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4 thoughts on “Ohio's Weak Dangerous Dog Laws: 4-Part Investigation by Collaboration of News Organizations

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  1. It’s hard to believe OH is still such a mess. The guy running for Governor sounds promising, but who knows till he gets in office. I’ve only been to OH once, we took the highways most of the trip, I was surprised at how many stray dogs we saw on the side of the road, most alive. Coincidence or not due to their laws I don’t know.

  2. Methinks that this situation is going to need more than just Breed-Specific Legislation. It will also need Breed-Specific Litigation.

    Bring on the lawsuits.

    And name Best Fiends as a defendant. It’s called following the money.

  3. Most laws involving humans do not permit them to commit a crime a SECOND time before having to pay the price…why are dogs more important than people?

    I really, really, really appreciate your focusing on this important issue. It needs to be better understood by the public…we all love good dogs, but allowing them to repeatedly harm people? One of the FIRST functions of government is protection for the community…why live in groups if not for united protection. The vicious dog incidents arguably outstrip, for example, heinous crime coming from immigrants…let’s put our priorities in order. The vulnerable are most likely to be the victims.

  4. Dog laws seem to be weak just about everywhere, which of course was not such a big problem before bloodsport dogs were rebranded as pet animals.
    It’s past time they were rebranded to up the responsibility level for such a dangerous creature.

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