personally I think terriers are cute little hairy dogs.

    I assume the elderly woman felt like she had no place to go so she could have a safe place to live. I don’t think criminal charges have been levied against the dogs’ owner

    • Yes. We are disturbed by this. It could be geographical, something about Mexico/Texas “border dogs.” There is a “default” shepherd-mix, as opposed to a default mixed-breed. A “shepherd mix” isn’t a German shepherd mix, just like a “terrier mix” isn’t a cute toy terrier breed (in the case of a fatal mauling).

    • They look like they have some Boxer in them (their complexion, etc.). The issue now-a-days is that people are mixing all types of dogs together. I don’t know if this contributes to their “attacking” behavior, however, many stories are coming out with all of these mixed type dogs (especially with pits, staffies, bullies, & mastiffs) attacking people.

  5. Another sad ending by the pit cult and their demons. Like others have said it’s convenient and suspicious how his monsters killed his mother and he will most likely end up with her home. Seems we have seen this scenario before. The new murder weapon could be on the rise.

    And yes lots of guilty around but I am hoping the city pays a steep financial price. I have been saying for far too many years that financial pain may bring changes.

  6. I don’t see this going anywhere.
    Looks like she was the owner of the property.

    As such she could have had her son trespassed off of the property and then singed the dogs over to the pound.

    Or she could have told him he could stay but the dogs had to go.

    Instead it appears she allowed him to fill her lot up with dogs and those dogs killed her.

    Sadly we don’t have a civil right to not be mauled to death by dogs.
    More and more it seems dogs have more rights than people.

    I would love to be wrong but I just don’t see this going anywhere.

    I agree with other commenters that the family should be going after the son.
    I suspect he has much shallower pockets than the city.

    • I’ve seen similar scenarios in this neighborhood. Goes like this:

      Upstanding homeowner has rotten kids and/or grandkids. The rotten ones move in, take over the place, and intimidate the homeowner into submission.

      In other words, it’s elder abuse.

      • That is exactly what happened here. We looked closely at the houses, neighborhood, and the dogs in the area not wanting pit bulls. No signs of large dogs, a few small ones belonging to people we talked and met. Then one person suddenly sold, and we had huge dogs next door. At least they are behind a fence but one was so aggressive it has caused lasting damage to our relationship with the neighbor. It was not my job to try and make friends with a raging 130-pound dog. Then someone else had family move in, guess what they brought pits. Then found out one home the place looked quiet and decent because the son had been in jail for 2 years. Moves in with grandma, there are pit bulls. Same in yet another house. Grandma had her yorkies that you only saw in the window disappear, sure we know what happened to them. Now I don’t even garden in the front yard unless someone else around if I sound the alarm.

      • It sounds like they did:
        “The Complaint stresses that family members repeatedly filed complaints about Aranda’s dogs to the Pharr Police Department, its Public Works Department, and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, warning of the eminent danger these dogs posed to Manteca, but the city “failed to investigate or intervene in any meaningful way, despite the clear and escalating danger.””
        The victim was 91 years old. I cannot stress enough the fact that this woman most likely lived her last days in fear and hopelessness.
        Dr. Duke, I highly doubt this poor victim had any say in what her son did or how many dogs he owned. There is a balance of power between a parent and their children. As a parent ages, that balance tips so that the children have more power and the parent has less. The son did exactly what he wanted.

    • Just a quick update. Though we did not find property records for the son on the county tax accessor website, he is shown as #2 on the property (as in there were 2 structures) in an internet search. There was also a “power of attorney” request 9 days after the attack (1/19/23) to remove 3 dogs that allegedly were not involved in the attack (See: page 8). So, while the victim was incapacitated in the hospital, there was a legal order, via power of attorney, to remove the remaining dogs on the property. It’s unclear if the city will respond to any specific allegations in the lawsuit, or if they will just move to have it dismissed.

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