A man was killed by multiple pit bull-mixes after trying to save his own dog in northwest Houston.
Man Killed by Dogs
Houston, TX - A 69-year old man was killed by multiple dogs in northwest Houston Wednesday.1 The attack occurred around 4:15 pm in the 5500 block of Sheraton Oaks Drive, which is between Antoine Drive and the West Oaks Bayou, according to police. Arriving officers found the man still being attacked by one of the dogs in his backyard. As officers approached him, one of the dogs charged an officer, who fired on the animal, striking it. The dogs then fled through a fence.
According to police, they believe the victim was inside his home, heard a commotion in his backyard and discovered that his own dog was being attacked by two or three dogs belonging to his neighbor that had escaped their fencing. He went outside to intervene and the neighbor’s dogs attacked, mauled and killed him. No breed information has been released by police. However, dog-on-dog “killing aggression” displayed just before a human fatal attack often involves pit bulls.
A neighbor described the victim’s dog as small. They also said the victim had visible physical disabilities. Police did not release the victim’s name.
On Thursday, a day after we reported this attack, BARC, the city of Houston’s Animal Shelter and Adoption Center, identified the neighbor’s attacking dogs as Staffordshire terrier-mixes -- a name interchangeable with pit bull-mixes. Those dogs remain in custody at BARC. The victim’s dog that was initially attacked, sadly had to be euthanized due to the extent of its injuries. Investigators are still trying to determine how the neighbor’s dogs were able to escape their owner's property.
Harris County and Nearby
Last year, four people were killed by dogs inside or near Harris County, Texas. Drué Parker, 4-years old, was killed by four pit bulls in February while visiting his aunt’s home in Baytown. Nicolas Vasquez, 51-years old, died on June 19 after being attacked by three loose pit bulls in Huffman. Freddy Garcia, 71-years old, was killed by seven loose pit bull-mixes in July in Fresno (south of Houston). A 42-year old man was killed by multiple loose dogs in Channelview in August.

The map shows the boundaries of Harris County and five fatal dog attacks in the last year.
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Related articles:
06/22/22: 2022 Dog Bite Fatality: Man Dies After Violent Dog Attack in Harris County
07/19/22: 2022 Dog Bite Fatality: Man Killed by Pack of Pit Bull-Mixes in Fresno Area
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
its pits or rotts its not doodles
With this many deaths by dangerous dogs this early in the year, one would think it was summer.
A dangerous breed ban would have saved this guys life.
Houston has declared that it will never have BSL since the 90s when these attacks by specific breeds were ramping up. Texas doesn’t allow state level breed bans but a few cities have declared pit bulls as dangerous, including Magnolia (north of Houston), where 3 pit bulls attacked a woman in June 2022, dragged her into a ditch while she was out walking. The owner was charged with 3rd degree felony, not seeing any update.
CC, no further updates on DBO since 2 months ago. I was hoping to hear more about R’s condition. Please let us know when you find further updates about her continuing recovery or about the 3rd degree felony sentencing.
Breed bans? Sure.
But it’s not enough to have them on the books. They need to be enforced. And many of them aren’t.
THIS^^^^1000x THIS^^^ from Quiet
We have BSL. There’s pitbulls all over the place. None of the owners follow the muzzle laws. None. Now we are adopting them out from shelters and pounds *again*. Some are walking around unleashed.
These laws are useless unless enforced.
The easiest and cheapest enforcement would be that if a pitbull is seen outside and it is not neutered and wearing a muzzle it is confiscated and euthanized. Same with loose ones.
Because pitnutters are not going to “get it” until the penalty is extracted from the lives of the dogs they claim to love so much.
They love them so much that they are breeding them like cockroaches and taking away all the shelter space available for gentle, adoptable dogs while pitbulls run rampant.
It’s been over a decade in many places and pitbulls just keep proliferating.
the dog that just killed four year old in UK is being described as ‘American bulldog”
A man is dead. If the breed is not behind this death, then why go to such great lengths to cover it up?
What’s wrong with people nowadays? Sheez!
Well, let’s see……
What breed has the drive and stamina to kill and redirect from its original target ……..hmmmm 🤔
This is an article out of the UK where they’re experiencing an uptick in dog attacks. As one of our commenters referenced, a 4-year-old perished this past week. Also, a 28-year-old professional dog walker was killed by some of the dogs in her group. (I think we can rule out the 2 Dachshunds in the pack.) So far, authorities are not giving any other breed information. This UK article does what almost no US paper will do.
daily death https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/new-mexico-state-police-investigating-deadly-dog-attack-in-tucumcari/ar-AA1734T2
Teresa, thanks for alerting us to this comprehensive article at The Mirror. It seems there are increases in dangerous dog maulings in South Africa and India as well. A global calling out banning dangerous dogs is in order. Glad the TV news commentator in Australia already called this type of death a “national disgrace.”
Yes, it’s a global problem. The UK dog walker case is interesting. This article says, she had to be identified by dental records. Still no mention of the breeds involved. Of course, that says it all. In the UK people can get a Staffordshire Bull Terrier to get around the pitbull ban. In fact, a friend of the deceased woman mentioned she (the victim) had previously owned one.
Sure a small dog killed him what was toy poodles.everyone in the world know toy poodle are the most vicious dangerous dog ever they killed people without warning.it either the one breed that kill a pitbull they don’t want mention the breed because the pro pitbull will tear them down.
No not toy poodles, ask any pit bull psychopath it’s definitely the 2 pound Chihuahua! I mean some of those dogs even get up to 5 whole pounds and then you can count on the daily death toll going through the roof! And of course there’s no doubt that once you get mauled by a 2 pound Chihuahua you’re going to need extensive plastic surgery for the rest of your life!
It IS the breed! I can’t stand people who say ‘it’s all how the dog is trained’ (or not trained) I also can’t stand people who say ‘chihuahuas and Labs bite more often’ maybe, but those breeds are not regularly killing people.
When bully dog USERS bring up number of bites or “aggression”, they are changing the subject.
After all,
human toddlers can bite and be aggressive.
We’re here because we know that it is insane to permit convicted and admitted dog fighters to continue to breed for unprovoked, neutral ground, suicidal, deadly aggression, and to sell and ship game insane dogs around the country and the world.
I’m curious whether BARC lists all incoming dogs including bite cases as there’s a lost dogs search of impounded dogs yet I’m not seeing several pit bull type dogs on that date, though there are 4 purebred GSD. Maybe bite cases aren’t publicly visible though they should be. My main concern is the dogs being available to rescue, which this shelter will do with bite cases.
So, the name of this shelter is BARC. How cute.
Having battled neighbors over barking for YEARS, let’s just say that a shelter called BARC would not get any of my support. Ever.
Houston and Harris County need to up their game with animal control.